תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 6   בוקר על ידי: 22 users
04.08.2024 - 09:15
Hello, it is possible to break enemy walls the same turn you join. For example, you join turn 5 and you can break the enemies wall (you can't attack the cities though). You need to declare war the same turn though for it to work I am pretty sure. Is that a bug or a game feature? https://prnt.sc/XWRe0EC-C1sy
04.08.2024 - 09:16
I think yeah. MrHendrix and stupid kid dit it like 50 times and they never been banned, so I think it's not illegal
04.08.2024 - 09:17
To report a bug, you must follow the format: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=39713
04.08.2024 - 09:18
I will reupload the format version later.
28.08.2024 - 16:47
נכתב על ידי evqze, 04.08.2024 at 09:15

Hello, it is possible to break enemy walls the same turn you join. For example, you join turn 5 and you can break the enemies wall (you can't attack the cities though). You need to declare war the same turn though for it to work I am pretty sure. Is that a bug or a game feature? https://prnt.sc/XWRe0EC-C1sy

That city is not walled

29.08.2024 - 02:01
נכתב על ידי Oleg, 28.08.2024 at 16:47

נכתב על ידי evqze, 04.08.2024 at 09:15

Hello, it is possible to break enemy walls the same turn you join. For example, you join turn 5 and you can break the enemies wall (you can't attack the cities though). You need to declare war the same turn though for it to work I am pretty sure. Is that a bug or a game feature? https://prnt.sc/XWRe0EC-C1sy

That city is not walled

It was walled, I attacked the wall. I can show you a better screenshot later on.

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