נכתב על ידי Helly, 31.07.2018 at 17:54
I kicked unleashed as his head wasnt right I did not want him to purge our clan or do something foolish out of spite like he did with world war two. It's not hypocracy for trying to do a nice thing for someone. He betrayed us not the other way around like your trying to spin it. I admitted my mistake for even trying to help him in the first place, but I dont regret my choice. In another life on another world maybe my kindness would of helped unleashed and he could of played ww2 for years to come unfortunatly this just simply wasnt the case.
I hope you learned your lesson. Theres a lot of truth to what fappy is saying particularly regarding you and tunder somewhat acting as enablers. Some people are beyond redemption but you came to me convinced unleashed could be helped and that the modteam had somehow failed him. While i expected his self destruction i thought at least wed get some good maps and games out of him before it. I never expected him to take an axe to ww2 like he did though. It's a real pity. Definitely the best scenario i've played on aw by a longshot and we had pretty much nailed the overall balance. Tik-toks version just doesn't measure up.
If tinder doesnt hurry up with his version I'll take over and reinstate the damn near perfect version prior to unleasheds meltdown.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.
Is WW2 up now?
yes but i dont think the previous nerfs and buffs are implemented
נכתב על ידי boywind2, 03.08.2018 at 06:40
Is WW2 up now?
yes but i dont think the previous nerfs and buffs are implemented
Alright cool, I don't have much time to play but hope to join some Saturday or Sunday.
Give me the capability to edit the scenario and you'll witness the best balanced scenario ever since im aware of how aw works and of any possible abuse out of any stuff that i'd see
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
נכתב על ידי Helly, 02.08.2018 at 23:08
נכתב על ידי Helly, 31.07.2018 at 17:54
I kicked unleashed as his head wasnt right I did not want him to purge our clan or do something foolish out of spite like he did with world war two. It's not hypocracy for trying to do a nice thing for someone. He betrayed us not the other way around like your trying to spin it. I admitted my mistake for even trying to help him in the first place, but I dont regret my choice. In another life on another world maybe my kindness would of helped unleashed and he could of played ww2 for years to come unfortunatly this just simply wasnt the case.
I hope you learned your lesson. Theres a lot of truth to what fappy is saying particularly regarding you and tunder somewhat acting as enablers. Some people are beyond redemption but you came to me convinced unleashed could be helped and that the modteam had somehow failed him. While i expected his self destruction i thought at least wed get some good maps and games out of him before it. I never expected him to take an axe to ww2 like he did though. It's a real pity. Definitely the best scenario i've played on aw by a longshot and we had pretty much nailed the overall balance. Tik-toks version just doesn't measure up.
If tinder doesnt hurry up with his version I'll take over and reinstate the damn near perfect version prior to unleasheds meltdown.
Spreading misinformation seems to be your specialty. If you want to know the truth about who "lost", refer back to this thread, last post: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=38234
I did not quit because I lost, idiot. But for a reason your spineless self cannot comprehend.
At least be thankful I was nice and did not touch one, not even one, member in that failure of a coalition of yours. I left it alone. You could at least appreciate that, instead of spreading nonsense around, and backstabbing me.
But, I think you have other things to worry about now: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=38327
Never forget: you BEGGED me to join your coalition, not the other way around I never needed it, nor do I believe it will end up as anything but just another failed attempt.
The reason you left is you turned the entire community against you, then blew your lid when chess and romania purposely let you die. Your actions caused your out come on this game. No matter how many times I tried to console you to just ignore them you would not. Infact you went after them with bait topics yourself then wonder why everyone turned on you. You have serious mental health issues and it cant be solved by just ignoring your rude and aggressive behavior. I was one of the only people to try and give you a chance on atwar, I really did hope what you told me was sincere and youd turn things around for yourself and we could build a nice coalition and make maps together. Unfortunately you rather shit post all day and complian when people retaliate. Like I said in numerous other threads I apologize for ever sticking up for a terrible human being like yourself, who in the end betrayed even his only friends on this game.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.
Even tunder fails to blame chess and lao, and finds excuses for trolling behaviour. His lack of courage, and blurry personal boundaries will lead him to a shitty unhappy life.
you don't deserve to address me by name, if you don't have the decency to talk to me in private.
I was banned from ww2 , no withdrawal for me :c
Kaska החשבון נמחק |
Hahah. It's a pleasure seeing you all going through ww2 drug withdrawal. It will never be the same without me.
Yet, you continue to ignore the problem: the trolls, and chess.
Ask andartes, had the same thing done to him, then they banned him.
You all check for my newest posts like addicted rats. Sorry to inform you but tunder has been making accounts with my name playing you all.
Even tunder fails to blame chess and lao, and finds excuses for trolling behaviour. His lack of courage, and blurry personal boundaries will lead him to a shitty unhappy life.
Such a fleeting moment in time. Nothing remains. Everything ends.
Keep digging man u'll find oil.
נכתב על ידי Guest, 06.08.2018 at 01:36
I'll mail tiktok and have him remove his ww2 too.
None of you fucking deserve to WW2.
Did you send it via pinpal?
Ok i admit it
I logged Unleashed's account and deleted the WW2
Mods please unban my main account
I did that because i wanted to create my own version
נכתב על ידי sirivann, 06.08.2018 at 00:58
I was banned from ww2 , no withdrawal for me :c
You are being banned from all scenarios here because you always act like a troll, in WW2, GGG's, WWI and every game you join. yes, you have slills, but skills doesn't matter if you don't have humility. Peace.
נכתב על ידי sirivann, 06.08.2018 at 00:58
I was banned from ww2 , no withdrawal for me :c
You are being banned from all scenarios here because you always act like a troll, in WW2, GGG's, WWI and every game you join. yes, you have slills, but skills doesn't matter if you don't have humility. Peace.
lmao please enlighten me on what scenarios im banned from apart from unleashed im curious xD