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הודעות: 2   בוקר על ידי: 41 users
19.01.2024 - 11:22
I'm trying to understand how missiles work. I've been wrecked multiple times in my game where I have a stack of units (eg 5 super tanks, 10 infantry) aboard a transport that gets attacked by a missile. Every time the transport survives and all the units die. When I try to attack any enemy's stack of bombers, for example, only 1 of the bombers is killed. Am I losing because my units are on a boat or air transport? If so, why are the transports surviving and all the other units are dying? If I had a stack of missiles, would they all die if attacked by one bomber?
19.01.2024 - 18:22
 Witch-Doctor (מנהל)
What map are you playing? We need to know the stats of the missiles, bombers, and air transports in question.

Can you provide some screenshots and more info.

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