05.03.2022 - 12:09
So this guide isnt made by me, it was made by either Bubartemius or internet explore i do not remember to say for sure but what i want to say is that i am posting this after my clan members fell for the cause they believed in and for the people who i was friends back in the day and now are gone. I really dont want this to be lost in some random pms and i will post this and idc for anyone liking this or not again i repeat this was made by bubartemius and/or internet explore. Russian empire General review: It's pretty hard country as it has no inf till t21 (except Poland, but you well lose it t4-5) as you will be rushed from Prussia (it has increased reinf for the first week) with its Overpowered units. You will have many hardships as you must encounter powerful revolutionary units (Communist vanguard Units from Prussia) all over Russia and must manage a lot of units in a small amount of time frame (Usually 5 min) as you must spam many giant walls just to survive the invasion from Prussia and the breach of Caucasus from the Ottoman Empire. An example of how t1 "Troop movements and walls" should somewhat look like for Russia on t1. ![]() ![]() Starting income: 3635 Reinf: 233 (121 in Russia,15 in Caucasus => 97 art can be made per reinf against Prussia (679 attack for imp/pd with cons over 1k attack first week) (or 66 art and 31 cossacks (648 attack for imp,679 for pd) Strategies: imp, pd (half of its reinf dont have art until t24 so better pick inf oriented strat) OR Premium Strats: HW Tactics: 1) Prussia Rush: In order for this to have a higher chance of succeeding you must choose the strategy "PD" and max spam art and cossacks to corss into Prussian territory. Don't forget about cons from Russia as you'll need them to get stack bonus over your enemy (Prussia) while having a high defense in your stack. It's recommended to have need inf upgrade while playing Russia to reduce the cost of every unit spammed which will save you a ton of money, but it's highly recommended that UK funds you if you are not imp (pd is better as cons has 2 attacks instead of 1) merge units into 1 stack and unless Prussia is premium or spammed inf you can kill it's stack. If Prussia evades your own army for any possible reason you can rush Prussia, but be sure to not lose Kiev, its fine if you lose few countries once he retreats as you will possible take them back with the nearby cities you have. When advancing into Prussia be sure to break walls you cant reach with cossacks and take his cities as it will help you win against your opponent a lot by preventing him from building more units that are avaible within that city and preventing him from getting the country bonus that the map maker set Prussia as for having all cities intact. You have the option to mess around with ah a little with cossacks or with other units you have available that will be useful in the way they are meant to be used as, but if your goal is to capture Berlin, then don't send too much units to AH unless it's a beneficial strategic plan for you. As you are rushing Prussia it's recommended to aim for the cities that spawn 8 reinf in his/her territory, but as usual don't forget to make big walls to prevent Kiev rush, unlike classic Russia you can assault wf units and rewall, require experience in Russia or bad Prussia. 2) AH rush: Pretty much like Prussia rush, keep an eye on Prussian stack, you can send biplane over mountains to keep good speed at rushing 3) Classic Russia: Spamming mainly cons... Relative events: Prussia: The main enemy of Russia has increased reinf first week and spawns 10 inf and gas in Berlin every reinf turn (Every 4 turns); for a comfortable playing you should receive at least 3k (2k is optional too) in funds on t3 and keep getting 2k every reinf turn or more if not needed. Brusilov: t10 you get a gen with 60 cons and 30 art near Kiev and 30 cons near Minsk. ![]() Inflation: 3 Inflation t12. February Revolution: t12 recently was seriously buffed now its a bunch of commies around St.Petersburg. ![]() October Revolution (beginning): t14 5 commies in different parts of Russia to break walls. ![]() October Revolution: around 130 commies with Lenin appear all over Russia. (Note: I did not wall my cities since I was just taking pictures while having my alternative account as Prussia. When fighting as Russia it's highly recommended to wall each city to prevent communist vanguard unit(s) or other units your opponent may have nearby from taking your cities that will hinder you from building reinf and/or gaining income from those cities. If you don't build walls on each city at least, then your chances of winning are low. As always the more walls that you build to slow down and to prevent communist vanguard unit(s) from damaging you the better.) ![]() White Movement: t21 you now can make inf in Russia. ![]() Age of Industry: t24 you now can make russian art in russia(+1speed,-1crit) ![]() Tips: 1) For unit spamming in Russia use auto producing (after it's used I cancel or uncheck the checkbox to prevent it from auto producing until I actually need the troops, so they wont be spammed next reinf if i don't need it and need to build up money rather by building troops every 4 turns such as t4,t8,t12... etc) 2) To prevent Prussia from taking your countries and rushing Kiev you should use big walls 3) Dont forget about Otto you can try to rush Armenia with art in Caucasus or you can send cossacks and even cav (like njab did against me, at least all cav died at few mgs but i lost a lot of money and started to lose on other fronts) along with your rush, but if you rush pruss, then unless you get really good funds I don't recommend to play aggressive in Caucasus, especially if you are pd. 4) Always spam units in Russia and send them on the front aside those you will use for anti revo, those can be spammed right before reinf turn. Anti revo: Cons spamming for several turns(commies killing cons at 1:2 rate) ![]() Cossack spamming for 1-2 reinfs and sending to the russia Stealth spamming(need tons of moneys...) Wall spamming: For slowing revo down or detecting revo stacks and attacking it Combinations: Use different combinations of the above and you will have a higher chance of winning revo and also as always wall all cities. Anti-Communism: Are used to prevent communist vanguards from capturing your capital so quickly. It's recommended to leave these units there as they are designed to protect you rather than for an offensive positional type unit(s). ![]() These Anti-Communism units are located here: ![]() Units terminology mostly used in The War To End All Wars [WW1]: Conscripts: "Cons" Infantry: "inf" Cavalry: "Cav" Artillery: "Art" Machine Gun: "MG" Imp: "Imperialist" Blitz: "Blitzkrieg" RA: "Relentless Attack" LB: "Lucky Bastard" PD: "Perfect Defense" Reinf: "Reinforcements" Revo: "Revolution" WF: "Wall Fuck" Refer here for more Atwar Terminology that you might not understand: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=7050
---- Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks. Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople ![]()
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