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הודעות: 42   בוקר על ידי: 136 users

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פורסם על ידי Croat, 30.06.2015 - 13:15


Croat: Welcome ladies and gentlmen, this is the first Croat's talk show, I am Croat, your TV presenter and your light at the end of the tunnel. Let me introduce you with my first guest.... I will say one association and public will shout his name. So lets start, you cannot fail after this:
- He just retired from mod squad


Croat: No, for fucking sake... Okay, let me give you some easier association. He always uses light green colour...

Public: OPI !!! OPI !!! OPI !!!

Croat: God damn, I completely forgot I allowed people with special needs to participate as public in my talk show...... Okay, let me discover you that secret................................. its Acquiesce, last of the old Mohicans who is still active, he is our Mercedes Benz W115, our most beloved oldtimer.
Come in studio Acqui...

Acquiesce: Hi to all, nice to be here, thanks for calling me in your 1st episode
Croat: Glad to have you as my first guest. Can you for starting share with us your picture so people who watch this from houses can see how you look, you know, you are hero of many people on atWar.

Acquiesce: Ohhhh, no problem, this is my latest one

Croat: Well, thats right mix between Mohican, oldtimer and gay. Exaclty what we expected. Well, lets start with some general questions.
Tell us what is your: atWar username

Acquiesce: My AW username is Acquiesce but I've also gone by the names Meeester, Pixie, and most recently Skeletor.

Croat: Coalition?

Acquiesce: Illyria, easily the best coalition in AW in my well paid opinion. But if I weren't in it I'd probably go to Syndicate (provided Spart let me back in) because somehow I get along with Clovis and Waffel is my buttbuddy.

Croat: Years old and sex?

Acquiesce: My ASL? I'm 20. I won't mention my location because AW is not a dating site and I don't want any stalkers. And for sex, I am having it once per month with my partner

Croat: Acqui, I asked you are you man or woman. Okay, its obvious you are the man...Lets go on with few general questions about atWar.
Most likely colour for playing?

Acquiesce: Light green which also happens to be the best color. Red looks very good with the rank 13 symbol though.

Croat: Yea, but light green recalls on grass and grass is always full of dogs shit

Acquiesce: So? I like dogs

Croat: Okay and what is your most likely country to play?

Acquiesce: Probably UK because I find it the most fun.

Croat: Most likely strategy?

Acquiesce: PD but my favorite strategy is GW. I want to make a GW tribute clan but I feel like Laochra won't let me. MoS is also good.

Croat: Last one from general questions about atWar. What are your favourite types of games on atWar?

Acquiesce: 3v3 but also 1v1s, world games, and the occasional scenario. I hate Ancient.

Croat: Well, we finished the our first questions. Now, its time for questions with short answers, just a few sentences, please.
-You are one of rare oldtimers that are still active. What is still bringing you back to this game?

Acquiesce: This game is worse than any drug you just keep coming back for more no matter how bad it ruins you. I probably would have quit long ago if they hadn't made me a mod and I hadn't made so many friends here.

Croat: -You were one of the most liked mods. What forced you to leave mod squad?

Acquiesce: I quit modding of my own accord because frankly it sucks lol. Sure there are some perks and you have a lot of influence on the direction of the game but (if you do a good job and aren't lazy) it's just a lot of work for very little payoff. To all those wannabe mods out there, why? This game is much more fun as a player.

Croat: -Since you are here one of oldest, I hope you are not one who is most senile, so please tell us some things about gameplay from the atWar's beggining. How it looked like? CWs? 3v3s? Clan tensions?

Acquiesce: Well when I first registered gameplay was pretty stale because everybody sucked. Even the strong players sucked. Then things got really interesting from late 2011 to late 2012 because players started really competing. There were a lot of developments with new expansions and country/strat combos. Things like IMP Trk or SM Ukr that people take as obvious now started getting really popular and people started to discover a lot of the tricks that we know now. I found it pretty exciting but back then there were almost no CWs and pretty much all tension was between Dalmati and SRB.

Croat: -Who is your life hero and why?

Acquiesce: I look up to a lot of people for different reasons but I don't exactly idolize anyone. Noel Gallagher for his songwriting. Thor Heyerdahl for his adventurous spirit! Tyrion Lannister for his wit and insight.

Croat: Hmm, what is your greatest weakness?

Acquiesce: I have no greatest weakness! Okay, maybe my weakness is that I don't know my weakness.

Croat: and your favourite song / band?

Acquiesce: Well in case you didn't notice Oasis is my favorite band. As for my favorite song it changes often but right now it's this.

Croat: Okay Acqui, nice words... Also, nice band. Now answer us those questions with 1 word.
1. Who was your atwar idol?
2. Who annoyed you most in all those years on atwar?
3. Who you learnt from?
4. Who was your crazy enemy (you didnt like to face with in games/duels)
5. Most time spent on AW during 1 day?

1. Learster
2. So many to choose from. Let's just say Waffel because I know he likes the attention.
3. Pinheiro
4. MOU because for him it was usually personal
5. Idk maybe 10 hours?

Croat: Time for YES / NO questions.
1. Did you ever wallfucked as high rank while no one watched your game?
2. Did you ever abused global as mod?
3. Did you ever watched gay porn?
4. Do you own a gun?
5. Can you speak more then one language?
6. Would you cheat on your wife/husband/boyfriend/ girlfriend if you knew for a fact they wouldn't find out?
7. Do you ever wish you were born into a different family?

1. No
2. Yes
3. Does lesbian count as gay porn?
4. No, I don't think they would let one on a college campus.
5. Only if you count ancient and imaginary languages.
6. Yes but only if it were like some celebrity or something I could not turn down.
7. No

Croat: Now, I will say a player, you say your first association on him, i mean say a word that falls first on your mind after you hear players name:
1. Goblin
2. Khal
3. Waffel
4. Eagle
5. Croat
7. Mou

1. Upvote

Croat: Fuck you, Im the 2nd most upvoted why not me.......

2. Sexy
3. Yummy
4. CW
5. Gay
6. Tanks
7. Ukraine

Croat: We have written you some EITHER / OR questions, please write us your asnwers next to it.
Acquiesce: Roger that sir

Either / or questions
-Irish or Americans? Americans (sorry Lao)
-Croats or Serbs? Croatians (sorry Mauz)
-Ivan or Amok? I like them both but I choose Ivan
-Blitz or RA? Blitz
-IF or DS? IF
-Poland 5k or Serbia 5k (in atwar)? Poland easily
-Ukraine or Turkey (in atwar)? Ukraine
-Germany or UK (in atwar)? UK
-Coffee or tea? Tea
-Pepsi or Coca-Cola? Coca Cola
-Books or movies? Movies
-Winter or summer? Summer
-Spent 1 normal day naked or asleep for a year? Naked
-Hairy all over or bald all? Bald? idk
-be able to be invisible or be able to read minds? Read minds
-rich and ugly or poor and fucking sexy? Poor and fucking sexy easily
-Always lose or never play? Always lose gloriously
-be blind or be deaf? Blind
-you kill 1 person who means to you as family member or kill 10 innocents on the street? Probably the 10 innocents sorry
-eat dead rat or alive worm? Worm lol

Croat: Our 1st talk show episode is coming to the end. But your light at the end of the tunnel didnt forgot our Public. Several people from public will be allowed to ask you a question. Who wants to ask 1st question?

*loudest guy from public*

Waffel: Are you virgin?
Acquiesce: No Waffel you can't have my virginity

Croat: Okay, who wants to ask 2nd question?

*loudest guy from public*

Waffel: Do you love puddi ?
Acquiesce: wtf is puddi ?

Croat: Who will catch 3rd question?

*loudest guy from public*

Waffel: Do you miss Dalmati?
Acquiesce: Why does Waffel get so many questions? Sometimes but I love Illy so it's ok.

Croat: Okay guys, who is going for the 4th question?

*loudest guy from public*

Waffel: Do you ever aafagwvcuevfasgraihgrbligbvpibr

*loudest guy kicked out from studio*

Critical: Can you teach me how to play?
Acquiesce: No, learn yourself and you will be better for it.

Croat: Next one please

Phoenix: 3 tips to improve my game?
Acquiesce: WF, wall, rewall

Croat: 3 more questions, who wants them?

Goblin: duel?
Acquiesce: Only if Eurasia 1 min turns

Zone: Why isnt zone leader in Illyria?
Acquiesce: You just got officer you greedy frenchie!

Croat: And last question issssssssssssssssss...........................

Sun Tzu: what did you enjoy most/least enjoy about being a mod?
Enjoy most: enter private games and knowing alts.
Enjoy least: annoying noobs telling me how long I should warn people for and people asking me to change the names of alts.

Croat: We came at the end of our 1st episode. See you with my new guest next time. Thanks Acqui !
Acquiesce: Thank you!

31.10.2015 - 15:15
נכתב על ידי Charlie Puth, 31.10.2015 at 13:03

Fuck this,its croat's way to get upvotes easy,upvotefarming stronk.

I need only 1 comment to achieve plenty of upvotes, not plenty of comments to achieve only 1 upvote like you.

PS. Stop licking my ass because I wont forget who you really are

31.10.2015 - 17:39
החשבון נמחק
נכתב על ידי Croat, 31.10.2015 at 15:15

נכתב על ידי Charlie Puth, 31.10.2015 at 13:03

Fuck this,its croat's way to get upvotes easy,upvotefarming stronk.

I need only 1 comment to achieve plenty of upvotes, not plenty of comments to achieve only 1 upvote like you.

PS. Stop licking my ass because I wont forget who you really are

upvoted <3
25.02.2020 - 09:17

25.02.2020 - 15:17
נכתב על ידי Croat, 31.10.2015 at 15:15

נכתב על ידי Charlie Puth, 31.10.2015 at 13:03

Fuck this,its croat's way to get upvotes easy,upvotefarming stronk.

I need only 1 comment to achieve plenty of upvotes, not plenty of comments to achieve only 1 upvote like you.

PS. Stop licking my ass because I wont forget who you really are

stop licking my ass pls
25.02.2020 - 15:57
נכתב על ידי Alois, 25.02.2020 at 15:17

stop licking my ass pls

weren't we all retarded in some period on aw

25.02.2020 - 16:21
נכתב על ידי Croat, 25.02.2020 at 15:57

נכתב על ידי Alois, 25.02.2020 at 15:17

stop licking my ass pls

weren't we all retarded in some period on aw

Nope.. not me

נכתב על ידי Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
25.02.2020 - 16:22
נכתב על ידי Waffel, 25.02.2020 at 16:21

weren't we all retarded in some period on aw

Nope.. not me

You remained retarded

25.02.2020 - 16:22
Nerd croat still same

25.02.2020 - 16:23
 Dave (אדמין)
So when will we see the next episode of Croat's Talk Show?
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

25.02.2020 - 17:31
נכתב על ידי Croat, 25.02.2020 at 15:57

נכתב על ידי Alois, 25.02.2020 at 15:17

stop licking my ass pls

weren't we all retarded in some period on aw

Some period?
25.02.2020 - 19:07
Croat pls restart this I want to be featured on your radio show, then you can post the recording here
Happiness = reality - expectations
26.02.2020 - 04:16
Libur offers to be on Croat talk show or any talk show the admin want
  • 1
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