תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 75   בוקר על ידי: 510 users

פוסט מקורי

פורסם על ידי notserral, 04.05.2013 - 08:08
So to get rid of all the spamming around and necroposts, this thread will compile all ideas that got a lot of support from the community. Please post a link to an idea thread with a lot of support and I'll add it here.

  • Improve CW system: (link)
  • Manually disbanding unit: (link)
  • SP buy sending money: (link)
  • Ability to disable certain options from being changed during game (link)
  • Turnblock based on attack/defense stats (link)
  • Multiple Capitals (link)
  • Rated Team Games: (link)
  • Team Swap: (link)
  • Able to Draw duels: (link)
  • Desu's Coalition Member Lists: (link)
    -Updated 2013-05-07 by Pulse

  • Casual Game Clock: (link)
  • Cthulhu's Cheaper HW Infantry: (link)
  • Battle Phase Sound effect: (link)
  • Option to send peace first turn: (link)
  • Customization features: (link)
  • Show past coalition on profile: (link)
  • Replacing leavers: (link) and (link)
  • Tabbed Chat System: (link)
  • History Forum: (link)
  • Razing Cities (scorched earth tactics): (link)
  • Upgrade as Cards: (link), (link) and (link)
    -Updated 2014-06-11 by Meester

  • Fog of War: (link)
  • Casual Game Starting Overhaul: (link)
  • Shortcut Keys: (link)
  • Game Host: (link)
  • Random Map Selection: (link)
  • Map Maker Border Tracer: (link)
  • Locked Game Options : (link)
  • Joint-Defend: (link)
    -Updated 2014-07-06 by Meester

  • Scenarios - Triggers: (link)
  • Casual - Save Progress: (link)
  • Dynamic Reinforcement Turns: (link)
  • Ally vision: (link)
  • Remove extra units at week 0 for neutral countries: (link)
  • New Game Option: Regicide: (link)
    -Update 2014-08-16 by Meester

  • Notifications for Casuals: (link)
  • Changing strategies at the start of the game: (link)
  • "Undo" button: (link)
  • "This Player is Muted" tab: (link)
  • Units with negative range: (link)
    -Updated 2015-02-24 by Pulse

  • Group Chat: (link) and (link)
  • Player Count: (link)
  • Sorting Countries: (link)
  • Able to change rank in game: (link)
  • Shifting game lobby screen fix: (link)
  • Duel by ELO: (link)
  • Who is watching your game: (link)
  • Game Statistics Add-On: (link)
    -Updated 2015-03-17 by Meester

  • Default alliance number: (link)
  • Free extra cities: (link)
  • Click able in game profile links: (link)
  • Nerfing/Boosting strategy sub forum: (link)
  • Changes to help channel: (link)
  • Lucky Bastart boost: (link)
  • Seasonal ELO of player list: (link)
  • Include season end time: (link)
  • Peak ELO: (link)
  • Kick from lobby: (link)
    -Updated 2015-06-06 by Meester
  • טוען...
    21.05.2014 - 22:30
    נכתב על ידי The Tactician, 17.10.2013 at 05:58

    נכתב על ידי Xenosapien, 14.10.2013 at 17:50

    A default game option that doesn't allow anything to be changed. Or rather an option to allow changes that has to be ticked and is not on by default.

    best idea ever.

    I would like this extended to Game owner may lock changes or set them so that the game owner must approve all changes
    09.06.2014 - 18:05
    נכתב על ידי Fartwink, 21.05.2014 at 22:30

    נכתב על ידי The Tactician, 17.10.2013 at 05:58

    נכתב על ידי Xenosapien, 14.10.2013 at 17:50

    A default game option that doesn't allow anything to be changed. Or rather an option to allow changes that has to be ticked and is not on by default.

    best idea ever.

    I would like this extended to Game owner may lock changes or set them so that the game owner must approve all changes

    Support 100%
    "The edge is never very far away, when you're hanging on by your fingernails." ©
    11.06.2014 - 10:22
    I'v updated this as of today.
    05.07.2014 - 22:23
    Added a few more.
    05.07.2014 - 22:41
    Look at the progress were making 2 are crossed out and done soon nothing will stop us
    15.08.2014 - 23:58
    Added a few more I think should be looked into.
    16.08.2014 - 10:48
    Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
    16.08.2014 - 11:07
    נכתב על ידי clovis1122, 16.08.2014 at 10:29

    נכתב על ידי notserral, 04.05.2013 at 08:08

  • Ability to disable certain options from being changed during game (link)

  • Option to send peace first turn: (link)

  • Theses two has be implemented (?)

    Neither are.
    03.09.2014 - 09:27
    נכתב על ידי Meester, 16.08.2014 at 11:07

    נכתב על ידי clovis1122, 16.08.2014 at 10:29

    נכתב על ידי notserral, 04.05.2013 at 08:08

  • Ability to disable certain options from being changed during game (link)

  • Option to send peace first turn: (link)

  • Theses two has be implemented (?)

    Neither are.

    Please approve all colours ;/

    נכתב על ידי Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

    Waffel for mod 2015
    06.09.2014 - 12:57
    נכתב על ידי Columna Durruti, 05.09.2014 at 23:20

    Similar line of thought has been exposed in "trigger events". Check it out.

    Add theses here..
    21.09.2014 - 14:02
    Make it when u loose/surrender u dont get so little SP its very annoying like i would spend 45mins-3hrs in 1 game only get 280-350 its not fair.
    *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
    09.10.2014 - 09:17
    It would be great if we could change the money transfer system corrently used in Atwar, by using special units to transfer the money from player to another.
    13.10.2014 - 11:29
    "The essence of combat: kill, or be killed!"
    20.11.2014 - 22:34
    A perk or buy able ability/tactic scorched earth". Basically, if a city if about to be taken, the ability to tactically retreat and raze it without contact with the enemy, reducing its population, money and production ability to half. This would be especially effective in defending Russia, with the attacker already needing huge supply lines. Of course, the home team can rebuild at a cost.
    27.11.2014 - 15:44
    King Solomon X
    החשבון נמחק
    Play game theme music on radio since radio doesnt work its cool music
    31.12.2014 - 21:55
  • Notifications for Casuals: (link)
  • Changing strategies at the start of the game: (link)
  • "Undo" button: (link)
  • "This Player is Muted" tab: (link)
  • Units with negative range: (link)
  • טוען...
    23.02.2015 - 18:15
    16.03.2015 - 17:40

    Can any mod please update this.
    16.03.2015 - 22:30
    23.03.2015 - 16:12
    Hey maybe we could make a calendar of sorts for the season and schedule events in a season so we're better coordinated. Also Ivan told me AtWar seasons are the same as normal seasons but winter just ended a few days ago and this season's still going. I think the calendar could help so that annoying characters like me don't have to ask people and get confused too easily
    28.03.2015 - 07:22
    Remove black colour and replace it by white for example.

    So many troll players use it by default just for hidding in the game or trolling cause is a very annoying colour and u can´t see it some times.

    White would be better, or another one else better than black.
    29.03.2015 - 11:55
    החשבון נמחק
    נכתב על ידי notserral, 04.05.2013 at 08:08

  • Rated Team Games: (link)

  • The rated team games post is no longer there, however we have a new thread: Rated team games.
    Peak Elo in players' profile and setting Elo range when creating a duel are also both among the threads with the most upvotes on the first page at the moment.
    Ignoring the rants of a single member of the community who is ruining the threads with personal attacks and off topic posts, the reaction is overwhelmingly positive.

    Edit: I just saw that there is already an 'duel by Elo' entry in the list, however it doesn't specifically talk about range there. Since the OP of the duel by Elo post also supports the more recent suggestion, I propose to replace.
    29.03.2015 - 12:18
    נכתב על ידי Guest, 29.03.2015 at 11:55

    נכתב על ידי notserral, 04.05.2013 at 08:08

  • Rated Team Games: (link)

  • The rated team games post is no longer there, however we have a new thread: Rated team games.
    Peak Elo in players' profile and setting Elo range when creating a duel are also both among the threads with the most upvotes on the first page at the moment.
    Ignoring the rants of a single member of the community who is ruining the threads with personal attacks and off topic posts, the reaction is overwhelmingly positive.

    Edit: I just saw that there is already an 'duel by Elo' entry in the list, however it doesn't specifically talk about range there. Since the OP of the duel by Elo post also supports the more recent suggestion, I propose to replace.

    If you are talking about me, i´m not ruining the thread neither being off topics.

    I´m just telling the true and giving my opinion with facts ( and not personal attacks as u said). But it´s difficult for you and other players to be honest and admit some kind of things.

    Overwhelmingly positive? 48 visitors 8 upvotes. And probably that 8 upvotes are from another alts or farmers.

    So i´m not a single player in the comunity who didn´t vote, the problem is that i´m the only one who wrote the true in the post about that.

    If u have some other posts and could be positive i have nothing against them.
    29.03.2015 - 12:30
    החשבון נמחק
    נכתב על ידי hormigaatomica, 29.03.2015 at 12:18

    If you are talking about me, i´m not ruining the thread neither being off topics.

    I´m just telling the true and giving my opinion with facts ( and not personal attacks as u said). But it´s difficult for you and other players to be honest and admit some kind of things.

    Overwhelmingly positive? 48 visitors 8 upvotes. And probably that 8 upvotes are from another alts or farmers.

    So i´m not a single player in the comunity who didn´t vote, the problem is that i´m the only one who wrote the true in the post about that.

    If u have some other posts and could be positive i have nothing against them.

    You are calling me a low rank farmer, something i repeatedly explained to you doesn't exist, and repeat this over and over in all of my threads. I didn't duel with this account for hundreds of days either. You go off topic, attacking me for this alleged misdoing instead of talking about the suggestions, even say they are positive but because it is me who proposed them you won't stop repeating the same attack over and over again.
    Now you are also saying I am upvoting my own threads with alts, when many players openly commented and supported all three of the suggestions. By the way, you can click to see who gave the thumbs up.
    It is obvious to me and everyone who visits the threads that you have some kind of personal problem with me, probably because you lost five duels as a rank 10 to my rank 4 account.
    I signed my posts repeatedly with my real identity, so stop saying I am hiding, I am not, everybody with a bit sense will need less than a minute to 'find out' who I am.
    I am done with you, and I won't comment on this issue any further.
    29.03.2015 - 12:49
    I think u are confused, i didn´t write in anyplace u are upvoting nothing with your alts, u have just invented that.

    Yes u are a low rank farmer and i told u it´s exist. What are you doing so with your main playing low ranks when u farm a rank 3 or 4 ?

    A for years registered and experimented player like you making alts for dueling low ranks that are in the game for no more than days or weeks and stealing his elo, IS CALLED PURE FARMING and also is pathetic.

    Can be named chocobanalol or whatever player is doing the same, but honestly, as i told you other times, i think you are worst cause u are one of the older members of this comunity and you should give example to the new players with your behaviour, if u are telling lof of times u only want to improve the game.

    That´s the problem about you and not what you are trying to say, i don´t remember neither have played against this alt or not and i never said you are upvoting your own ideas.

    I only said 48 visitors and 8 upvotes is not overwhelmingly positive obviously and that 8 votes probably are form another "alt account players" ( not your alts) and another farmers who only wants the same than u are doing.

    Can u understand the difference or not?

    I´m just talking about you and your main and your person in this comunity, not about this alt account.
    29.03.2015 - 13:07
    נכתב על ידי Guest, 29.03.2015 at 12:30

    נכתב על ידי hormigaatomica, 29.03.2015 at 12:18

    If you are talking about me, i´m not ruining the thread neither being off topics.

    I´m just telling the true and giving my opinion with facts ( and not personal attacks as u said). But it´s difficult for you and other players to be honest and admit some kind of things.

    Overwhelmingly positive? 48 visitors 8 upvotes. And probably that 8 upvotes are from another alts or farmers.

    So i´m not a single player in the comunity who didn´t vote, the problem is that i´m the only one who wrote the true in the post about that.

    If u have some other posts and could be positive i have nothing against them.

    You are calling me a low rank farmer, something i repeatedly explained to you doesn't exist, and repeat this over and over in all of my threads. I didn't duel with this account for hundreds of days either. You go off topic, attacking me for this alleged misdoing instead of talking about the suggestions, even say they are positive but because it is me who proposed them you won't stop repeating the same attack over and over again.
    Now you are also saying I am upvoting my own threads with alts, when many players openly commented and supported all three of the suggestions. By the way, you can click to see who gave the thumbs up.
    It is obvious to me and everyone who visits the threads that you have some kind of personal problem with me, probably because you lost five duels as a rank 10 to my rank 4 account.
    I signed my posts repeatedly with my real identity, so stop saying I am hiding, I am not, everybody with a bit sense will need less than a minute to 'find out' who I am.
    I am done with you, and I won't comment on this issue any further.

    I never saw u are signing with your main or your real person, maybe i´m wrong, but i never saw it.

    And yes you are hidding in this alt, why don´t you write so directly with your main if you have nothing to hide like mostly people do?
    29.03.2015 - 13:22
    נכתב על ידי Guest, 29.03.2015 at 12:30

    נכתב על ידי hormigaatomica, 29.03.2015 at 12:18

    If you are talking about me, i´m not ruining the thread neither being off topics.

    I´m just telling the true and giving my opinion with facts ( and not personal attacks as u said). But it´s difficult for you and other players to be honest and admit some kind of things.

    Overwhelmingly positive? 48 visitors 8 upvotes. And probably that 8 upvotes are from another alts or farmers.

    So i´m not a single player in the comunity who didn´t vote, the problem is that i´m the only one who wrote the true in the post about that.

    If u have some other posts and could be positive i have nothing against them.

    You are calling me a low rank farmer, something i repeatedly explained to you doesn't exist, and repeat this over and over in all of my threads. I didn't duel with this account for hundreds of days either.

    But you are doing the same with your main i´m not talking about this account how do i need to explain u this?

    It´s you, not this account you in your main and your person, you don´t care about dueling a rank 3 or or rank 10 or dueling a player with 850 points or 1300.

    And everybody knows that dueling a rank 3 or a rank 9 with 850 elo points, against with your rank and elo is called farming.

    Come on please, we are not stupid.

    You go off topic, attacking me for this alleged misdoing instead of talking about the suggestions, even say they are positive but because it is me who proposed them you won't stop repeating the same attack over and over again.
    Now you are also saying I am upvoting my own threads with alts, when many players openly commented and supported all three of the suggestions. By the way, you can click to see who gave the thumbs up.
    It is obvious to me and everyone who visits the threads that you have some kind of personal problem with me, probably because you lost five duels as a rank 10 to my rank 4 account.
    I signed my posts repeatedly with my real identity, so stop saying I am hiding, I am not, everybody with a bit sense will need less than a minute to 'find out' who I am.
    I am done with you, and I won't comment on this issue any further.
    15.05.2015 - 16:47
    In Hearts of Iron 3, there's a thing called "Battle Planner". Basically, it allows player to paint some symbols, like arrows, striped areas and frontlines, directly on the map. It is useful especially when there's too many things going on the map at the same time and you want clear view on the battlefield.
    The second useful feature would be attaching separate regiments onto higher command, like that:
    Platoon--> Regiment--> Army--> Army Group--> Theatre of War
    Theatres would be given separate territories, on which only forces under the command of particular Theatre would operate.
    Gott mit uns
    15.05.2015 - 18:54
    החשבון נמחק
    The ability to diasble private chat in FFA

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