תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 35   בוקר על ידי: 82 users
04.09.2013 - 13:50
So, we all sometimes have an awesome idea for a Map/Scenario, yet find no feasible way to pull it off. For instance, taking a Unit, and transforming it into a city (I present to you, the MCV!), as an example. So, I propose a small panel for introducing new code into the for that map. It would be idiot-proof, and extremely simple; pseudo-code. To work properly, it would need a few necessary parameters and lists pre-loaded:

"Unit:" - Loads a list of all units in a specific Map. By typing the string name of a unit (EX: "Infantry") after "Unit:", it would load the unit, and become ready to be edited.

"Country:" - Essentially the same as "Unit:", but with every present country on a map (Obviously you couldn't make it turn into a unit, or many other functions that could be added to other lists).

"Capital:" - For capitals.

"City:" - For cities.

"Button:" - For buttons.

So, with these lists, we can load units/cities/etc into a block of code, and edit how they specifically work. Two ways would be with simple If/Else statements, and Loops.

if (Unit: "Stealth".attack == 8)
"Stealth".type == Land;
} else {
"Stealth.type == Air;

Basically, what I did there was tell the script "If the attack value of the unit "Stealth" is exactly 8, then it turns into a Land unit. If "Stealth" has an attack value that is not exactly 8, then it continues to be an Air unit. Also, you may have noticed that I used a ".type" function at the end of the "Unit:" list; this would serve as a way of declaring what we'd like to change/talk about. So, we want to change the type of a unit, we would use the ".type" function. There could also be other functions, like ".income", ".attack", ".other", etc.

Finally, we would need a way of, say, telling the game that we're specifically doing something, like pressing a hotkey, or displaying a tip-box.

".pressed" - Would be a function, stating that a button (loaded from "Buttons:") is currently pressed, or moreso, when a button is pressed, it would execute whatever code is attached.

".released" - A function that basically works the same was as ".pressed", only for when a button is released.

".window (X , Y), (c("Insert String text to display, or add other keys")/c)" - Would display a window with keys/text/states etc. in it.

".event" - When executed, would make whatever parameter specified appear in the game. Could be an easy shortcut instead of other codes, like manually changing a unit type to something after X minutes or whatever, or making caches of resources appear.


In conclusion, I'm sure all of you could think of more simple functions, variables, etc to make this work even better. I personally would like to see some simple pseudo-scripting like this, would make the game x2 more enjoyable, and expand AW's creativity that already defines it.
04.09.2013 - 14:49
Really hope this is possible! Support
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
04.09.2013 - 18:31
Oh god. Scripted UN noooooo
נכתב על ידי Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
04.09.2013 - 18:33
נכתב על ידי notserral, 04.09.2013 at 18:31

Oh god. Scripted UN noooooo

if (Player: "TopHats".sp <= ∞)
"TopHats".sp == ∞
} else {
"TopHats".sp == ∞

04.09.2013 - 18:45
Seriously though I find it rather hard to get scripting in the game. There would be a need of an API implementation + sandbox (so people don't hack the game). Besides, if something like PLAYER.NAME or SP manipulation is available, welcome to the world of farming 3.0 (2.0 was custom maps).
נכתב על ידי Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
04.09.2013 - 18:50
נכתב על ידי notserral, 04.09.2013 at 18:45

Seriously though I find it rather hard to get scripting in the game. There would be a need of an API implementation + sandbox (so people don't hack the game). Besides, if something like PLAYER.NAME or SP manipulation is available, welcome to the world of farming 3.0 (2.0 was custom maps).

Well, like I said, it would be pseudo-code, and SP / naming would not even be implemented (My comment about TopHats was a joke). There would only be so many things you could alter, mainly units, cities, countries, etc. Everything "In-Game"- nothing that could drastically alter player stats / hack the client.
04.09.2013 - 19:03
I don't think it is viable to be pseudo-code. Amok would have to write an interpreter in C# and hook it with the Silverlight code. I personally don't think it's feasible and would only be used by a fraction of the mapmakers.
נכתב על ידי Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
04.09.2013 - 19:08
נכתב על ידי Guest, 04.09.2013 at 18:33

if (Player: "TopHats".sp <= ∞)
"TopHats".sp == ∞
} else {
"TopHats".sp == ∞

if (Player: "TopHats".sp <= ∞)
"TopHats".sp = ∞;
} else {
"TopHats".sp = ∞;

You were using comparison operators instead of defining the variable. Fixed.
04.09.2013 - 19:18
נכתב על ידי Sificvoid, 04.09.2013 at 19:08

נכתב על ידי Guest, 04.09.2013 at 18:33

if (Player: "TopHats".sp <= ∞)
"TopHats".sp == ∞
} else {
"TopHats".sp == ∞

if (Player: "TopHats".sp <= ∞)
"TopHats".sp = ∞;
} else {
"TopHats".sp = ∞;

You were using comparison operators instead of defining the variable. Fixed.

I've gotten so used to VS12 adding semicolons for me, lol.

נכתב על ידי notserral, 04.09.2013 at 19:03

I don't think it is viable to be pseudo-code. Amok would have to write an interpreter in C# and hook it with the Silverlight code. I personally don't think it's feasible and would only be used by a fraction of the mapmakers.

They also said Custom maps wouldn't be feasible for a while

If the admins have taught me anything, it's to never say something's impossible. Hard, but worth it?
04.09.2013 - 19:36
נכתב על ידי notserral, 04.09.2013 at 19:03

I don't think it is viable to be pseudo-code. Amok would have to write an interpreter in C# and hook it with the Silverlight code. I personally don't think it's feasible and would only be used by a fraction of the mapmakers.

Sure only a fraction of the mapmakers would use it, but those elite would possess maps of such quality that they could bring atWar to their knees if they threatened to take them down.

The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
04.09.2013 - 19:39
No support
04.09.2013 - 19:42

"TopHats" is a string, and sp is not a method of strings :p
נכתב על ידי Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
04.09.2013 - 19:53
נכתב על ידי notserral, 04.09.2013 at 19:42


"TopHats" is a string, and sp is not a method of strings :p

TopsHats is love. TopHats is life.
13.11.2013 - 19:01
Bump, after HTML this could be second priority.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
13.11.2013 - 19:36
Heh, I am just learning java, so support

13.11.2013 - 20:07
Please leave it to the pros.
14.11.2013 - 16:55
נכתב על ידי Cpt.Magic, 04.09.2013 at 19:39

No support


Honestly... why do you need code?
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
14.11.2013 - 16:59
7 DaysLeft
החשבון נמחק
נכתב על ידי Dr Lecter, 14.11.2013 at 16:55

נכתב על ידי Cpt.Magic, 04.09.2013 at 19:39

No support


Honestly... why do you need code?

14.11.2013 - 17:21
נכתב על ידי Dr Lecter, 14.11.2013 at 16:55

נכתב על ידי Cpt.Magic, 04.09.2013 at 19:39

No support


Honestly... why do you need code?

First to replace x units after x turns

To alter reinf of a city/change the name etc.

To change whether a city is a port or not after x turns. (Think canals)

And much more. Support.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
14.11.2013 - 17:31
נכתב על ידי Dr Lecter, 14.11.2013 at 16:55

נכתב על ידי Cpt.Magic, 04.09.2013 at 19:39

No support


Honestly... why do you need code?

The same reason we use code, data, and every other thing in existence: To innovate. Cartographers could create widely complex scenarios with amazing gameplay and originality with VERY SIMPLE, BASIC CODE. There is no tick-box option that can replace innovation and ingenuity through a scaled toolset.
15.11.2013 - 13:07
I still don't see why. If your port isn't going to be a port after x turns... well what the fuck?

My concern is that you will open the floodgates to very screwy unbalanced scenarios, or even other problematic things like bugs that can be abused so bad it's not even funny.

I've seen it happen on other games. Most times, it doesn't ever actually get fixed. They just patch it until someone finds a new way to do it again. And the process repeats.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
15.11.2013 - 13:56
נכתב על ידי Dr Lecter, 15.11.2013 at 13:07

I still don't see why. If your port isn't going to be a port after x turns... well what the fuck?

My concern is that you will open the floodgates to very screwy unbalanced scenarios, or even other problematic things like bugs that can be abused so bad it's not even funny.

I've seen it happen on other games. Most times, it doesn't ever actually get fixed. They just patch it until someone finds a new way to do it again. And the process repeats.

Shrinking coastlines could lead to loss of Port status, for example. And this is so absurdly simple, that bugs and exploits just wouldn't be beneficial to the exploiter. That's how simple I preach this, not some jerry-rigged pseudo-HTML bullshit, just some simple codes or commands that allow dynamics, like different borders/coastlines, moving cities, image changes, costs, etc. It may not even need to be code if they can just make a huge panel of tick options and customizations, to be honest. I preached this out to be so simple, yet I don't believe any of you are actually reading what I put up, as you would know that exploits wouldn't be possible if we only have code to do certain tasks, pertaining to customization in the outright, and maybe other extras like disabling upgrades/strategies systematically. Bugs wouldn't necessarily be apparent either, because, again, it would be so stupidly simple and pseudo that it wouldn't interfere with the real code at work.
15.11.2013 - 14:59
נכתב על ידי Dr Lecter, 15.11.2013 at 13:07

I still don't see why. If your port isn't going to be a port after x turns... well what the fuck?

My concern is that you will open the floodgates to very screwy unbalanced scenarios, or even other problematic things like bugs that can be abused so bad it's not even funny.

I've seen it happen on other games. Most times, it doesn't ever actually get fixed. They just patch it until someone finds a new way to do it again. And the process repeats.

You obviously have never made a map before and don't understand exactly what us cartographers want in our maps.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
15.11.2013 - 15:43
נכתב על ידי Utah, 15.11.2013 at 14:59

נכתב על ידי Dr Lecter, 15.11.2013 at 13:07

I still don't see why. If your port isn't going to be a port after x turns... well what the fuck?

My concern is that you will open the floodgates to very screwy unbalanced scenarios, or even other problematic things like bugs that can be abused so bad it's not even funny.

I've seen it happen on other games. Most times, it doesn't ever actually get fixed. They just patch it until someone finds a new way to do it again. And the process repeats.

You obviously have never made a map before and don't understand exactly what us cartographers want in our maps.

That's irrelevant. I really couldn't care any less about what you want in your maps.

If it's not going to benefit the whole game, or if it is going to have so many bugs and glitches that it would allow for even more stupid problems then I absolutely do not approve.

I'm just supposing that it could happen in such a manner. No need to shoot the messenger.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
15.11.2013 - 16:20
נכתב על ידי Dr Lecter, 15.11.2013 at 15:43

נכתב על ידי Utah, 15.11.2013 at 14:59

נכתב על ידי Dr Lecter, 15.11.2013 at 13:07

I still don't see why. If your port isn't going to be a port after x turns... well what the fuck?

My concern is that you will open the floodgates to very screwy unbalanced scenarios, or even other problematic things like bugs that can be abused so bad it's not even funny.

I've seen it happen on other games. Most times, it doesn't ever actually get fixed. They just patch it until someone finds a new way to do it again. And the process repeats.

You obviously have never made a map before and don't understand exactly what us cartographers want in our maps.

That's irrelevant. I really couldn't care any less about what you want in your maps.

If it's not going to benefit the whole game, or if it is going to have so many bugs and glitches that it would allow for even more stupid problems then I absolutely do not approve.

I'm just supposing that it could happen in such a manner. No need to shoot the messenger.

Wow. What message exactly are you trying to convey Mr. Messenger because all I heard was diarrhea. First, custom maps had lots of bugs and glitches and they were eventually fixed and no one payed them much mind. Second, you stupidly underestimate the impact maps have on the game...
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
15.11.2013 - 16:36
Both sides have valid arguements, but custom maps is definitely the selling point of atwar to the majority of players.
16.11.2013 - 08:00
I ONLY play custom maps with scenarios

withouth that i wouldve thrown it away within a week and never comeback


16.11.2013 - 17:32
Add-on to this idea: Allow manipulation of the in-game soundtrack, and streaming of youtube audio as well. There could be could to detune videos, loop them, and put them into playlists for specific scenario sides, etc.
16.11.2013 - 19:22
נכתב על ידי Guest, 16.11.2013 at 17:32

Add-on to this idea: Allow manipulation of the in-game soundtrack, and streaming of youtube audio as well. There could be could to detune videos, loop them, and put them into playlists for specific scenario sides, etc.

Gold is coming out of your mouth (keyboard?) man, GOLD. Support.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
19.11.2013 - 07:18
נכתב על ידי Guest, 16.11.2013 at 17:32

Add-on to this idea: Allow manipulation of the in-game soundtrack, and streaming of youtube audio as well. There could be could to detune videos, loop them, and put them into playlists for specific scenario sides, etc.

I support this not the other idea
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