Population Casualties sounds like the most interesting new feature.
I also like the Idea of Cargo Ships very much. Scenarios also sound good.
I don't like the idea of cards very much and I won't really need 12/24 hour games.
So the three things above would be great to see, for me. (:
On the cool side of Thievery.
Garde הודעות: 2842 מ: Canada
Scenarios, definitely. Just a few ideas...WW1, WW2, Napoleonic era, Roman world, dark ages, Medieval era, Had those in the back of my mind for quite some time.
Why was my comment deleted? (and ironails)
anyways, yeah, senarios weren't there before. But please please please, ADD A BLOODY RALLY POINT! I can't spend 2/3rds of my turn producing new units. It is stressful and it removes of the enjoyement of the tactical combat.
Beheading infidels is a patriotic duty
"Yes, we plan this too, I just didn't include it as it's not a 'major' feature..."
sorry, didn't see it. Never mind me D:
Beheading infidels is a patriotic duty
Ships as long as we can have plains too
Cargo ships and population causalities will simply be amazing.
With the coming of cargo ships though, will there be more ways to spend money? Already there is a slight problem with excess money supplies and i doubt cargo ships will make that any better. Potentially ways to spend more money could be in-game upgrades, city defense infrastructure, and potentially "permanent infrastructural fortifications" as such those were utilized heavily in WWII. For example, Germany's "atlantic wall"
12/24 hour turn games would be greatly appreciated. I like to be methodical and think through my strategy and all of it's possible contingencies. This is next to impossible with 2 minute turns.
"Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king." -1 Peter 2:17
Hmmmm....ALL OF THEM
Bow down before the mathmagician
Garde הודעות: 2842 מ: Canada
נכתב על ידי Alexxxxi, 12.04.2011 at 20:31
Hmmmm....ALL OF THEM 
I think he means which one to add first
Cargo ships and could we have cargo plains 2? This would make sm and nc more fun to play and playable on poorer maps ...... this is my #1 pick
Second my #2 would be population casualties .... reason and sugestions... I think it would be fun to move people around so that if im making troops in two cities and city A can make 5 troops and city B can make 3 then I could move men around so that A n B both make 4 or A could make 6 and B could make 2... this also could make another level to this game
The 24 hour games and the cards are about even but with my deployment I will lean twords the 24 hour games since that may be all I have time to play
And last is scenarios
Well that's what I think
Is it possible to merge that with the one on the News topic? There are good opinions on both (and some are said twice).
Rawk הודעות: 14 מ: USA
I have more fun in slow games, but no one ever likes to have 5-10 minute turns. Impatient people. (Also, I have no idea how you manage an entire continent in 3 minutes.)
Anyway, I would love the 12/24 hours. I can actually use strategy, instead of panicked haste.
Unfortunately, not many others share that view, I see.
Edit: It would also make more epic coalition games possible. Time zones play a large part in those, I noticed from reading the forums.
Please look over my idea on the subject "So What's Next" about the map.
Ground transport for infantry, also cargo ships.
Ground transport for infantry, also cargo ships.
There movement is already assumed to be using transportation
נכתב על ידי MarcJr, 13.04.2011 at 07:42
Ground transport for infantry, also cargo ships.
There movement is already assumed to be using transportation
by Allah no, otherwise infatry would be faster than tanks.
Beheading infidels is a patriotic duty
נכתב על ידי MarcJr, 13.04.2011 at 07:42
Ground transport for infantry, also cargo ships.
There movement is already assumed to be using transportation
by Allah no, otherwise infatry would be faster than tanks.
Ask the admins and they will agree
Specialty units, spetsnaz,green beret etc or specific equipment e.g specific tank units
I love the idea of the top 3, expecially cargo ships. the scenario idea would make things alot more interesting. i also was wondering if trains where gonna be put into this game??? like build armored cars and railguns or some sort. another question is are they gonna add terain and natural disasters? it might be to much but its a good idea to work on...
domination is my thing
Ohh another thing i 4got 2 add is that if 12/24 turns were added would it be possible 2 zoom in the map more and make more cities and stuff. the game already would be way to boring to play the whole world in 12/24 turns, i mean yeah its realistic but in play alot of people would get bored of it quik
domination is my thing
Lol what do you know about tanks... all you all use is your feet
BTW another thing that could be in the next release is a disband option, anyone?
Ok, I cleaned up some of the off topic discussion. Please dont repeat it here in this thread. Just ignore his trolling.
MarcJr, don't pay attention to Multi, he's a class A troll. He's Greek, which means that he's most likely Orthodox Christian (even if not religious).
Every holy book "counterdicks" (love the word by the way) itself. The problem with Islam is that it went from being one of the most powerful regions of the world (Greater Middle East + North Africa + Turkey) to being colonized by the west after WW1 and the breaking up of the Ottoman Empire. This has a profound consequence on the collective psyche of a religion, and it led to the rise of "Islamist" movements. "Islamists" believe Islam has lost it's power because it lost it's way: they promote a fundamental reading of the Quran, because according to their logic, when Muslimdom was at it's zenith, it was because of how Islam was at the time. This is why islamist movements seem so retrograde and stuck in the past: they think that the Islam of the 10th and 11th centuries was the reason they were so great, so they reverted to those ideals.
Do note that Islam is a patchwork of different sects and divisions (much like Christianity), and that most muslims in the world are not, in fact, from the Middle East: of the estimated 1.5 billion Muslims, only 20% live in the Middle East. Most of the rest are in Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria. The Islam practiced in those countries is usually much less strict than that found in the Middle East.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
Add the option to dismiss units.
Can i change my vote to Cargo Ships:mad:
It ends here!
Hey, How about ground transportation? and ground Cargo? and rivers and mountions things like that would be great.
Hey, How about ground transportation?
Its been suggested, we are supposed to assume that infantry are already using ground transports.
and rivers and mountions things like that would be great.
They are not going to do this, see the ideas and suggestions forums FAQ. http://afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=857
Garde הודעות: 2842 מ: Canada
Its been suggested, we are supposed to assume that infantry are already using ground transports.
Or they just run really damn fast