12.05.2014 - 17:56
Lately I have noticed most of the clans are doing some nasty things to get in the top 1-3.... For example MK created an alt clan past season to not lose their first place but reduce the cp of their opponents. This season I noticed evoL lost on purpose to get their competence so low, that they would get 100+ cp everytime they win a cw. That's sad by it self, but cant blame them. But now I see they are so desperate to get the 100+cp wins. So they just rush EVERY cw they play? o_o. Like what happend with the competitive clans who didn't only care about losing or winning? >.< Ofc, they all did care about winning and losing. but not EVERYTHING was based on it.. it was also about fun >.< What is fun about playing a 6 turns cw when your opponent just PD turkey rushes the crapp out of ya :/. Call it a cry thread or whatever. Here is an example of mou: ![]()
12.05.2014 - 18:15
First of all. Do not accuse us of purposely lowering our Competence, clearly go back to when we were losing CWs. Secondly, who is anyone to tell us how to play? If you don't like it don't play us bottom line. Also 1 more thing, I don't like being called out publicly, that is considered harassment. Thanks, good day. Also 1 more thing! as you know we are the clan the does not give 2 shits if we lose.. The example of us going 5:15 winter season. We play to have fun, we play to gain experience, we play as friends.
---- It's not the end. ![]()
12.05.2014 - 18:18
Someone butt hurt :-o
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John F Kennedy. החשבון נמחק |
12.05.2014 - 18:21 John F Kennedy. החשבון נמחק
Dude Seriously We Barely Win Season Tittles And The First Time We Do You Guys Come Up The These Nonsense Ideas, If It Weren't For Us MK, Illyria Or Syndicate Would Probably Have Another Tittle #evoLToSexy
12.05.2014 - 18:22
I have to agree with MoU. All clans have too much pride to have a negative competence. Plus, again, they were actual loses. Next, rushing isn't illegal, and calling it as such means that you do not have the skill, knowledge to defend against it.
12.05.2014 - 18:24
First off, there is no possible way you would be able to know a clan is losing CW's on purpose unless they openly admit to it. Seeing how there is no proof, there is no need to go around on forums throwing accusations. Come back with some cold hard proof, and maybe, just maybe, someone will listen to you. Second, learn how to defend a rush. If it is too hard for you, go back to beginner lobby, and get some practice in :p evoL is life. ggnore
12.05.2014 - 18:24
Dude Seriously We Barely Win Season Titles And The First Time We Do You Guys Come Up The These Nonsense Ideas, If It Weren't For Us MK, Illyria Or Syndicate Would Probably Have Another Tittle #evoLToSexy.Its About Time Someone Finally Knew Won A Season Title, Btw Posted On My Alt Sorry. ![]()
12.05.2014 - 18:30
We here in evoL don't like haters so if you got something to say Waffel mention it once then move on. Don't make a Forum Topic about it and bad talk other clans its just not right we worked hard this season to get our Competence back up. Then afterwards we tried to get our position up and now we hold first place and even if all our games were +50 we would still have a good score the 2nd place clan has 70's,80's,90's CP wins and if all clans got +50 CP per game we would still be in First Place right this moment.
---- Have A Good Game ![]()
12.05.2014 - 18:35
---- Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel ![]()
12.05.2014 - 18:48
For once I am going to defend Evol here. First of the discussion about rushing is irrelevant, it is a high risk strategy that more often then not will fail vs good players, so ya I see no problem with winning a CW in 6 turns it is up to the other clan to combat it, Secondly, the competence situation is not their fault, to be honest they genuinely were losing CW's vs better clans, remember also that each time they lost they were losing 0.5 also so it is incredibly easy to go negative (which btw the admins said min would be 0.50 for clan comp) Us higher clans also suffer in the sense that our competence is inflated because of this. Thirdly, this is not the first time that competence has had a bearing on season standings our (stalins) first season win was off the back of having a low competence and I assure you we were not losing games on purpose, as I said I dont think evol are either, it is the system that is broken, apologies for the rambling but I see this all as nonsense.
12.05.2014 - 20:02
---- It's not the end. ![]()
12.05.2014 - 20:08
as a player of the month yourself, i would imagine you shouldnt latejoin and ruin the teamgames of other players soley to target 1 player for disagreeing with your views on rewalling on the forums. you reap what you sow mr *ahem* own you. but hey i shouldnt reduce myself to your level so ill remove my post.
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12.05.2014 - 20:09
Excellent! I was simply allowing to do what the game allowed me to do. And your post was screenshotted and sent into the mods! Have a good night pal!
---- It's not the end. ![]()
12.05.2014 - 20:10
Rushing is fine. In fact, I'd rather game-changing risks being taken instead of PD attrition for 30 turns. People just need to counter it, predict other moves etc. Anyway, closing this since almost all the discussion is just riling people up, sorry Waffel. Not an altogether bad thread, just your example and other statements will derail it inevitably. @MOU/Laochra, take it to PM or other chats.
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