תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 4   בוקר על ידי: 21 users
07.04.2014 - 14:46
החשבון נמחק
Scenario: Europe.
I took down Two, other Two left. Leaving me, (Turkey) against Damasco, (Spain)

I had all of Europe and was confident that my Home Units to take a blow from an incoming Hail of Air Transports filled with Tanks.

During the last Two Turns, I managed to sneak into the hostile's Capital, Madrid while the said Spaniards slipped through Mine, Ankara. With me having more than 300 units and with it, 70 were Guarding my Home Country while the said Enemy threw the rest of his 36 units at Ankara, Turkey, taking half of the units stationed there.

Turn Ended.

There's no opposition on the foreign lands, the only threat lies on the given Home Country I chose, Turkey. With him only having 10 Tanks on my Capital engaging at my very least, 30+ Bombers, and another 20 of Mine (Tanks) against his 8 Infantry on an adjacent Port City.

Battle Reports confirms I took out everything he had, in my Home Country, on my Capital, on his and all of Europe.
He had nothing left except a couple of Transport Boats floating idle on the shores of France. While Spain itself was occupied, everything of it.

Yet, the system recognizes him as the Victor.
With both capitals being captured by the significant hostile. With Mine empty and his, occupied and walled.
(Mine was of his Color, so was his. I had deployed Bombers directly adjacent to Ankara to prevent Walling, enough to withstand his remaining Tanks while my Armors and Aviators broke through)


What the hell happened?

He kinda broke my Streak...
08.04.2014 - 01:40
החשבון נמחק
08.04.2014 - 19:30
החשבון נמחק
Hmm If I am not wrong he just held your cap. It doesn't matter if he has no units in it, but your home country's cap was still taken. You must had sent atleast 1 infantry or something to take it back.
09.04.2014 - 14:24
נכתב על ידי Guest, 08.04.2014 at 19:30

Hmm If I am not wrong he just held your cap. It doesn't matter if he has no units in it, but your home country's cap was still taken. You must had sent atleast 1 infantry or something to take it back.

yes you must take your cap back, and it must be your color

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