תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 2   בוקר על ידי: 26 users
06.11.2013 - 12:06
It annoys me that when creating a scenario, you can either have teams or nothing. What if the time period/World you are trying to depict is not as simple as that? I propose that you should have an advanced diplomacy tab on the scenario creator so you can choose who starts off at peace, at war and with alliances.

For example, if I was trying to make a WW2 scenario I would need an Allies and Axis team. However you would need to put the USSR in the allies team, which is unrealistic as this would make the Soviets allies of countries such as Poland.

2) Second idea, which I think is less important is Vassals. This would only be optional. This means that one country would be effectively in charge of the other country. The junior partner gives a percentage of their income to their ruler (10%) and can only go to war with who their ruler goes to war with. In exchange, the vassalised country is protected, as they cannot be warred, only the ruler. Both sides can offer vassalisation (both have to agree), but only the junior partner can break free to stop this being abused. The ruler could get part of the vassalised countries sp at game end.

Their would be 2 uses:
1) For scenarios
2) When a strong country has a nearby weak country but would rather not invade them to save time and money when they have another enemy to fight
06.11.2013 - 13:01
Just been looking round and some of this has already been suggested but meh

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