Consul Vote
1)Gaius Tertius Cocles (Empirezz) + Gaius Antonius (Tunder3)
Censor Vote
2)random loser of consul
Praetor Vote
1) Aquillo Pisentius (White Army)
Pontifex Maximus *jesus must resign due to deal*
1)Ovidius (Pheonixking929)
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Whats the point of voting when it doesn't do anything.
נכתב על ידי boywind2, 28.09.2017 at 23:34
Whats the point of voting when it doesn't do anything. 
Just waiting for white army to make his decisions.
2 on the first the rest is 1
Consul Vote
1)Gaius Tertius Cocles (Empirezz) + Gaius Antonius (Tunder3)
Censor Vote
2)random loser of consul
Praetor Vote
1) Aquillo Pisentius (White Army)
Pontifex Maximus *jesus must resign due to deal*
1)Ovidius (Pheonixking929)
why you even try...
you wont get censor nor preator
Since im Dictator pass antonian Law
Since im Dictator pass antonian Law
It was burned gg
נכתב על ידי Phoenix, 29.09.2017 at 08:10
Since im Dictator pass antonian Law
It was burned gg
Can we have this naval battle now?
1 state game from populare bank
repeal 2 landbills
Command of gauls
Governor of ILLYRICUM (developed) tunder3
Governor of SARDINIA-CORSICA pking
Governor of CISALPINE GAUL yellow rose
Governor of FURTHER SPAIN (developed) jedi
Governor of Sicily (developed) boywind
all navy to civil war
legions to gauls
100% taxes
All Money to make a 22 fleets fill the rest with personal income
Command of gauls
Governor of ILLYRICUM (developed) tunder3
Governor of SARDINIA-CORSICA pking
Governor of CISALPINE GAUL yellow rose
Governor of FURTHER SPAIN (developed) jedi
Governor of Sicily (developed) boywind
all navy to civil war
legions to gauls
100% taxes
All Money to make a 22 fleets fill the rest with personal income
populares agree on no taxes
==Turn 37: Phase 3 has begun==
I donate all le money to le revolution
Someone Better Than You
All rebels donate all income to the cause
K so i will send all my fleets to greece garrison to intercept every fleet of the rebels while transporting the winning troops from Gaul to cilicia
Gallic Revolt
Pianus Benedictus (Boywind) (Envelopment)
( 2 evocati 4 Veterans +4 Legions +7 command)=25 strength
Vercingetorix (Balanced)
(12 Armies+6 command) = 18 strength
Battle Roll: 8 (+7 from greater strength =15)
Result: Bloody Victory
Importing massive amounts of grain from the south (option 2), -11 talents for grain, legion dispatched to protecc Benedictus was able to campaign in gaul without supply lines. One by one cities were reduced in sieges and tribes crushed.
Vercingetorix and the main forces of gauls amassed in the Arverni territory, but Benedictus was able to build forts and walls negating their numbers and especially their cavalry which would cause disaster. Finally Avaricum and Alesia were taken in huge battles where the flower of roman legions fell in glorious but bloody battles. Vercingetorix humbled himself before the romans, pleading to end the carnage and spare the rest of his people.
At last all of Gaul had fallen and instead of returning to Rome, resigning command to the dictator and taking his governorship in sicily, he leads his army in the roman civil war (manilian law)
Roman Casualties
Legio Evocati II Victrix
Legio Evocati IV Invicta
Legio XII Hispana
Gallic Casualties
Pianus Benedictus (Boywind) gains two veteran Legions, Legio XI, and Legio XV
Pianus Benedictus (Boywind) gains 6 influence and 6 popularity for victory
Romans love victory, -1 unrest
Rome gains 25 talents in war spoils
*until rebels post its still senate turn*
Rebels Raise Max fleets and send all fleets and legions towards Rome under Aurelius Cornellius Scipio and Numerius Tullius to liberate it from tyrannical Senate which has evolved into a bastardization of its intended state.
Naval Battle of Mycale
Aquillo Pisentius (White Army) + *Marius Paulius Godyx (Pavle) (Flanking)
( 25 fleets +1 allied fleet + 8 command)=34 strength
Aurelius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu)+ Numerius Tullius (need mental help) (Flanking)
(27 fleets +2 allied fleets + 10 command) = 39 strength
Battle Roll: 10 (-5 from lesser strength =5)
Result: Senate Defeat
After landing the army in cilicia, and wintering there it seemed the senate scouts had grossly underestimated the forces of the senate, who were now very powerful indeed. Scouts indicated their navy had a component of legions and was head for italia.
Desperate to halt this, Pisentius and Paulius sought battle near Samos. Emerging from behind the Mycale headland the fleet struck the middle of the Reformatio fleet and sought to flank around the rear of the line. Scipio wheeled ack the lead ships and struck back on the Senate fleet to great effect. Trapped between the enemy and the land, the Senate fleet panicked. Seeing a disaster, both admirals fled. A great victory!
Senate Casualties
-25 fleets
Reformatio Casualties
Moderate, losses replaced with defected ships
Naval invasion of Italy succeeds, Rome falls due to having no defenders
Gaius Antonius (Tunder3)
* Publius Ovidius (Pheonixking929)
Publius Hostus (jesus)
Aquillo Pisentius (White Army)
Gaius Tertius Cocles (Empirezz) escapes
Reformatio Redeployment
All navies and armies return back to Asia, taking prisoners with them. *Semper Pompeius (Phoenix) stays behind in rome
FALL OF ROME- by pking
The Battle of Mycale was disastrous. The Senate fleet was wasted- most of its ships were either destroyed or had defected. Sharks roamed the ocean following the scent of blood to marines trying to stay afloat on pieces of wood.
Scipio smiled as the shores of Italy came into sight.
"Begin the landing."
All over the shoreline, landing craft quickly followed the waves up onto the sandy beaches. Soldiers quickly jumped out and began running forward as the legions began to organize themselves into columns. By nightfall, town after town had already sent word to the rebel camp that they would be surrendering.
In Rome, Pontifex Fenix was kneeling in a temple praying to Jupiter. Hostus sat in the Senate chambers- a chamber whose number seemed to be getting smaller by each passing day. Word had reached the city of the disaster at sea and that the rebel army was moving Westward directly to Rome. Most of the other senators had fled Rome upon hearing this- most of the Senate army remained encamped in Cilicia. But neither Hostus nor Fenix fled the city. They had an obligation to uphold the functions of government in a city paralyzed by fear. As word spread down the grapevine from the officers to the common man, the city guard was called in to declare martial law. Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets- demonstrators in support of the triumvir.
As the religious leader of Rome and highest official in the city, Fenix was given command of the army. Both the Senate and members of Reform began sending letters and orders to different sections of the police and guard. The Senate demanded that the Pontifex declare martial law and ready the defenses of Rome. The Triumvirs ordered elements of the guard to arrest all Senators and their supporters. Much of the civilian and lower ranked soldiers began openly defying orders from the senate- some began arresting their officers and even killing them.
Mobs of Reform supporters were able to convince much of the troops sent to crush the demonstrators to instead join them. A core group, specifically of Populares, remained loyal. Most were pushing for a last stand against the rebels. By this point, they only held the central districts and with thousands fleeing to Senate controlled areas.
As the sun set by the end of the fourth day, the rebel army approached the outskirts of Rome. Scipio commanded the main force while his Master of Horse was sent to consolidate their hold in the rest of the province. The main rebel army began its uncontested march on the city entering the great gates to roaring crowds. They approached the barricades where Scipio rode out on a horse with a white flag urging the Pontiff to surrender.
Fenix looked around at his small cadre of officers and senators.
"Gentleman, we cannot hold the city. Too much blood has been spilt today, let us not die in vain. For this reason, and with a heavy heart, I must ask all of you to lay down your arms. We stand to fight not just for the senate, but for the People of Rome. And at this moment, the best way we can help those people is to bring order to our great city."]/i]
The men looked at eachother with sadness.
[i]"Your excellency, please let us escort you and the Senators out of the city. We can make a run for the north where we still exert some control."
Fenix shook his head. "No, I will be staying with the people. Whatever happens is the will of the Gods."
Hostus looked at Fenix and swallowed. "If you're staying then so am I."
The room drew completely quiet as each man contemplated their actions.
"It's decided then." Fenix let out. "The rest of you, leave my presence, go and be with your families. "
With that the soldiers stood at attention giving one last salute before abandoning their post. Quickly the rest of what remained of the senate forces deserted their post. The rebel army quickly broke through and began setting up post around the temple slowly bringing each and every building under their control forcing the civilians into the streets and arresting all senate soldiers. Outside the temple, Zeph walked up to the large doors and stopped. Closing his eyes, bowing his head, and taking a deep breath, he forced open the doors himself walking straight into the temple with a group of soldiers following behind him.
"Your excellency, it is not safe to be by yourself in Rome. I am here to escort you to a secure location."
Fenix was on his knees bowing at the statue of Jupiter. He rose from his solitude and looked at Zeph.
"Promise me you will not hurt the people."
"I am here to bring order to this chaos, not to cause more of it."
"And yet you bring swords into this holy site. Do you dare try to spit on our gods spilling the blood of their loyal servant in their house?"
"Fenix, do not test me. Our families have worked together in the past. Out of respect for our families former friendship, I ask that you simply allow me to place you under my protection."
Fenix looked down closing his eyes.
"It is in the hands of the Gods."
==Turn 37: Special Phase has begun==
נכתב על ידי Aetius, 29.09.2017 at 23:29
looked at Zeph.
Someone Better Than You
Why do they get war spoils? That money goes to the roman treasury which we just siezed.
When we rebelled i didnt get war spoils...
נכתב על ידי Phoenix, 30.09.2017 at 03:29
Why do they get war spoils? That money goes to the roman treasury which we just siezed.
When we rebelled i didnt get war spoils...
Also how do they have 8 Legions? They had 10 in Gaul and lost 3, shouldn't that make 7?
Someone Better Than You
נכתב על ידי Phoenix, 30.09.2017 at 03:29
Why do they get war spoils? That money goes to the roman treasury which we just siezed.
When we rebelled i didnt get war spoils...
Also how do they have 8 Legions? They had 10 in Gaul and lost 3, shouldn't that make 7?
Boywind ceaser trait makes 2 vets. But not evos. Kinda Op. That i can understand.
What really bothers me is this twisted interpretation of gabinian law and the fact they keep thwir war spoils as if it was a succesful commander rebellion.
Gabinian law says commanders can recruit from their faction bank at the end of senate phase... which is phase 2... this is phase 5...
They shouldnt be able to counter attack because thwir units are locked in cilicea.
נכתב על ידי Phoenix, 30.09.2017 at 03:41
Also how do they have 8 Legions? They had 10 in Gaul and lost 3, shouldn't that make 7?
Boywind ceaser trait makes 2 vets. But not evos. Kinda Op. That i can understand.
What really bothers me is this twisted interpretation of gabinian law and the fact they keep thwir war spoils as if it was a succesful commander rebellion.
Gabinian law says commanders can recruit from their faction bank at the end of senate phase... which is phase 2... this is phase 5... and allowing them to recruit now is total bollocks
It promotes 2 regulars into Vets, but it doesn't recruit Vets out of thin air...
Someone Better Than You
נכתב על ידי Phoenix, 30.09.2017 at 03:41
Also how do they have 8 Legions? They had 10 in Gaul and lost 3, shouldn't that make 7?
Boywind ceaser trait makes 2 vets. But not evos. Kinda Op. That i can understand.
What really bothers me is this twisted interpretation of gabinian law and the fact they keep thwir war spoils as if it was a succesful commander rebellion.
Gabinian law says commanders can recruit from their faction bank at the end of senate phase... which is phase 2... this is phase 5... and allowing them to recruit now is total bollocks
It promotes 2 regulars into Vets, but it doesn't recruit Vets out of thin air...
He started with 4 legions. 2 become vet.. should have 2 legions left... you're right they should have 2 legions and 5 vet... 7 in cilecia not 8. And 12 strengh.
I think aetius must have been tired when this was done
Also isn't Asia developed and therefore a 10/10 now?
Someone Better Than You
If my senator will put in the same cell as pking he will eat him to death or die in the prosses, dr may be rolled for it...
reform accept my terms to being in another cell, thanks you