תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 58   בוקר על ידי: 109 users

פוסט מקורי

פורסם על ידי Skanderbeg, 24.02.2022 - 00:10
Finally... after 8 long years... Alright, your move West, or you chicken? clock-clock?

25.02.2022 - 21:57
נכתב על ידי Rock Lee, 24.02.2022 at 20:29

In all these fronts the US army fought bravely and ably. And was the first army in history to actually beat local guriella in such of high terrain like in Afganistan.

(Friendly reminder: Russia did not do well there).

Problem was, US presidents didn't expect Iraq and Afganistan to lose so fast and had no plan of their next step.

bravely? most of the enemy casualties in those wars were civilians, especially vietnam and iraq. US lost, stop trying to make excuses
25.02.2022 - 22:00
נכתב על ידי Croat, 25.02.2022 at 14:01

Wow, you posted pictures of some extreme-right group in Ukraine. Literally every country has it.

Does that mean, by your logic, that Russia is nazi too?

I dont really care but its extremely hypocritical for you to deny ukrainian extreme right wing rule while a few posts ago posting images of WW2 nazi imagery linked to ukraine showing them support.

Do better
25.02.2022 - 22:11
נכתב על ידי Croat, 25.02.2022 at 04:25

What are you talking about, brainless dumbfuck?

The real paradox is that actual 'nazis' here are Russians. It's literally a copy of Croatian war back in 90s. If your country was stormed by aggressor back then, maybe you wouldn't be talking so much shit nowadays. Tens of thousands of deads, thousands of still missing ones, removed cities, genocides (Vukovar, Srebrenica), camps, tortures, rapes, PTSD cases, invalids, ruined economy, etc...

Dont compare this war to the 90s croatian war, they are nothing alike, croatia had no option except war, we were forced into it, ukraine had plenty of options to strike peace with russia yet they chose the path to war over and over again.

By comparing the two you are trying to shift croatian innocence onto ukraine but in reality you are shifting ukrainian blame onto us.
26.02.2022 - 03:35
נכתב על ידי avatar, 25.02.2022 at 02:42

There will be special court ala hague court for fucking ukraine nazi regime .I hope they wont escape in usa

We will free ukraine soon

How can the Ukrainian President who is a jew, be a nazi and rule a nazi regime? Do you think twice before you write something, or do you believe everything Sputnik and RT is writing ?
26.02.2022 - 06:10
Please make the Russian flag free. We must show support for aristocracy. If democracy was so good, then why is it losing vs russia? Aristocracy must be better
Happiness = reality - expectations
26.02.2022 - 07:33

How can the Ukrainian President who is a jew, be a nazi and rule a nazi regime? Do you think twice before you write something, or do you believe everything Sputnik and RT is writing ?

How can the Ukrainian President who is a jew, be a nazi and rule a nazi regime? Do you think twice before you write something, or do you believe everything Sputnik and RT is writing ?

I don't watch sputnik or rt
Doesnt matter your origins with your ideology
Volodymyr Zelensky is bad leader he is not even politician just puppet dude controlled from usa.

We should ask ourself why there no wars in "united" states of america with all that multicultural people.

You are dumb,
26.02.2022 - 11:34
נכתב על ידי TvrtkoKotroman, 26.02.2022 at 07:33

How can the Ukrainian President who is a jew, be a nazi and rule a nazi regime? Do you think twice before you write something, or do you believe everything Sputnik and RT is writing ?

How can the Ukrainian President who is a jew, be a nazi and rule a nazi regime? Do you think twice before you write something, or do you believe everything Sputnik and RT is writing ?

I don't watch sputnik or rt
Doesnt matter your origins with your ideology
Volodymyr Zelensky is bad leader he is not even politician just puppet dude controlled from usa.

We should ask ourself why there no wars in "united" states of america with all that multicultural people.

You are dumb,

Ok Albert Einstein have fun
26.02.2022 - 12:33
נכתב על ידי avatar, 26.02.2022 at 04:44

What did you expect, croats are protected like white bears, they can do whatever they want and get away with it.
You know this already how many nazis they have in croatia, hunting people for decades and you talk about few nazi kids in ukraine.

Croats: scorching and burning on balkan 100 years
(tide changes)
Croats: you know my granpa hands shake from war, war bad
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
26.02.2022 - 14:26
נכתב על ידי Skanderbeg, 26.02.2022 at 12:33

נכתב על ידי avatar, 26.02.2022 at 04:44

What did you expect, croats are protected like white bears, they can do whatever they want and get away with it.
You know this already how many nazis they have in croatia, hunting people for decades and you talk about few nazi kids in ukraine.

Croats: scorching and burning on balkan 100 years
(tide changes)
Croats: you know my granpa hands shake from war, war bad

Look there nazi kids everywhere but only in ukraine they have nazi battalion and regime .


You mean USA and their agents burn and fuck balkan
Before that nazis
26.02.2022 - 15:16
נכתב על ידי Croat, 25.02.2022 at 14:01

Wow, you posted pictures of some extreme-right group in Ukraine. Literally every country has it.

That's absolutely true, but i am wondering (just asking, i do not want create controversy) in wich percentage they are in Ukraine. I know "Azov" and "Pravyj Sektor", do they have any influences to government in local and national sphere? do they cooperate with ukrainian army?
26.02.2022 - 17:11
נכתב על ידי MrHendrix, 26.02.2022 at 15:16

That's absolutely true, but i am wondering (just asking, i do not want create controversy) in wich percentage they are in Ukraine. I know "Azov" and "Pravyj Sektor", do they have any influences to government in local and national sphere? do they cooperate with ukrainian army?

Of course they have certain influence and they cooperate. I see nothing wrong with that as long as they have same goal.

26.02.2022 - 17:21
נכתב על ידי avatar, 26.02.2022 at 04:44

Guys just showing how big their corn has grown..
Also, look, number 10 is missing on chair!

26.02.2022 - 17:49
I open twitter to see what is written about the conflict according to the information there wherever it is soon the day after tomorrow the ukrainians will reach moscow


wtf west propaganda set at autist maximum
26.02.2022 - 20:22
Apart from avatar clearly becoming a russian nationalist (except he isn't even russian) what else is new on atWar?
26.02.2022 - 20:28
נכתב על ידי Chess, 26.02.2022 at 20:22

Apart from avatar clearly becoming a russian nationalist (except he isn't even russian) what else is new on atWar?

There was the November coup, but nothing else really
28.02.2022 - 12:54
נכתב על ידי Chess, 26.02.2022 at 20:22

Apart from avatar clearly becoming a russian nationalist (except he isn't even russian) what else is new on atWar?


Ukraine Flag is currently FREE!
01.03.2022 - 00:27
נכתב על ידי TvrtkoKotroman, 26.02.2022 at 03:35

נכתב על ידי avatar, 25.02.2022 at 02:42

There will be special court ala hague court for fucking ukraine nazi regime .I hope they wont escape in usa

We will free ukraine soon

How can the Ukrainian President who is a jew, be a nazi and rule a nazi regime? Do you think twice before you write something, or do you believe everything Sputnik and RT is writing ?

cough israel cough xd
01.03.2022 - 00:31
I feel bad for citizens and soldiers of both nations they will be the ones to suffer because of diplomacy failing , both goverments involved should be ashamed of themselfs for so many years they couldent solve this shit and just pured more gasoline onto it.
01.03.2022 - 01:05
Its sad that both people are dying on both sides.
But its Ukrainian government fault cus:
-They kept shelling Donetsk and Luhansk
-Not respecting Minsk agreements
-Blockading Crimea starving it of food and water
But even before this they shouldn't have let the west topple legitimate government that was there before the euromaidan.
Alligning close with NATO what do you think that will cause? Of course Russian minority in ur country rebel and Russians will be knocking on ur door.
Russia does'nt want NATO troops and weapons on their border like any other country it has security concern.
Like USA blockaded and almost went into war over Cuba accepting Soviet missiles and weapons there and failed bay of pigs invasions ofc.
01.03.2022 - 08:16
נכתב על ידי avatar, 26.02.2022 at 17:49

I open twitter to see what is written about the conflict according to the information there wherever it is soon the day after tomorrow the ukrainians will reach moscow


wtf west propaganda set at autist maximum

*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
01.03.2022 - 17:01

WD irl xd
01.03.2022 - 19:01
 Sid (אדמין)
נכתב על ידי avatar, 01.03.2022 at 17:01

WD irl xd

I actually know who that guy in the photo is, he has a bunch of trolls that do this shit to him for laughs. Never thought i'd find a PKA reference here...
02.03.2022 - 03:01
 Mobster (מנהל)
נכתב על ידי Sid, 01.03.2022 at 19:01

נכתב על ידי avatar, 01.03.2022 at 17:01

WD irl xd

I actually know who that guy in the photo is, he has a bunch of trolls that do this shit to him for laughs. Never thought i'd find a PKA reference here...

You can't believe how much people get trolled by this... Nobody reacts to "real" bullshit side of the media, but they instantly react to some troll meme as if it's real lol
11.03.2022 - 17:44
Ukrainians broke Syrian record of S 200.But all ok, NATO brothers..

09.04.2022 - 18:08
נכתב על ידי Rock Lee, 24.02.2022 at 10:46

נכתב על ידי avatar, 24.02.2022 at 04:22

When USA invade iraq ,syria,vietnam,korea

I agree.

Sadaam Hussein, Isis, Taliban and communist China did nothing but spreading love and flowers towards the people of Iraq, Syria, Afganistan and North Korea.

There is no diffrence between them and the Ukrainian government.

i dont get ur point, im pretty sure every country has done fucked up shit on its population, under that logic every country is free game to be invaded by someone else xD, even usa has had its fair share of concentracion camps on its citizens, genocides on its natives, use of bioweapon to quell the native population, sterilzation, projects and experiments which were done without the consent of its citizens that had long lasting or permenant efects etc. Ukraine is no different and has a history of brutal moments be it during ww2 and even recently with those extreme nationalist which russia calls nazi, though honestly you cant really say they arent nazi when they themselfs pride themselfs of taking pictures with the nazi symbol on flags...

Was reading this thread and alot of ppl are sounding pretty ignorant and stupid, tons of wars have happened and tons of intervention from big boy countries on smaller ones to this day. it is true that none of this is new in history but the fact that some people are acting as if this russian war is any less fucked up as the previous ones done by USA is retarded (especialy trying to justify the murder of so many civilians that came from such wars over their goverment doing some fucked up action as if their citizens had any control over it), the notion that their is a good and bad side in war is also hilarious, both sides will always commit atrocity, both sides will have cases of rape pillage and murder that goes unpunished, that simply is the reality of war and human nature under such inhumanity after seeing dead bodies or loved ones/friends get killed. This has gone on ever since we have had records in history... that has not changed in the modern age, history is a distortion, almost all nations have thier own version of their nations history negating and ignoring its horrible actions while focusing purely in the good apart from a few. Almost no nation is free of huge piles of dead bodies/rivers of blood or of commiting the worst kinds of crimes if needed for their political or nations gain. Fact matter is, wars will continue happening especialy in the future when resources get more scarce, we have been blessed with living in a period where most nations have had prosperity and peace but that never lasts according to history, sadly we repeat the same mistakes, nationalism is in the rise in alot of countries and propoganda wars are just as intense as ever. God help us middle and lower class citizens, we are the ones that will always end up having to carry the burden and spilling blood due to the failures of our governments or the decisions made by other nations in stronger position.

Whether we like to admit it or not the west hyped the fuck outa ukraine, promised them the world and were directly supporting the coup that happened which pushed a pro western goverment, and as much as we hate to admit it russia warned a shitload of years that this would happen and now we have this situation, where alot of ukrainians and russians will die and western nations will just send money and praise one side while condeming other as if it matters in the end when it comes to the people that end up dead in the front lines. The hypocracy though of nations like UK , USA, western europe etc which have some of the most fucked up track records when it comes to war acting like they wouldent invade a weaker nation if they felt as if it was needed for their own personal reasons is just disgusting since they have a long history of doing the same shit. This isnt something new, this isnt somthing shocking, this is a stronger nuclear power nation abusing a weaker one. Most of us that live in central america, south america , africa, middle east and some spots of oceania have had same shit happen to us and yet no one gave a fuck because morality means shit when it comes to world politics or a coutnries national interests.
10.04.2022 - 11:21
נכתב על ידי sirivann, 09.04.2022 at 18:08

I was not talking about morality but about how proud people can be.

In day 1 Putinists claimed to have destoryed all the Ukrainian air force, anti-aircraft batteries tanks and ships.

Now they are bragging about destorying some roads and car, You do realize to it's ok for someone to admit admit he was wrong right?

10.04.2022 - 12:15
נכתב על ידי Rock Lee, 10.04.2022 at 11:21

נכתב על ידי sirivann, 09.04.2022 at 18:08

I was not talking about morality but about how proud people can be.

In day 1 Putinists claimed to have destoryed all the Ukrainian air force, anti-aircraft batteries tanks and ships.

Now they are bragging about destorying some roads and car, You do realize to it's ok for someone to admit admit he was wrong right?

Pride is scarey, which is why blind nationalism becomes so fucked up and why its used to hype ppl easily for political gain, though people will always exagerate or brag about anything possible, thats normal especialy in this media filled world, propaganda have always been used in war to hype or distract and looting in war is nothing new etc.

What point is their in admiting you were wrong? will it bring back all the inocents lost? will it fix the damage?

When 1 million people died in iraq over so called WMD and the US president literaly hada make anouncment saying sorry we were wrong, did it change anything? did they stop fucking up countries? did the drone bombing end? Then you have countries that didnt ever even admit they did fuckd up shit and deny it like japans nanking rape, uks india famines etc, hell you have fing EU headquarter in Brussels telling ppl to condemn ppl for this and that while belgium only just recognized/apologized in 2019 for the genocide they commited in congo yet still deny paying reperations.

Words mean shit, actions are what matters. Just look at whats going on now with this war, EU literaly trying to tell other nations like india china etc to not do buisness with russia while at same time still doing trade and still buying the very same resources they are trying to tell others not to buy xD.
10.04.2022 - 13:34
נכתב על ידי sirivann, 10.04.2022 at 12:15

It's true that words should be backed by action. But still, the only way to fix your ways is to admit your mistajes.

Other than that you made some excellent points

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