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הודעות: 4   בוקר על ידי: 87 users
18.04.2022 - 15:54
Will they be adding the strategies in the "Units" tab like Industrial Powerhouse, Counter Insurgency, Hold the Line, and Scorched Earth?
Planet Howdy Prison = 152/89.
18.04.2022 - 17:25
 Sid (אדמין)
Hold the line and scorched earth are failed strategies from amok/Ivan's time. Idk if Dave is considering them at all at this stage.

The rest of the strats were already added as something of a taster before. I believe the plan is to maybe bring them back one day, or maybe they'll be sometimes-seasonal strats that will come back and go away like the mcrib.
18.04.2022 - 23:21
נכתב על ידי NewTea, 18.04.2022 at 15:54

Will they be adding the strategies in the "Units" tab like Industrial Powerhouse, Counter Insurgency, Hold the Line, and Scorched Earth?

It is very unlikely Industrial Powerhouse will be released anytime soon if not ever.
Counter Insurgency had been planned to be released but got pushed back.
Hold the line will likely never be released.
Scorched Earth might one day make a reappearance since new units have been added to the game. It was never originally in the works simply because making a strategy based solely off collateral damage is impossible to make work. Although a rework is possible. It would basically be a different strategy using the same name though.
19.04.2022 - 00:39
What about the strategies that were developed with the new map

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