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פורסם על ידי Professor Adog, 03.03.2017 - 14:26
Imperial Academy: Applications Open

We'd like to open the 2017 Application Cycle for a place to study Strategic Cartography. Strategic Cartography is a unique and distinct art, requiring both a mastery of applied practical cartography and theoretical strategy - of which the Academy is the last classical school which still actively teaches it's practice. For this very reason, we would like to notify all applicants in advance that the techniques, concepts and ideas taught in the academy cannot be disclosed.

For those who wish to apply to the Academy, here are the general requirements:
  • Rank is Above 4
  • Not an alternate account/spy
  • Have lifetime premium*
  • Active regularly
  • Have access to skype (only need to type)

*This is not necessarily true, the Academy has given out at least 10 lifetime premium scholarships to worthy applicants last year. However, though the academy has a track record of funding a plethora of scholarships, due to the current 2017 budget cuts on the academy, scholarships are now rare.

All you have to do is put a post in this thread to be considered for a place. With the following:
"I would like to apply".

In your application you may also choose which college to join, the choices are:
- Felicity College
- Concatenate College

We will consider each application fairly, and will review each applicant from their account records such as past games, elo, playing style and any previous map experiences. This will give us an idea as to whether you are suitable for a place.

After application assessment, those who are deemed interesting and strong candidates will be invited to a panel interview of 4 professors, at a time of the applicant's convenience. 6pm-1am GMT is a time where most professors are online on a daily basis, however other times are viable in the weekends.

Interview questions are varied, some examples would be:
- How would you like to contribute to the AW Community
- What do you like most about your favourite map?
- What control does the map maker have over the strategic outcomes of the game?

After interview, all the applicants who are very competitive and interesting will receive an invitation to study the V100 Strategic Cartography Course. Applicants are notified via personal message from the Admissions tutor, Professor Panda.

Good luck to all applicants!
04.03.2017 - 05:40
נכתב על ידי Professor Adog, 04.03.2017 at 05:06

נכתב על ידי Guest, 03.03.2017 at 20:39

I'd like a more in-depth part of what it is you can actually offer, no disrespect intended but a lot of what you said people can just go to tunder for and don't need to go through all of this jargon. So I'd like to know more in detail what it is you are offering us and in return for what?

If you believe that to be the case, that I wish you well in your future endeavours with Tunder. In our opinion of course, Tunder is an excellent cartographer - especially at innovation and applied cartography. His originality is often unmatched. However, Tunder lacks much of the strategic cartography knowledge that we possess.

For those who are interested, the course offers understanding in balancing, and how to utilise gameplay mechanics to our advantage to produce strategically challenging team maps, whether in historical or fantasy conflicts. As strategic cartography requires many fields of understanding, students are taught applied cartography, statistical cartography, and strategic philosophy. We also teach the Classical, Neo-Classical, and Realist cartography styles.

Here at the academy you get access to knowledge that cannot be found elsewhere; analysis of laevorotation, epistatic momentum factors, differential of penetrability-momentum curves, and the correlation-core reinforcement redistribution theory. Those are to name the few basics.

It is a 6-month course to train a fully experienced strategic cartographer. Our goal is to give back to the AtWar community, because it is obvious I rarely ever make strategic maps anymore, and it would be excellent for us to be able to pass on the strategic cartography legacy that is the pinnacle of our academy to the next generation of map makers. Ofcourse, we would still like the historical and cultural legacy of the institution to be passed on - as a bastion of Classical Knowledge, which is why students cannot spread knowledge to the community without Academy consent.

I understand your view point, that the Academy surely can't have much to offer. But that is simply because all we have to offer is locked and guarded with extreme secrecy behind the closed doors of our academy. You can ask any graduate of the Academy, and they will uphold my statement, that the knowledge in the academy is of extreme depth and with great diversity.



If anyone is interested in what the Imperial Academy is I can send them a massive document Just tell me you're interested.

Professor Panda
Admissions Tutor
04.03.2017 - 08:34
Throwback to 2014
04.03.2017 - 08:48
נכתב על ידי Valetorious, 04.03.2017 at 08:34

Throwback to 2014

2014 best year

04.03.2017 - 12:56
נכתב על ידי LukeTan, 03.03.2017 at 22:14

I'd consider if you bribe me with a scholarship.

Your application is being considered.
04.03.2017 - 13:36
I would like to apply for this as I have so many original ideas for maps but can't implement them properly. I am currently looking purchase lifetime premium but not a guarantee.
04.03.2017 - 13:37
Hello, I would like to apply, i meet all the requirements except the premium part. I consider myself a good player, and i have been winning a lot more lately, so i have many wonderful strategies that would be fun to apply to games. I have many wonderful ideas, from massive space battles, to WW3 concepts. For premium, i must consider this, but it would be amazing for me to join this group,since i have never had a chance like this before. I hope I am worthy to you,and best wishes.
04.03.2017 - 13:40
נכתב על ידי KimFatJung, 04.03.2017 at 13:36

I would like to apply for this as I have so many original ideas for maps but can't implement them properly. I am currently looking purchase lifetime premium but not a guarantee.

Your Application is being considered

04.03.2017 - 13:40
נכתב על ידי Praedyth, 04.03.2017 at 13:37

Hello, I would like to apply, i meet all the requirements except the premium part. I consider myself a good player, and i have been winning a lot more lately. I hope i am worthy of this, and bet wishes to you.

Your Application will be processed.

04.03.2017 - 14:04
החשבון נמחק
Give me £1000 and a bowl of custard and i'll join.
04.03.2017 - 14:08
Interesting, I will give it a shot
04.03.2017 - 14:10
נכתב על ידי Azula., 04.03.2017 at 14:08

Interesting, I will give it a shot

Your Application is being processed.

04.03.2017 - 15:26
Hello. I would like to apply. I meet all the requirements and am an active player as well.
04.03.2017 - 15:28
נכתב על ידי Villuminati, 04.03.2017 at 15:26

Hello. I would like to apply. I meet all the requirements and am an active player as well.

Your Application will be considered.

04.03.2017 - 16:24
I would like to apply. I meet all of the requirements. I have created a couple of maps, and 10+ scenarios and 10+ presets (Mostly using ancient and medieval maps)
04.03.2017 - 16:26
נכתב על ידי Mercenarys_Inc, 04.03.2017 at 16:24

I would like to apply. I meet all of the requirements. I have created a couple of maps, and 10+ scenarios and 10+ presets (Mostly using ancient and medieval maps)

Your Application will be considered.

05.03.2017 - 09:16
Imperial Academy Applications Update - V100

As an update, I would like to announce that all applicants who had applied before this update, have all had interviews, been invited to an interview, or have been notified of their application's unsuccessful status. No offers have been given as of yet.

New Applicants can of course still apply, as the applications cycle does not end until Friday 10th March 2017. We wish all applicants the best on their endeavours.

Yours Sincerely,

Professor Panda
Admisssions Tutor of Strategic Cartography

06.03.2017 - 05:42
נכתב על ידי Professor Adog, 04.03.2017 at 15:28

נכתב על ידי Villuminati, 04.03.2017 at 15:26

Hello. I would like to apply. I meet all the requirements and am an active player as well.

Your Application will be considered.

12.03.2017 - 11:51
Applications Admissions Cycle for 2017 is now closed.
12.03.2017 - 13:09
I would like to apply!
13.03.2017 - 07:32
Why are there precise dates to join a clan? Makes little sense to me
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

13.03.2017 - 10:31
נכתב על ידי RaulPB, 13.03.2017 at 07:32

Why are there precise dates to join a clan? Makes little sense to me

Why would you care? Did you fail to apply in time?
13.03.2017 - 10:39
נכתב על ידי Columna Durruti, 13.03.2017 at 10:31

Why would you care? Did you fail to apply in time?

Yup.... help me with your mod powers!
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

13.03.2017 - 15:58
נכתב על ידי RaulPB, 13.03.2017 at 10:39

נכתב על ידי Columna Durruti, 13.03.2017 at 10:31

Why would you care? Did you fail to apply in time?

Yup.... help me with your mod powers!

This is not a clan
13.03.2017 - 16:34
נכתב על ידי RaulPB, 13.03.2017 at 10:39

נכתב על ידי Columna Durruti, 13.03.2017 at 10:31

There's no point, He only promotes his alt accounts to significant roles.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
13.03.2017 - 17:41
נכתב על ידי Guest, 13.03.2017 at 16:34

נכתב על ידי RaulPB, 13.03.2017 at 10:39

נכתב על ידי Columna Durruti, 13.03.2017 at 10:31

There's no point, He only promotes his alt accounts to significant roles.

Yes because El Creyente is my alt. obv ;P Oh and EJR too, and Seleucus, and WaiserReich. Along with a very long list of fellows and professors.

13.03.2017 - 18:04
 Heat Check (מנהל)
Locked by request.

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