Ingternational, an opinion of a hard rp player have no point in this kind of threads, seriosly.
Are you going to just continue to spew intolerance, or are you actually going to present an argument that goes beyond "you know nothing, you noob"?
Ingternational, an opinion of a hard rp player have no point in this kind of threads, seriosly.
Are you going to just continue to spew intolerance, or are you actually going to present an argument that goes beyond "you know nothing, you noob"?
Is RP even a competitive game? i remeber all 1v1 we had in default map and u lose, u aren't obviously a guy with knowledge to judge people who play the competitive way, all in you is "make alliances is a strategy XD", And when u play other games that aren't rp, u're rektd by guys with lower rank. My point is, that you can spare ur opinions in RP-related topics, don't in a serious thread like this, 1v1? XD
נכתב על ידי Goblin, 07.05.2015 at 09:36
cake = RP, UN, WG, scenarios, etc.
cupcake = CW
Let this cupcake be as delicious as possible! Right?
Isn't RP on 50% SP ...and isn't it true that you have to play a damn scenario or RP for hours and hours to win good SP.
Lets not mix apples and cakes.
Unless it's an apple cake. 
Look a stats. Mauzer, on average gains 500 SP per CW game. Is this 2 much? Definitely not if we compare it to the SP retribution (even nerfed) from RP, UN and some other scenarios (not all).
As an RP player, that is clearly absurd. Check out my games list. It's almost entirely RP games. I rarely play anything else. Even though nearly all my games are RP, exactly zero of the three games in the last 150 days that got me over 1,000 SP were RP games. There's one free-for-all Europe 3k$ game, one custom map and one custom scenario. Not to mention that the average successful RP is 2~3 hours long, while I rarely see Clan Wars over an hour.
Thats because you cant play shit. Or to rephrase, you are bad player and comparing how much sp you won vs how much sp mauzer won is absurd.
If someone is a little bit skilled (lets say 2/10 on some magical skill 'ladder') he could probably get the same amount of sp in RP's as we get in clan wars without any problems. Just because its shitty map with shitty players and everything is easy and shit.
Support Aoki, Internatiofag is one of worstest players i knew in AW  :thumbup:
נכתב על ידי Croat, 07.05.2015 at 06:04
2xSP is needed to motivate noobs to play cws and become competetive players.
Without that, noobs will keep playing rp. and other farm scenarios, they will stay bad players ( like el general ).
...how many times do I need to refute this argument for people to stop making it?
In any case, Croat, you only addressed Clovis' arguments. Meester and I have quite different arguments for the removal of this bonus.
I didnt go for any comment in that discussion, I commented on things that are in main post
I think I told you they were outdated man..
נכתב על ידי Goblin, 07.05.2015 at 09:16
This is the only effective mechanism
No its not ...can it be even proven that 2xSP is even the cause of increase of clan wars or did it come naturally with more competitive players etc.
Competence being replaced by ELO and before that increasing the CW limit are way bigger factors for the rise of clan wars in my opinion.
SP would never be a motive for me to play clan wars ...if there were trophies for CW's won or even played ...or at best seasonal trophies for every clan member that played cw's when the clan achieved a certain place, that would be a damn motivation.
You are right on what you are saying.
You just missed the point of my comment: I just said that 2x multiplier for CW is only mechanism we have for the moment that brings COMPETITIVE ELEMENTS INTO SP SYSTEM. Not of increasing competitivity or CWs or CLN presence (which is your argument).
Is Clan Wars the core of this game?
The scores of scenario, RP, or default map free-for-all players disagree to that. I fail to see why a system of making SP gain, which provides concrete and actual benefits to gameplay (upgrades) , dependent on a mode of gameplay not everyone likes is beneficial. Introducing competitive elements into SP is absurd. SP gain should be dependent on how much fighting you to in this game, regardless of how that fighting came to be.
Just some minor points:
- There is an objective to secure some "justice" to the SP retribution as to a SP/turn rate that somehow should not exceed a certain point.
- SP has lost its relevance as to define "better" and "less good" players.
- 2x SP for CW was installed to promote CW (at a certain point in AW history).
- 2x SP multiplier is no longer required to promote CW and clan formation.
- Why to keep 2x SP? Just to secure that the overall SP account still reflects to a certain point the competitive edge AW still has.
- Last, but not least: with RP and UN having its SP retribution to (50%), some scenarios/maps to 75% and CW to 200% we are managing to level SP retribution to a certain extent. Example: if a player plays CW all the time and another player plays RP all the time, the RP player will still gain more SP over time. But the difference is lower, since CWing retributes 200% SP.
- In general: CWing (comptitive game) is not THE core of AW, but the "Champions League" somehow and a scene that manages to enchant, thrill and bond many players. Respect to competitiveness, respect to fun!
Don't see the "elitist" critique standing hold
As an RP player, that is clearly absurd. Check out my games list. It's almost entirely RP games. I rarely play anything else. Even though nearly all my games are RP, exactly zero of the three games in the last 150 days that got me over 1,000 SP were RP games. There's one free-for-all Europe 3k$ game, one custom map and one custom scenario. Not to mention that the average successful RP is 2~3 hours long, while I rarely see Clan Wars over an hour.
Would you define yourself as a "good", "average" or "noobish" RP player?
Make it x1.5 to balance the guys who support this and the defenders of the current system. Solved
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...