11.03.2014 - 17:09
GC is way too underpowered. It's not just that it's not rlly popular cuz it's weak comparison to other starts. But bcs it is weak in general. It has more nerfs than buffs. So, I want u guys to post here suggestions about GC. I have a suggestion but why I want others' opinions before posting my own opinion? For three reasons; 1) maybe my idea is bad afterall and I'm just wrong. 2) I need to give it some more thoughts. 3) If I know other ppl's opinions, I can make my own opinion better. Sorry for the grammar mistakes in the post, wrote this on my phone.
11.03.2014 - 17:26
I have but one comment to make. In 13 months of playing AtWar, I have only directly fought 1 person using GC. Seriously, I've fought more LB players.
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11.03.2014 - 18:22
GC should get a buff like...it should nerf as much as it buffs: main attack units -3def +2 attack and Inf +2 def and -3 attack or something like that
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11.03.2014 - 19:44
GC is fine. It has seen better days but it's still a strong strategy if used with precision.
12.03.2014 - 01:48
GC is for specific situations, in those specific situations its works. As i read somewhere it has "near PD inf def" and "SM stealth attack" . The most i propose is a -10 cost to inf.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
12.03.2014 - 08:33
GC is strong if you know how to play it.I tried many times to learn it,but i always failed.
12.03.2014 - 09:23
I think that we should just decrease the cost reduction on tanks from -10 to -15 if you guys want a boost. In the end though, I will play it either way. People underestimate the effect of the HP boost it gives. I don't see too much of problem with it.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
AlexMeza החשבון נמחק |
12.03.2014 - 11:32 AlexMeza החשבון נמחק
GC is both bad and fine xD Fine for a strat, but bad to use it "competitively", since the nerfs make a bigger difference than the buffs. The nerfs makes your mixed stacks weak when one of them dies.
12.03.2014 - 11:46
Really PD is simply OP and cuts GC to pieces. Nerfing PD would encourage more variety in strat choices, so I might actually see GC. However this will never happen.
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13.03.2014 - 07:55
Imo, PD is OK as it is. But, GC REALLY needs to get buffed up. I'm looking at the units in the units thingy and look; Infs - 1 (-3) attack, 6 defense, 8 (+1) HP Tanks - 8 attack, 1 (-3) defense, 8 (+1) HP Let's now see another strategy, I chose Iron First. Infs - 4 attack, 6 defense, 9 (+2)HP, 4 (-2) movement range, 12 (-4) view range Tanks - 8 attack, 4 defense, 9 (+2) HP, (-2) movement range, 12 (-4) view range (Without upgrades) ---- Yeah, I can see that GC is a "fine" strategy. Just look at it guys, +1 HP at the cost of -3 attack for inf and -3 defense for tanks. Therefore, it makes tanks unable to defend and inf unable to attack. How can it be an ''okay'' strategy? Give me a honest answer, please.
AlexMeza החשבון נמחק |
13.03.2014 - 11:33 AlexMeza החשבון נמחק
Think it this way: Tanks are RA tanks, except it doesn't have the +1 range. Infs have +1 when defending, it's like PD but a little weaker. That is great, unless you mix both and one of the tank/inf stack dies. And that is why it's not so good compared to other strats.
Black Shark החשבון נמחק |
13.03.2014 - 12:45 Black Shark החשבון נמחק Always got to be a faggot, huh mate?
13.03.2014 - 13:16
You sound breddy mad.
Black Shark החשבון נמחק |
13.03.2014 - 14:43 Black Shark החשבון נמחק And you continue to ruin the thread. Stop please.
13.03.2014 - 16:15
Great Combinator, and all Strategies in general, have proved to me over the course of three years to be quite inefficient and not nearly as useful as alternatives to the problem, which is why I rarely condone the support of extending their apparent cancer, all within my own respective opinion, of course. My original posting within this thread was not one of Spam, but a simplified argument of what I know present to you within this new post.
13.03.2014 - 16:45
What about adding +1 att to tanks and +1 def to infantry? It wasnt hat OP when it was like that. At least it would be playableth
AlexMeza החשבון נמחק |
14.03.2014 - 09:01 AlexMeza החשבון נמחק
Instead of the +1HP or another +1att/def? +1HP is almost the same, so it won't make a big difference. Another +1att/def would be too much O_o They would be like IF units.
14.03.2014 - 09:54
I meant adding +1 att to tanks and +1 def to inf without removing the HP bonus. And they won't be so stronger, maybe a little nerf to something else than the HP and/or att/def stats to balance things out would help. And it won't be as strong as IF, don't forget that your tanks can hardly (or it's even impossible) to defend and your infantries can't attack
AlexMeza החשבון נמחק |
14.03.2014 - 10:06 AlexMeza החשבון נמחק
They will be like IF units, when defending or attacking, depends. That is TOO op. They will because +1 HP and att/def is the same than +2att/def or +2HP. HP is known to be 1/7 of att/def. Imagine tanks without range nerf, having +2 power (+1HP and att) and -10 cost. GC is fine, not that good like other strats but not too bad. Having another +1 buff on power, is too much. GC gets a "free" power buff (+1 HP for tanks and infs) in exchange of infantry attack and tank defence, it doesn't get range nerf or an important nerf (like -1 def on infantries). Just don't be silly and attack with infs xD.
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