KingdomInvader החשבון נמחק |
14.06.2015 - 15:15 KingdomInvader החשבון נמחק
I was playing a short game called Battle in the middle Earth. I was playing with a few players... This is the scenerio: My strategy was Imperialist The enemy has 23 trolls and 50 Elvis Lancer. I used my Steath Rangers 44 to go against the trolls, but I used 40 knights to go against Elvis Lancer. I had 80 knights. Att:7, so I used 40 knights to go against the player's 50 Elvis Lancer Att: 400 | Def: 200, but I lost the 40 knights in the next turn but the lancer was unharmed at all. Enemy lancer Still remained on 50 units, his trolls still remained 15. So I just wrote in the chat saying. me: This looks like the hack Player 1: huh? me: it is time to report. Then sudden quietness. Then suddenly a few players went into afk mode. And they left game. And I won. But before this happened in the game, the units of my enemies were so strong Like 20 trolls killing off 40 to 50 units... That I had to killed a few times to do so until I realize this scenario. Can anyone explain what is this or is just a game error, or is indeed a hacker deed? Suspected Players are: fan2985 md25 Mroziak27 The player 1 was fan2985. When he replied me, his chat name appear like this: #fan2985. Thank you and please take notice of this thing. Hopefully this issue would solve soon.
14.06.2015 - 15:27
I know the scenario you speak of, attack trolls have powerful stats offensively and defensively, i doubt you encountered any hacking
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15.06.2015 - 00:29
Their is like 0.05% chanse players use hacks on lotr scenarios+admins made hacking impossible so i heard.
KingdomInvader החשבון נמחק |
15.06.2015 - 00:35 KingdomInvader החשבון נמחק
Hey guys, Thanks for the reply. At least now I know what was that... Thanks guys
15.06.2015 - 00:48
ask a mod before making thread like this u scaring new players. ![]()
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15.06.2015 - 07:41
15.06.2015 - 08:10
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
15.06.2015 - 10:42
Issue appears to be with the map, so locking this thread. KingdomInvader, if you encounter these players again and suspect unfair play, please take screenshot and send us a report. However, it seems it is just the units in this game.
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