I recently published a ww2 naval map featuring over 100 naval units based on real world ship classes, i did a lot of research and made formulas based on real stats to get the numbers for each unit in game, however i've got mixed reviews, is too many units a bad thing? or do you like diversity and the ability to tailor a stack to what you need?
When someone has that many units you can't keep track of what does what. Unit diversity becomes obsolete since people will just use a few, effecient units and ignore all the rest (and no, you can't make all units nessecary, no one can make 100 units nessecary). it's just pointless confusion.
Someone Better Than You
Thank you i appreciate the input
Only if they are faction related units.
I've said this many times to RP map-makers, but there really is no point to making dozens and dozens of basically identical units.
The only reasons why to include more units is first, to distinguish factions from each other, and second, to fill a unique niche in gameplay.
Well in the one i have, i dont believe there are any ships that are the exact same, some for example the alaska class battlecruiser are better at defense than offense where as the Japanese Kongo class excels at offense, but has shit defense. in situations where each unit is different, is too many still a bad thing?
njab החשבון נמחק |
Well in the one i have, i dont believe there are any ships that are the exact same, some for example the alaska class battlecruiser are better at defense than offense where as the Japanese Kongo class excels at offense, but has shit defense. in situations where each unit is different, is too many still a bad thing?
Yes, because you made too diverse. For example, Alaska ship is available only in Alaska, making it pretty useless.
Currently i have it set up where everyone can use every unit anywhere
only to encourage people to build diverse fleets however current consensus is to remove alot of ships that have near similar stats.
Currently i have it set up where everyone can use every unit anywhere
only to encourage people to build diverse fleets however current consensus is to remove alot of ships that have near similar stats.
Please dont clutter up the unit tab too much. RP is so annoying because of that. Too many units, and most are not used. You can't even figure out which strat affects it in what way.
I was playing GC in a scenario, the units were affected such, that Tanks got the defence of Infantry and a pathetic attack, while Infantry got the attack of tanks and a bad defence :/
No more than 12-15 units available to build and even that's a stretch.
Commanding the unit would be a liltle difficult if you try to split them up, the way you like it. It makes it more challenging.