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הודעות: 5   בוקר על ידי: 150 users
07.09.2015 - 21:14
Ok, so it is/should be well known that ra ukraine is op in 3v3s expecially, with 90 cost tanks. The recent surge in pd turk has helped stop it from getting too op.

I was looking for tips for how to fight back as turk in general, as my turk kinda sucks. (Theoretically should be same as against blitz, but i dont know how to counter that either)

07.09.2015 - 22:57
This is what I suggest if you're using imp. If you use pd, I suggest just rushing him t3 lol?

1. Make sure that he is RA and not pd or blitz.
2. Keep your walls up. This means tb anything within range that can possibly wall break or wall fuck any of your important countries. Force him to buy expensive bombers to wf things.
3. Initially, you have to use brute force to drive him out of the balkan. Usually RA ukr takes Hungary so he can use it to wf all your shit so he can steal them later on. Brute force hungary away from him as early as you can. Usually what I do to take hungary away is to send my general stack from greece up to take hungary. Hungary is also a very good target to tb. If you control Hungary and Poland, you basically cut him off from the balkan
4. Threaten Kiev with a large stack in odessa to get him to cap stack. If he's careless and doesn't defend kiev, then just steal it from him and make him retake. Don't cash in all your assets on defending kiev for a quick victory. Attack his other crap when he's busy trying to retake. If he's busy cap stacking kiev, you can go steal things he isn't defending. For example while he's busy stacking kiev, send a stack from odessa to go steal Russia south from him.
5. Once you have the Balkan locked down, just muster a large enough force to cap kiev or move up Russia south and take volga and crap. idk Figure it out.
07.09.2015 - 23:29
החשבון נמחק
נכתב על ידי ROYAL, 07.09.2015 at 22:57

This is what I suggest if you're using imp. If you use pd, I suggest just rushing him t3 lol?

1. Make sure that he is RA and not pd or blitz.
2. Keep your walls up. This means tb anything within range that can possibly wall break or wall fuck any of your important countries. Force him to buy expensive bombers to wf things.
3. Initially, you have to use brute force to drive him out of the balkan. Usually RA ukr takes Hungary so he can use it to wf all your shit so he can steal them later on. Brute force hungary away from him as early as you can. Usually what I do to take hungary away is to send my general stack from greece up to take hungary. Hungary is also a very good target to tb. If you control Hungary and Poland, you basically cut him off from the balkan
4. Threaten Kiev with a large stack in odessa to get him to cap stack. If he's careless and doesn't defend kiev, then just steal it from him and make him retake. Don't cash in all your assets on defending kiev for a quick victory. Attack his other crap when he's busy trying to retake. If he's busy cap stacking kiev, you can go steal things he isn't defending. For example while he's busy stacking kiev, send a stack from odessa to go steal Russia south from him.
5. Once you have the Balkan locked down, just muster a large enough force to cap kiev or move up Russia south and take volga and crap. idk Figure it out.

With the new buffs to infantry, the best counter to RA ukr is a nice slow roll, just slowly tie the noose around kiev, until he no longer has the funds to continue spamming those shitty tanks, then maybe he will stop being a little bitch
08.09.2015 - 10:14
החשבון נמחק
Since the new defensive buff, turk pd wins all.
01.11.2015 - 12:18
Rip pd

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