תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 4   בוקר על ידי: 70 users
17.05.2016 - 04:22
A few days ago I received a message from clovis asking what my possible reaction to amok missing his deadline of two weeks would be for map editor, when it finally happened. I told him I would try to contact amok, I would try to be patient and give him sometime. But it has become apparent at this time, that no one gives a shit anymore, very similarly to the same way the original architects of competitive play pleaded and begged for support and help and they received none. They are all gone now... Very much like before my eyes I saw my own people the architects of the very maps you rely on to gain popularity and revenue for this game where casted away like disposable trash.
We fought many long battles for various causes and with varying success, some more noble then others. But at the heart of it all whether you supported us or did not we did it all for the community.

Now we are at the very brink of disaster, the ones who fought for there rights to create content in a more friendly atmospheres way of life is threatened. In its current form map editor is not use able yet map creation is advertised aswell as custom maps that we built, but when we plead for support, I have first hand experiance with this we are ignored by the only one who can do anything about it, amok... time and time again a deadline was set, time and time again, it was broken, time and time again we tried to contact him, time and time again we where ignored, blantently and without cause. This makes me believe no one gives a flying fuck about us, and news flash all of us are inactive or gone completly that create content here. No one ever appreciated our work from administration down, like someone else would fill in our vacancy when we finally had enough of this bullshit, no one did or is going to.
This was the greatest mistake the administration will have ever made, the community was the heart of this game, and it is dying, but the map makers where the blood that kept it healthy and we are completly gone now. Clovis asked me what my response would be to amok betraying us one more time, and this is it, I'm tired and I pity this failure caused by a lack of ambition on the part of are administrator, this cash cow won't last much longer I tried to see the good in it all, tried to see amok vision, Untill I relised his vision was as little work on the backs of his dedicated players who wanted so badly for this game to be great, making money off of our maps, our tournements, are projects while doing nothing to keep us involved personally. The best games always have a great relationship between its players and it's developers, ours is none exsistant. I'd like to keep trying for this game to be more then it is, but I'm tired far to tired to keep trying, I cant do it alone, my friends all left the battle now, there is no support from the community anymore, so I geuss all there is to do now is let it crash and burn.

I'll be taking my maps with me into retirement if you wish to play any of them you may message me and I'll try to host if I can. It was a fun four years atwar I'll miss you.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
17.05.2016 - 04:24
I reset the topic as most of it was unwanted shit posting, iv contacted a moderator and anymore shit posting will get deleted. If you have a problem with me personally private message me, I'm more then willing to talk.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
17.05.2016 - 06:35
נכתב על ידי Helly, 17.05.2016 at 04:24

If you have a problem with me personally private message me, I'm more then willing to talk.

ooooooohooohhh scaryyyyyyy
17.05.2016 - 19:15


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