תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 3   בוקר על ידי: 56 users
18.08.2012 - 12:10
Hello, a game which has two great sides: west and east that fighting, is very difficult.
Can you give me tips for playing the east side with SM?

thanks a lot!

P.S by west i mean Europe and east means Far east like japan or china.
18.08.2012 - 13:04
Well my first tip would be never relent with your attacks. Keep spamming bombers (I don't know much about SM, so I'm really just saying stuff that makes sense.) at a fast enough rate such that they can't counter it.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
18.08.2012 - 14:12
First off, I would suggest starting as China: South if you're given the option (Under the condition that this is a 50k, 25k or 15k). Once you do so, use all of your troops that you can (don't ignore your starting inf) to give yourself a bit of a boost and reduce the amount of bombers you need to buy. Aim for high-income cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, and Seoul first, as taking them instantly augments your income. In every single Chinese country, Japan, South Korea, and India, make SURE you take every single city as then you can start getting a full country bonus, which is a huge amount in all of these areas.

At this point your opponent should have been able to expand to Turkey at farthest if you did your expansion right, but this does mean he will be taking parts of Asia before you can. Make sure you get Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Iran, and add in every single bomber you can build in India. Use those to push forwards and try to retake the Israel/Jordan/Syria area, and make sure you nab Egypt as it has two separate 8-reinf cities. Make sure you're using every reinforcement from Bangladesh forwards, as every troop counts when you're fighting a very rich Europe.

At the same time, you should have been using Wulumqi, Afghanistan and Mongolia to make sure you took at least up to Russia: Ural, and using every single troop you could in that area to keep at least 30-40 bombers (with an air transport carrying militia at the same time) moving into his Russian areas. If you ever take Volga, you've just guaranteed that he has to at least spend a good amount of resources trying to counter you up North. Never skip a city in this area, as you'll need every city you can for reinforcements.

Countries that should be participating in the north; Russia Siberia, Russia Ural, Kazakhstan, the city of Wulumqi in China: Northwest, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Mongolia.

Ankara should be your main target after you've locked down the entire Asia area, as keeping his reinforcements from Turkey from working would cripple his unit count in that area pretty well. Expect him to fight for it though, as he'll have Balkans, and they provide a good amount of troops. Once you have Turkey locked down, take Romania, Greece and Bulgaria, but don't push any farther yet in the South otherwise you will give him ever so much more temptation to produce with Spain, UK, France or Germany, and combined they produce quite a nice army that you do not want to fight.

At this point your Northern armies should at least have taken Russia: Central and Russia: South, use these in combination with Volga and Ural to take out Russia: Northwest and Scandinavia. Once you've taken Sweden, go ahead and start taking Serbia, Hungary and Austria in the south. Once you have those three, take Italy with your Southern troops and take Germany with your Scandinavian army. At this point, allow your Russian forces to close the hole in the East by taking Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova, and all of the rest of the Balkans. This may be a timely process, so put it lowest on your priority list and make sure you're doing your fighting in the West first.

Once Germany and Italy have fallen, he's basically entirely defeated and you can just start spamming to clear him out.

The most important part to this is that you never stop your production. If you're not producing down to 0 money every turn, you better be saving up to build a meta stack starting in China and building momentum across India and the middle East

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