05.05.2020 - 13:46 ![]() Pictured is The Immortals vs Sanda = = = SECOND EDITION: MAY 5TH, 2020 = = = Table of Contents Section 1: Overview of what has happened Section 2: OOTE Loses Lead Section 3: New Clans Join The CW Scene Section 4: Illyria returns to activity, gains first place Section 5: Aristokrats go inactive Section 6: Peaky Blinders on way to revival Section 7: OOTE and Immortals merger dissolved, Immortals revived Section 8: Hellenism and 5k? Wow! Section 9: Clan War Guidelines made more clear & organized Section 10: Updates, Updates, Updates! "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." ~ Winston Churchill Overview Of What's Happened Thus Far atWar's second quarter of the 2020 Spring Clan War season has brought its ups and its downs. Order Of The Emperor lost its lead in the leaderboards on top of losing its merger with The Immortals; However, still going strong. Illyria has taken the scene head-on, destroying even Mortal Kombat, who had gained first place just before Illyria got some of its old members back, to gain first place. Peaky Blinders had a really low spot as well this season, losing most of it's active CW squad (that being Lelouch., Croat, Tchetnik, and Bossko); However they held out, eventually gaining a "merger" with Aristokrats. Hellenism has also been a force to reckon with in the scene, being experienced in 5k EU+ games beating even the best clans (MK and Illyria). Clan War guidelines have been made more clear and organized as well as more updates being added. Order of The Emperor loses lead After holding its lead for nearly a week by over 30 elo, Order of The Emperor lost its first-place spot in the leaderboards. This is due to a couple of reasons, being the fact that the merger agreement they had between The Immortals had expired, and this statement made by Focused Alois:
New Clans join the CW scene This season has brought many new clans (and old ones) into participating in the CW scene, the following is a list and short description of them all: ● Splendid Though not widely known, Splendid has done some CWs and looks like they might do more depending on how active they are. ● Intellects Freshly split from Order of The Emperor, Intellects aim to build up their own way of doing things with similar views to Order of The Emperor. Here is a statement from their clan's front page:
● Orca Lead by the legendary Witch-Doctor, Orca has played very few CWs but has obviously shown they are a force to be reckoned with, winning in all of them with almost no experience versing other clans this season. Illyria returns to activity, gains first place During the first quarter of this season, Illyria was quite inactive. A lot of their squad wasn't quite active or ready to CW, on top of even being in the clan (like 4nic, who was in Cynical for the first part of the season). However, this quarter it is much different. Now that players like Acquiesce, Laochra, and 4nic have come back to activity they are absolutely DESTROYING the competition in the scene (arguably due to multiple reasons), having over an 100 Elo lead in first place. Aristokrats go inactive Later during the second quarter, Aristokrats got really inactive, eventually having most of their active members disband into various different clans such as Ship of Theseus and Peaky Blinders. Will they revive once more? Who knows. Maybe in the future when more players and a new generation is on atWar. Peaky Blinders on way to revival After losing it's active CW squad, Peaky Blinders solidified a merger with the members who left Aristokrats, those being Dominoz, opi, AlBoZzZ, and Eph (who wasn't from Aristokrats). Now that PB has a CW squad again, and already in Eighth place, will they still be a force to reckon with? OOTE and Immortals merger dissolved, Immortals revived At the start of the second quarter, the merger between Order of The Emperor and Immortals had dissolved; which they knew was coming, as they knew they were only temporarily doing this. Since leaving OOTE, The Immortals has really revived its self, gaining members such as Croat, who left Peaky Blinders, as well as Kaska. Immortals are currently in Fifth place, and hoping to get a trophy this season. Will they get it? Or will the Illyria vs Mortal Kombat rivalry for first take away their chances? Hellenism and 5k? Wow! Hellenism is widely knowing for being World 50k players, of which they are extremely good at. However, no one would have never guessed that they would be good at Europe+ 5k. A preset usually reserved for more skilled games or games with more players for CWs. Hellenism was able to challenge Order of The Emperor with Mecoy leading their team (arguably one of the best when it comes to 5k games), and even took Mortal Kombat and Illyria (two of the best clans in the game) down. Will Hellenism keep playing in the scene and eventually become an active competitive clan like MK or Illyria? They definitely have the motivation and skills to do so. Clan War Guidelines made more clear & Organized Ever since the argument that was held in the Moderator Actions forum section, Clovis made it very clear that the Clan War guidelines / Honor Code were rules that moderators can delete CWs for. Since then, the thread for the CW Guidelines has had a facelift. With the help of Alois (who got approval from Clovis & Dave), the thread was reorganized to be better understood and made very clear on what can happen when any of these were broken. Go check it out for yourself! https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=42892 Updates, Updates, Updates! As of May 4th, 2020, the AW Development team (Dave & Clovis) implemented some things that the competitive community has longed for, those being:
Hopefully, in the future more updates like this can be made, it certainly brings a new face to atWar as a whole and in general gets players active. Thanks to everyone who is participating and will participate. Without you, our community will not grow. Keep up the good work, and always remember it's just a game, HAVE FUN! I had to cut off this edition with ten sections because there was so much that happened already in the second quarter of this season, that goes to prove just how far we've come since Dave became the owner of this game. Keep it up! If you would like to participate in making these articles, please contact Focused Alois. Help is always wanted. All editing done by Alois
05.05.2020 - 13:52
Sanda was mentioned last article. I have something special planned for the end of the season article.
05.05.2020 - 13:53
05.05.2020 - 13:55
05.05.2020 - 14:36
Good stuff. I pretty like these kind of reports about cw scene, really makes it all look and be for one level more serious, official and interesting ![]()
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05.05.2020 - 15:49
May 31st is last day for cws and duels
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08.05.2020 - 17:24
I have a question why not add win/lost ratio on seasonal cw ? Isn't fair that players playing more than 200 cw and still doesn't get enough elo for being first even if they have the best win/lost ratio. I think ratio win/lost should be part of seasonal cw elo, like elo. It can be possible by adding the win/lost ratio with elo, by simple math; exemple : seasonal elo : 1500 win/lost ratio : 150-50=100 seasonal cw elo : 1500+100=1600 on negative win/lost ratio add 0 it's just an exemple it can be added with other way, im just proposing the simplest one...
08.05.2020 - 18:55
if u do win loss ratio a clan with 25 wins and 2 losses would be able to to beat a clan with 180 wins and 130 losses not fair for those who put in the time
08.05.2020 - 21:18
Win loss ratio is irrelevant. If a cln beats 100 noobs clns and thereby gets a better w/l ratio, then why would that warrant being ranked higher than a cln who mainly fought top-rated ones?
08.05.2020 - 21:49
it's for atemp that, the exemple i proposed isn't the best one, i just tryed to propose a way to add a fair seasonal cw by adding that ratio, you can do it with proportion or do a limite you have many way, just have to figure it out which is the best like for your exemple you can add that ratio with differente way like : -adding only wins games -doing a proprotion of wins game and add them
08.05.2020 - 21:56
Why they arn't doing it right now, ? 100 win still good for elo ? doing it can be considered as farming I just proposed a way i didn't say it's the best one, you can add it with differente way, i just said to make seasonal more fair you have to count the win/lost ratio you have many way to add it
08.05.2020 - 22:08
08.05.2020 - 23:58
Sp police would like to merge with Illyria
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
12.05.2020 - 18:58
Update: mystics and epic clans/ mecoy clan and mk have all united to destroy illyria (but they struggle to do so)
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
12.05.2020 - 19:00
Contacting the admins to Transfer every illyria member inside SP police
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
13.05.2020 - 02:21
Very nicely, keep it up guys ![]()
---- ''People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.''
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