19.07.2024 - 16:13
Hello everyone, I was thinking about incorporating different government styles into the game. (so overall, choosing a strategy and a government style) Example: Fascism: Increases the chances of rare units and more damage on cities Communism: +1 reinforcement in every capital Democracy: Population or income of countries increases faster, resulting in more money/pop compared to the classic setup What do you think about this idea? We could have more different government style It could maybe be associated with happiness or fear? If a country is happy with democracy, it could give the bonus but not if it was fascist just before and maybe you have to wait the next reinf to make the bonus happen another thing could be that if you hold the city with communist government for 5 reinf by example you get 2 reinf and not 1 in the capital... I don't know (i'm thinking about happiness working as pop/money -> 100% happy -> 125% very happy -> ...)
---- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFJ0u4mfZ04
19.07.2024 - 23:00
bro's been playing too much civ
---- hi
20.07.2024 - 07:47
Haha, I didn't know that ![]()
---- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFJ0u4mfZ04
18.08.2024 - 21:14
Democracy 4, Civ 6 (soon the 7 will come), Suzerain. Atwar is just risiko on steroids and some beautiful map.
---- Stay low move fast, shot first die last, one shot one kill, no luck pure skill.
19.08.2024 - 06:30
Your idea is actually one of the best I've read in long time. Maybe not the buffs you suggested itself because rares can be turned off for example and then fascism does not really give anything - but the idea itself is good nonetheless. It would be like choosing strategy at the beginning of the game, and maybe player could be allowed to choose to change it during game aswell - but the change takes some time like 4 turns or so and there might be a chance of some cities player controls to become neutral (opposers to the change). With all that said, I hope we will be able to implement something like this once Dave has time to do it.
22.08.2024 - 19:38
This would be legit- but this game is dead brother. It would be cool to lock a government type in scenarios though
---- The Gifted INC. ![]() ![]()
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