11.12.2018 - 08:50
We've had multiple forums saying that we need a new system to get new mods, with many mods even agreeing. This is my personal idea for a new system, and if you have any changes or ideas, please state them below! 33% Of the vote goes to the mod team. 33% Of the vote goes to the community. 33% Of the vote goes to the admins. For the mod team vote, the mods can decide that or someone in the comments can. For the community vote, yes I agree many are trolls, but most of us want to see this game get advance and not stay in the same place for so long, like it has been for years now. We can simply create an official poll sent out by the admin or a mod. The admins can simply chose who they see best for the position, seeing as David and Clovis seem to be very unbiased. Whoever the mods chose, that's 1 point towards a mod candidate. Whoever the players choose, that can be 1, and whoever the admins choose can be 1. The choices for all the polls will be a top 3 choice chosen from various players of atWar, and the player with the most points become mod. If somehow each party chooses a different player and all 3 candidates get a point, then I'm out of ideas, but that likely won't happen. Be sure to leave some ideas below. Keep in mind that I just came up with this about 2 minutes ago, so it will probably be flawed. Feel free to send your own suggestions! Cheers, ~Pera
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11.12.2018 - 08:56
More like: 60/20/20 Mods are much more in-tune with the community than the admins will be, this is just by nature of the position. Admins I personally believe shuold have very little say because what I've already stated And as you mentioned, the community is full of trolls. I don't think community shuold have the same voice in decisions as the admins or mods do. A voice seems ok, but not a holistic one
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Kaska החשבון נמחק |
11.12.2018 - 09:08 Kaska החשבון נמחק
Admin : 100 % votes. If a mod is unhappy with the admin choice he can just quit. When we have a complain about a mod we have to pr the admin cause no mod will ever be deleted by the team (except rare case) Mod is just a common player, period.
11.12.2018 - 09:19
Or make supporters useful. At first remove all present supporters and elect a new ones, this seems like a job for mods to do. Only way to become a mod is if you're a supporter. When new mod/mods are required, both mods and supporters will vote for someone from supporter group. Whoever gets the most, congratz. Same or similar should be when choosing a new supporter. Same goes for demoting a supporter, not a mod tho. Votes are equal. Mods should have some sort of advantage in votes tho, like number wise.. 15 mods - 10 supporters. Its bla but at least there is some sort of system and more people are involved. Could end up being a corrupted system, dunno.
11.12.2018 - 09:50
I disagree about 33:33:33 voting system for new Moderators. It won't work as easily as it seems when it's written. Community vote will become irrelevant because of it's quantity and it will be (mostly) based on subjective thoughts of individuals, who are splitted on irrelevants (read: trolls) and relevants. But you have to count each vote equally, independently if someone's a troll or not; subjective or not. Also, too many individual, subjective thoughts will just cause a bigger mess. Whatsmore, as it's already mentioned above, Administrators are connected with community in a different way than Moderators. They're not literally 'living' with the community as Moderators are, but caring about 'higher' stuff. Only thing I agree is to implement the community voice about picking new Moderators in certain way. In my opinion, voting new Moderators should be based like this: 1. Admin(s) are writing the needed number of new Moderators. (For example: 3) 2. Moderators, together with Supporters, discuss about X number of potential Moderators and they publish their suggestions in a poll to the community in some official thread, which means all other threads made by community members are absolutely irrelevant. (For example: Admins want/need 3 new Mods. Moderators discuss in Mod forum about players who should potentialy become Moderators. Let's say if Admin need 3 new Moderators, current Mod team will make a deal about 9 potential Moderators (1 new needed Moderator by Admins = 3 suggestions from current Moderators) and publish their names in the poll to the community. OR Moderators discuss about 6 potential picks suggested by current Mod team. Supporters add on that another 3 potential picks suggested by Supporter team. So in total, there are again 9 potential picks which are going in a public poll. 3. Community picks new Moderators between names suggested by current Moderators (and Supporters). (For example, 3 new Moderators are needed, community pick them in an official poll where current Mod team proposed 9 names of potential new Moderators. OR where current Mod team proposed 6 names of potential Mods and Supporter team proposed 3 names of potential Mods) ADD: Something like this: ![]() Top 3 ranked names by community votes are becoming the new Moderators. In the first season of modding, community and Moderators should be asked from admins (in another poll) if new Moderators justified their call. Also, current Moderators/Supporters should watch on the official thread to stop any kind of alt account voting (I still didn't think about the clear solution how to prevent alt accounts), but something like implementing a fast restriction (from admins) to allow option for voting settings, so it can be used only by the players who are ranked 5+, for example.
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Kaska החשבון נמחק |
11.12.2018 - 10:01 Kaska החשבון נמחק
Croat we need a simple system. Yours is theorically good but too complicated to traduce in the reality. That's what French call " une usine à gaz " - a gaz plant. Good idea but in terms of application it's bad
11.12.2018 - 10:25
Voting systems to choose someone shouldn't exist at all. None of this matter should depend on the opinion of the mods or even the community itself tbh. The admins should just go undercover and randomly select targets they like. Of course, these admins should test everyone that's targeted by taking a really closer look at their reactions. After that whole process is complete I am pretty sure a decision is already ready to be made. btw this works greatly, I assure u
11.12.2018 - 10:41
This could go very wrong. Some players might note take the voting seriously.
11.12.2018 - 11:07
I think the community should never be a part of the voting. Votes can be so easily manipulated by friendlypolitics/alts/favourism, no matter what solution you have for it. The way mods are being picked as of now is probably the best way to do so. Only thing I think should change is, that there should be a more thoroughly backgroundchecking instead of taking the recent behaviour, of those who are elected, for granted. As someone who is here for years and been active on both forum and ingame, I always noticed its those who do something for a short period of time, for example a couple of months at most, are the ones that get elected and eventually chosen. I feel like they wear masks and portray themselves as goody-goods in order to look good for the admins and mods, just to get a chance at getting elected. Some of them succeed with these tactics. Sure its not an easy task to choose mods if most of the people turn out to be unqualified, but don't choose mods, just because it has to be done, choose them if they are qualified enough. Quality over quantity. Imo AW has had enough of people that would've turn out as great mods, like Raul or Darkmace for example. Unfortunately they didn't create numerous of unneeded threads and small (to be doomed) projects, just to play themselves in the spotlights.
njab החשבון נמחק |
11.12.2018 - 12:01 njab החשבון נמחק
Stop with those uninteresting undemocratic ideas. We need two things: politics and more politics. First of all, the admins become some sort of benevolent clique overrulers, hiding in gloomy shadows and watching closely what happens around him. Some mods may also be kept as permanent, similar to admins. Second, the coalitions turn into political parties. Every specific period of time (e.g. 3 months) there are elections for moderator and supporter positions. Coalitions choose their representatives and leaders. This way the clan hopping may also be solved. Third, there may aswell be some sort of civil war / uprising system. That way there can be some dynamics in political transitions.
11.12.2018 - 12:16
As it is now, admin doesn't usually say a lot about new mods, but occasionally they suggest a mod, or exercise veto power. So i might suggest changing it to 50% mod vote, 50% community vote, if you are looking to balance the power between the player base and the present moderators, with admin being able to 'nominate' and 'veto' any new mod.
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11.12.2018 - 12:33
I am supporting Waffel 100%. The community is already involved in the voting system by suggesting players. I assure each and every one of you that whenever we want a new mod, we are thinking pretty thoroughly. In addition to this, I think most of you here have misunderstood the purpose of supporters.
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11.12.2018 - 13:07
Howdy guys, I've got a better idea, what about no mods at all? Problem solved. ![]() Meh, just forget about the community vote, too trollish. Instead, the community should be the ones to suggest the Candidates and mods / admins / both of them would have to pick from those. Problem solved since future mods would have been previously suggested by the community (therefor, would need some popular recognition by at least a little group of people) but all trollish possibilities would dissapear after the mods' vote. Seems simple enough to me eventhough it might still have its flaws.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
11.12.2018 - 16:33
I believe that people should apply and the staff pick the mods the simple
---- they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam We are not the same - I am a Martian
11.12.2018 - 17:46
so basically just keep it the same then
11.12.2018 - 19:38
Admins/mods have the say. Why would the community? This community is full of /b/tards and /pol/tards, Admins from 4chan choose the janitors, i believe, and so should this site/game, most of us come from chans and most of use are trolls and know it.
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
11.12.2018 - 19:46
Supporters have already suffered a big purge recently, and this was already like that for choose supporters. It's not a bad idea btw but that's not really the basic purpose of supporters to become mod, it will surely encourage the new ones to become a supporter just to be mod and act like mods and not supporters. To avoid too much social climber, only those who are active and really contributing should be able to be eligible, and even that way I do not think it's the best thing to do.
11.12.2018 - 20:59
TLDR most posts imo just implement a bot mod no need for biased humans in a needless role first spam on global warning second 10 min mute third 2 hour mute and so on same goes for every aspect needing moderating. everyone will agree mods favor those closest to them and punish harshly those they dislike. i know it will take time to code but i think it will be worth while to wait for.
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11.12.2018 - 21:45
The public vote should never have 1/3 of the pull. Sultan is right also. If the public had 1/3rd of the decision to bring in a new mod, we would have even worse mods that the ones we have now (Not every current mod is a bad mod) But yea, nero for mod
---- It's not the end. ![]()
11.12.2018 - 21:48
the day you figure this out is the day robots take over atwar ![]() ![]()
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11.12.2018 - 22:26
Where does the remaining 1 percent go?
---- *enough atwar, leaving it for the game of real life
12.12.2018 - 06:53
Why top heavy mod vote. that just maintains status quo. if it's a "community" decision then everyone gets 1 vote for whomever they choose over a minimum rank ( admin decision ). when vote over post results then vote to elect when/if equal votes. it's not a do or die today situation, mods are mods 'til voting sorted admin have final say if unsuitable candidate/s float to top of the pile.
12.12.2018 - 10:43
I disagree with that sentiment. Some admins where former players and cared deeply for our community. Only ivan and amok chose to not get involved, it's up to David I guess to figure our his level of involvement.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
12.12.2018 - 13:44
I agree. If you are going to give authority to someone, you may as well choose that someone (and make him a recallable delegate, now that you're at it). I am always surprised how so many people are willing to give away their freedom of choice, even when it is downright offered (in this current hypothetical context). This being said, I do understand their main concern; there is a risk of poor decisions by the majority, whether it springs from ignorance or trolls [no need to mention here that poor decisions are also made by non-elected people - not everyone is an enlightened monarch]. I understand the concern - but I do not think the solution is to give your freedom away. Maybe, the few first elected mods would not be ideal, but a little bit of patience, some efforts, and experience / education would ultimately lead to better choices, in my humble opinion. Anyways, at the very least, it would be a very interesting democratic experience to try mods 100% elected by the Community... ![]() Edit: By the way, I have nothing against the current mod team - on the contrary...
12.12.2018 - 16:25
I concur but there cannot be so many poor decisions that preclude positive end result. admin can have final decision whether candidate suitable as oppossed to other mods/supporters deciding who they want with them by top heavy vote. as stated this doesn't need to happen tomorrow so detail can be implemented without game going into a tailspin this is not a poor reflection on current working mod team, it's about equality for community
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