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הודעות: 80   בוקר על ידי: 185 users

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פורסם על ידי Croat, 27.11.2020 - 04:51

Hello again everyone,
Dave listened to your wills and brought you a new feature: You can now play standard map with - 1000 funds.
In that name, I decided to organise: 20v20 WORLD WAR!

The game will be hosted by me and it will start at 21:00h (gmt+1) .
For you who doesn't know how to calculate difference between timezones, just follow this countdown timer, the game starts in:

• Map: Standard World Map
• Players: 20 vs. 20
• Funds: 1000
• 3 minute turns
• Extra cities
• No rares

Trophy to all participants of winning team
• 200 000 SP splitted equally to all participants winning team
• 100 ProtoCoins for each participant of winning team
• 50 ProtoCoins for each participant of losing team

There will be 2 teams of 20 players. You sign up by commenting 'IN' + adding the team on whose side you want to fight.
There are two teams: Team Croat and Team Dave.
Example of sign up: 'IN - Team Croat'

If one of the teams is already filled, next signing up players will be added into team that miss player(s).

1. Croat
2. Mauzer Panteri
3. Froyer
4. Rasp
6. Apeiron
7. Hineni
8. Ivan.
9. NegTheEskimo
10. Yacer
11. Sasan
12. Waffel
13. Focused Karlo14
14. bosnjak9
15. Strale
16. Agel
17. PleaseMe
18. Lelouch.
19. JoeWarner
20. Laochra

1. MzBlackie
2. Corona-chan
3. laziale10x
4. Fap_Cop1122
5. evqze

1. Dave
2. Cimpro
3. YourLIFE1389
4. Zoe
5. Dopey1122
6. SacuvajMeBozeKGH
7. BlueDNA
8. Aleandrop
9. Cold Case
10. Dr.Known
12. tengri7
13. Dex94
14. Nedris
15. El Professor
16. Ferlucci1389
17. George Bush
18. 1122
19. Flume
20. Xenomega

2. Thrall11
3. edusigo
4. Goldspades
5. wiIIy

Let's see whose team will combine funds and tactics in best way. Let the war begin

27.11.2020 - 12:44
נכתב על ידי Your Laki, 27.11.2020 at 12:23

In for Dave (or what is available)

Added to Team Dave. I think teams are pretty equal now.

27.11.2020 - 12:46

27.11.2020 - 13:04
Me just posting here to remember way back in the past when Ivan and Amok were still the owners of Atwar and someone was able to create a game that had over 20 people in it using a glitch or something like that and everyone over the 20 players that joined were all the same color red. Then there was a forum thread about that and if it happened again there would be consequences. If anyone remembers that thread message me it I lost it please.
27.11.2020 - 13:10
נכתב על ידי Civilization, 27.11.2020 at 13:04

Me just posting here to remember way back in the past when Ivan and Amok were still the owners of Atwar and someone was able to create a game that had over 20 people in it using a glitch or something like that and everyone over the 20 players that joined were all the same color red. Then there was a forum thread about that and if it happened again there would be consequences. If anyone remembers that thread message me it I lost it please.

I think you missed some news Dave implemented:
- Number of players that can join normally is not 20 anymore, it's extended up to 40 players
- Palette of colours to choose is also extended to 42
- There is also the last addition in World Map: possibility to play with 1000 funds

That person you mentioned, back in times when the max number of players in game was 20, abused IE to get more players and to give everyone red color. But let's not derail this thread more about that topic.

27.11.2020 - 14:32
What is teh pass?
27.11.2020 - 15:22
We had spies it's the only reason we lost
27.11.2020 - 16:14
Well this was a total flopp..

נכתב על ידי Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
27.11.2020 - 17:59
May I please you guys for few words after the end. I will be a bit more honest.

It seems to me like some of you don't understand simple sentences. If I say that I will organise teams as host, that means I will organise teams as host.

1. No need for 10 of you to randomly spam people, in this case Tempest who got confused by that, and rejoined once more.
By my prevouis words, Dave logically thought we should bring firstly reserves which are avilable and which actually signed-up unlike Tempest. We just came to the moment where Tempest and Dave both got confused basically, together with myself. All because ten of you given yourselves credits all of a sudden to control and fill up teams with 1 or 2 missing players on panic on your own. In the meantime, I, by myself, didnt even notice Tempest joined again instead of the guy that hopped out and I clicked on game to start. Literally a moment earlier Dave kicked him so actual signed-up avilable reserve can hop in. It was too late to undo 'start' clicking.
But okay, I got it, it was all positive impatience, wish to play, misunderstanding and bad luck moment. We could continue 19v20, nothing too drastically changed.

2. The thing that got me really mad and nervous are people who sign up into something, join the game, press or write 'ready' and then, after the game starts, for some reason they just suddenly disappear somewhere or go AFK I would actually understand if they already picked country, but no. They didn't.
I really tried, but I cannot understand that logic. I saw people from my team already got a bit frustrated about picks, logically, as we lost like several of them, including the most crucial first picks. I started slightly being nervous, but I was still hoping for the best and tried to make it the least harmful as possible

3. What happens next got me out of the rails. Certain people just decided to surrender with purpose to rejoin, without even asking anyone about anything. They were like 'hey, I was Slovenia, I might try Lesoto now' , like they are changing their fucking different colour socks. I dont know if I have to draw or I'm just a moron, but isn't it logical thing that you shouldn't surrender and rejoin because I warned several times about it and it's logical by itself already. This wasn't random noob 50k World Game where you will just rejoin whenever you want to with whichever free country is avilable. You were aware of it.

On the other side, what gives me a pleasure is what we achieved by activity:

At least 104 people in Main Lobby (got the SS on 103):

428 people online at once

Second biggest peak since May 27! and the function is back on growth! (It didn't yet update whole today's day, so it's less visible atm). Don't forget May was ending of first lockdown, that's why it's goes pretty up in that way.

I won't lie, the game by itself hurted me in some way and I am pretty disappointed as I lost like half of my day to prepare, make, follow up and organise this and it was all ruined literally in 3 minutes by some weird, for me unlogical, moves and doings of certain players who just didn't want to listen or decided to behave on their own.
But fuck it, at least we tried.

Cheers to every of you for activity
Promised awards are already sent to some participants and will be sent very soon to the remaining participants. Take care

27.11.2020 - 18:54
I always miss the good stuff
If sexy is smart then i must be drop dead gorgeous.
27.11.2020 - 19:46
נכתב על ידי Croat, 27.11.2020 at 17:59

1. No need for 10 of you to randomly spam people, in this case Tempest who got confused by that, and rejoined once more.
By my prevouis words, Dave logically thought we should bring firstly reserves which are avilable and which actually signed-up unlike Tempest. We just came to the moment where Tempest and Dave both got confused basically, together with myself. All because ten of you given yourselves credits all of a sudden to control and fill up teams with 1 or 2 missing players on panic on your own. In the meantime, I, by myself, didnt even notice Tempest joined again instead of the guy that hopped out and I clicked on game to start. Literally a moment earlier Dave kicked him so actual signed-up avilable reserve can hop in. It was too late to undo 'start' clicking.
But okay, I got it, it was all positive impatience, wish to play, misunderstanding and bad luck moment. We could continue 19v20, nothing too drastically changed.

Would've been a bigbrain move for Dave to tell me that he was gonna get the actual reserves in first zzzzzzzzzz
28.11.2020 - 00:11
I want fucking rematch
28.11.2020 - 01:00
נכתב על ידי Croat, 27.11.2020 at 17:59

May I please you guys for few words after the end. I will be a bit more honest.

It seems to me like some of you don't understand simple sentences. If I say that I will organise teams as host, that means I will organise teams as host.

1. No need for 10 of you to randomly spam people, in this case Tempest who got confused by that, and rejoined once more.
By my prevouis words, Dave logically thought we should bring firstly reserves which are avilable and which actually signed-up unlike Tempest. We just came to the moment where Tempest and Dave both got confused basically, together with myself. All because ten of you given yourselves credits all of a sudden to control and fill up teams with 1 or 2 missing players on panic on your own. In the meantime, I, by myself, didnt even notice Tempest joined again instead of the guy that hopped out and I clicked on game to start. Literally a moment earlier Dave kicked him so actual signed-up avilable reserve can hop in. It was too late to undo 'start' clicking.
But okay, I got it, it was all positive impatience, wish to play, misunderstanding and bad luck moment. We could continue 19v20, nothing too drastically changed.

2. The thing that got me really mad and nervous are people who sign up into something, join the game, press or write 'ready' and then, after the game starts, for some reason they just suddenly disappear somewhere or go AFK I would actually understand if they already picked country, but no. They didn't.
I really tried, but I cannot understand that logic. I saw people from my team already got a bit frustrated about picks, logically, as we lost like several of them, including the most crucial first picks. I started slightly being nervous, but I was still hoping for the best and tried to make it the least harmful as possible

3. What happens next got me out of the rails. Certain people just decided to surrender with purpose to rejoin, without even asking anyone about anything. They were like 'hey, I was Slovenia, I might try Lesoto now' , like they are changing their fucking different colour socks. I dont know if I have to draw or I'm just a moron, but isn't it logical thing that you shouldn't surrender and rejoin because I warned several times about it and it's logical by itself already. This wasn't random noob 50k World Game where you will just rejoin whenever you want to with whichever free country is avilable. You were aware of it.

On the other side, what gives me a pleasure is what we achieved by activity:

At least 104 people in Main Lobby (got the SS on 103):

428 people online at once

Second biggest peak since May 27! and the function is back on growth! (It didn't yet update whole today's day, so it's less visible atm). Don't forget May was ending of first lockdown, that's why it's goes pretty up in that way.

I won't lie, the game by itself hurted me in some way and I am pretty disappointed as I lost like half of my day to prepare, make, follow up and organise this and it was all ruined literally in 3 minutes by some weird, for me unlogical, moves and doings of certain players who just didn't want to listen or decided to behave on their own.
But fuck it, at least we tried.

Cheers to every of you for activity
Promised awards are already sent to some participants and will be sent very soon to the remaining participants. Take care

We need to do a 20vs20 on ancient world , i didnt really notice this 20vs20 thing till it was too late and already starting, ill join next one with more scenario fags too support the cause .Next time u gotta be more mean and bully noobs , be rankists , kick niggas who go afk etc like we do when we fill big maps normaly, its gay when ppl leave at start and usualy leads to others following and fucking up the match.
28.11.2020 - 07:19
Sad I missed it, announce it sooner next time

Ex-commander of Renegades and Ecclesia, ex-Archon of Imperial Union
28.11.2020 - 18:43
01.12.2020 - 12:43
In Croat
02.12.2020 - 06:33
In theam Croat
11.12.2020 - 08:45
Nedris screwed up accidentally something with trophy, now it's fixed back

11.12.2020 - 10:37
נכתב על ידי Croat, 11.12.2020 at 08:45

Nedris screwed up accidentally something with trophy, now it's fixed back

Still not fixed
11.12.2020 - 11:39
נכתב על ידי smegma lover, 11.12.2020 at 10:37

Still not fixed

It is fixed

02.01.2021 - 02:23
Make another one. I was on 5 yr hiatus when this happens ;_;
Deutsch überwältigt


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