01.06.2021 - 08:42
Without wanting to create an theme with a lot of drama, I would just want to say what has bothered me about the alliance ship of theseus. Last night was the last day of the season, as is logical many battles took place and this is the right piece because you expect everything to be judged at the last minute.But I can not say the same about the way some alliances reacted and especially the SoT, and i will expalin what i mean. Me and Professor we was world players only! without knowing anything about competitve sence in cw games. Before 9 months we tried to start competitvie sence and fight against good players and clans, we had 2 seasons in row that we was very action but we were geting low places, but without being disappointed. This season we started again very action with more experience and more volition to get better score and one better place! in the middle of the season we had almost 800 elo, nevertheless we did the big step and reached until yesterday to be in third place with 1104 elo, also we had 296 cws! Now i will say what makes me mad and sad with ship of theseus clan. Last night they had 5 cws against Bosniaks (who bosniaks had 22 games this season) and from this 5 games 4 wins for bosniaks and jugers he did not play any game! Last night ships used against Bosniaks players who do not play at all (rank 8,9 and player who they are not have any expirience in cw games) if u wathed the games u could said that was an easy elo farm, and it was clear !! cause bosniaks when they gets third place they stoped play, bosniaks does not deserve this third place, but im standing only on SoT reaction who they giving free elo to ( their friends ) Bosniaks to get this third place. I beilive my team is the winner of this season cause we didnt dodge any clan we played like crazy all this season, not like other clans who they chose their opponents!
---- "People can be as dark as they want to be, but it's enough to intervene in a part of Greek life, so that it is immediately illuminated." Friedrich N
01.06.2021 - 08:45
Final four or league resolve camping and fagging.
---- ![]() http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14714&topicsearch=&page= ![]()
01.06.2021 - 09:13
I tried my best against bosniaks so please... we would get 3rd if we won so why would i lose on purpose.... i even capped my enemy, in the other held 2v1, and at the other killed wests gen, dont cry like dogs, if you deserved the trophy, you would be able to win agianst a shity clan like ours with noobs right? or against mirage, ooor maybe at least once against paradox but instead you played against zappas clan when u were 3rd place (i guess i could blame you for farming prinze too) and you only agreed to play us when you dropped to 4th. As for your growth, i admire that, good job for that. And go check the fucking action appeals to see that jugers was banned for majority of the day and got unbanned later... i can understand your frustration i almost lost top3 too once but please, hold your emotions... Oh about bosniaks stopping after getting 3rd, tatsh had to leave he couldnt stay untill 4 in the morning like you losing games in a row trying to reclaim 3rd place. Sorry but big activity cant buy you 3rd place, theres already another big prize for that
---- Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks. Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople ![]()
01.06.2021 - 09:19
I have said that before in a post responding to croat who was complaining about activity and dodging, and i will say it again here. There should be an official league like the War Tournament where after the organized matches end the top4 would go to play offs, this way the upsets and the huge changes in the table dont happen in the last day and the teams that really had the best consistant perfomance get to fight in a bo3/5 to win each trophy. Its the most fair way to compete, avoids dodging too and congratulates those who were good for the past 89 days!
---- Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks. Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople ![]()
01.06.2021 - 09:28
I used those same players 3 days ago vs your clan, vs cc. Anyway that's not the point, i use whichever i want, i and croat were only ones using new guys and i see you and wd to accuse me for giving "free elo". How about you try to let new guys play too. Yesterday i begged you to come and play bo5 and you refused me 10 times, then when you lost p3 you suddenly came and asked for CW. I call here Ferl to come and share from his point of view what happened, i won't share our prs because I respect him if he wants he can come here and say what he wrote me in pr. I won't need to elaborate any further, but I need to ask in what setting a 2v1 ancient CW can get fair, anyone with any basic knowledge of the map can say it can't. Froyer was saying earlier that you were ready to 3v3 CW them but cc refused and came to CW us instead. All i know is that yesterday my clan was most active one (10 cws) with most diverse players ( 7 different players). Ball on ferluce. Ps: forgot to mention bosnjak legion has 170 some cws, just things went down with trystane and swans had to remake it.
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01.06.2021 - 09:45
That's competitive as it is atm sadly. Without giving any judgment, hats down to you and prof, u definitely brought some activity and skills to the cw scene so keep it up ![]()
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01.06.2021 - 10:10 ![]() How many games is supposed to have clan made 13 days before season ends and who had 4 players ? I was unbanned cca 55 days ago (banned during season 5 + 1 days later) so I was here for cca half of the season. So when you calculate the time I was unbanned I played more duels and clan wars than any other player. You attack me when I lose (few days ago against SOT or Paradox Idr) and you attack me when I win. You snitch on me when I play with commando for Aristo for old times sake and you lose (even though you had plenty of time to recover and Aristo was not a threat whatsoever), yet you rush to play 2v1 against Diz two days before season ends. Most of your clanmates are good people and yesterday when I replied to you guys is what your clanmates told me to say to you. Rains (bless his heart) is great guy and clanmate and he told me he had to go and I asked him to stay and he stayed 2 more clan wars. I can't ask for more, he has real life obligations as we all do. So that's for one Second is You didn't want to play when you had (what you thought) secure third place but being mad when others do the same is ridiculous. The one who desires something more chases it, that's like being mad at girls you like for not approaching you - laughable and counterproductive Edit: oh and you can check our clan history, we played everyone (except mirage few days ago because my clanmate gust didn't want to play them which froyer can confirm)
---- "****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull out from him their body parts****" - IHY
01.06.2021 - 10:20
Bella you know that if ship didn't lose against bosniaks they would be third right ? they had no reason to give free wins lol Also well done for your 300 cws
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01.06.2021 - 10:30
I will be direct as always ,we cant judge no one if we had more elo we would be 3rd simple as that ,congratz to Mirage ,op team and op final day special regards to MK very active and for me best clan this season but thats sport i am sure no one tho Chelsea will win League champions ... also to bosniaks ,i have nothing against them congratz to them also and all best regards to my clan and team mates it was very good season and fun ,we will try to win next time gG !
---- Cuva BOG Srbina svog! ![]()
01.06.2021 - 10:52
When I saw this post, I couldn't laugh more... I thought it was a joke post but if it's promoted... XAXAXAXA
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01.06.2021 - 10:59
Dude this post and mauz's post are the same thing lol
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01.06.2021 - 12:18
---- ![]() http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14714&topicsearch=&page= ![]()
02.06.2021 - 06:42
Well done on Hellenism for the amount of cws played and their general progress. But also well done to my Bosniaks and their dominant performance in the final days, wish I could have been apart of something.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
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