תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 12   בוקר על ידי: 62 users
12.02.2021 - 10:12
What now? Third opium war or sanctions?

I personally have no opinion on the matter, as i strongly promote non-meddling in other nations internal business, so i can't say i support or condemn such actions. I can only say 'sī fuerīs Rōmae, Rōmānō vīvitō mōre; sī fuerīs alibī, vīvitō sīcut ibī'.

If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
12.02.2021 - 11:06
We need a scenario for this
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
12.02.2021 - 13:39
What does china have against black people smh.
12.02.2021 - 13:58
נכתב על ידי PleaseMe, 12.02.2021 at 13:39

What does china have against black people smh.

Wow bro you're so fucking funny dude.
12.02.2021 - 16:27
Perhaps its too big for the chinese women...
RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
13.02.2021 - 05:29
If UK invades China now, who'd win?

Third time's the charm?
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
13.02.2021 - 11:00
Free uyghur

15.02.2021 - 21:16
They should ban rats,bat,dog,cat,insects from local restourant menu

This days chinese eat almost everything that moves

I expect new viruses from china in future even more deadly than covid19

Why the fuck they dont eat kebabs and baklava like normal people
16.02.2021 - 10:38
נכתב על ידי avatar, 15.02.2021 at 21:16

Why the fuck they dont eat kebabs and baklava like normal people

Wait, normal people dont eat kebab and baklava xD

Who in the right mind eats charred meat and mix of oil-sugar made pie!
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
16.02.2021 - 11:30
נכתב על ידי Skanderbeg, 16.02.2021 at 10:38

נכתב על ידי avatar, 15.02.2021 at 21:16

Why the fuck they dont eat kebabs and baklava like normal people

Wait, normal people dont eat kebab and baklava xD

Who in the right mind eats charred meat and mix of oil-sugar made pie!

Beef kebabs

Vegan kebabs

turkish coffee and baklava

Vegan baklava

Still better food than weird chinese kitchen
There also good chinese recipes but serious to eat dogs and cats or insects like that uk dude bear grylls
Dont look normal to me
17.02.2021 - 13:36
נכתב על ידי avatar, 16.02.2021 at 11:30

Beef kebabs

Vegan kebabs

turkish coffee and baklava

Vegan baklava

Still better food than weird chinese kitchen
There also good chinese recipes but serious to eat dogs and cats or insects like that uk dude bear grylls
Dont look normal to me

That's Greek coffee not turkish! Also... kebab looks like poop in the plate

Baklava is sweet like candy but made using oil, that two doesn't do well together, atleast for white stomach

Chinese eat dogs and cats, but Whites eat pigs, cows, deers... where's the line?!

And the last picture you posted is Balkan pie, not baklava xD
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
17.02.2021 - 13:38
נכתב על ידי Skanderbeg, 17.02.2021 at 13:36

נכתב על ידי avatar, 16.02.2021 at 11:30

Beef kebabs

Vegan kebabs

turkish coffee and baklava

Vegan baklava

Still better food than weird chinese kitchen
There also good chinese recipes but serious to eat dogs and cats or insects like that uk dude bear grylls
Dont look normal to me

That's Greek coffee not turkish! Also... kebab looks like poop in the plate

Baklava is sweet like candy but made using oil, that two doesn't do well together, atleast for white stomach

And the last picture you posted is Balkan pie, not baklava xD

"People can be as dark as they want to be, but it's enough to intervene in a part of Greek life, so that it is immediately illuminated."
Friedrich N

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