תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 71   בוקר על ידי: 198 users

פוסט מקורי

פורסם על ידי Oleg, 19.03.2021 - 10:31

I represent you the...
4th Cyprus vs Malta Tournament!


  • It is a best of 3 games. Finals are best of 5 games.
  • Players must play as either Cyprus or Malta. For the first 2 games they must play each country, and for the third the pick is first come first served.
  • Finals: Players must play as either Cyprus or Malta. For the first 4 games they must play each country twice, and for the fifth the pick is first come first served.
  • Malta can't attack Macedonia turn 1
  • Completed games must be accompanied with a screenshot or confirmation from both players.
  • Rematches are are a must in case if one player gets bad rolls first turn and loses units attacking 1-unit city (this does not apply in case if both players attacked the same spot, and one won, or if both lost, game continues)
  • Rule about rematch applies only if 1 reinf city is attacked. If players attacks 2 reinf city turn 1, he loses right for remake.
  • Other situations for rematches are at the player(s) discretion, if a rematch is agreed upon the results of the original game whatever they were are void.
  • If you cant play your game within the deadline please let me know.
  • As always, unfair play is prohibited, so no Serbian walling, Wall glitching, rewalling etc...
  • Ranks 6+

Default Match rules:

  • Game Type: Europe
  • Turn duration: 1 min
  • Starting funds: 5k
  • Maximum players: 2
  • Joining until week: 0
  • Victory: Capture player capital and hold for at least 2 turns
  • Game duration: 50 turns
  • Rares: none
  • Initial countries: 1
  • Extra cities:
  • Allow rejoining: off
  • Disable uprades: off
  • Disable strategies: off


Note: Challonge added some sort of protection, so picture might not always load.
In that case, use the following LINK
Participants [32/32]

Reserves Will be added by random roll to the round 1 of tournament, in case someone fails/doesn't want to schedule game.


    Bronze match:
    JUGERS2, Pavle
    Ivan., Reed_Sternberg,


  • Trophy for top 4
  • 1000 Protocoins for the 1st place, 500 for the 2nd and 250 for the 3rd place.
31.03.2021 - 05:29
Won 2-1 against DeXXX
31.03.2021 - 06:48
A_basji diaqualified for not answering messages or checking this topic (for 11 days).

02.04.2021 - 04:34
Won niels 2-0 gg
04.04.2021 - 09:12
Pavle 2 - 1 Taz GG
Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !

ゆめ の ちから
04.04.2021 - 09:39
 Mobster (מנהל)
Jugers won 2 games I won 1 game, gg
04.04.2021 - 09:39
Won mobster 2-1 gg
04.04.2021 - 12:03
נכתב על ידי Mobster, 04.04.2021 at 09:39

Jugers won 2 games I won 1 game, gg

נכתב על ידי JUGERS2, 04.04.2021 at 09:39

Won mobster 2-1 gg

Nice posting at the exact same time, hax.

07.04.2021 - 16:52

4th Cyprus vs Malta Tournament
Finals are coming!

Date: Saturday, 17th of April. 19:00 CEST.

Final match:

Bronze match:

18.04.2021 - 13:08

4th Cyprus vs Malta Tournament
has been finished!

Few facts that I want to say about this tournament:

  • Tournament has been finished in less than a month.
  • This has been the first tournament that had the official betting organized for the final matches. (After being tested on Croat's The Punisher 2.0)
  • Credits to the original host of Cyprus vs Malta tournaments - Ghost
  • Total Protocoins betted on players: 53246


1. Reed_Sternberg

2. Ivan.

3. Jugers2

4. Pavle


18.04.2021 - 20:24
 Dave (אדמין)
All winning bets have been paid
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

19.04.2021 - 10:34
Also I just delivered trophies to the winners. gg


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