18.05.2021 - 13:00
I believe that Jordan Peterson is not an unfamiliar name at this point of time for most of us. Do you find any merit in his views, have read books written by him, watch him on YouTube, somewhat agree to what he preaches, or you consider him just another Nazi? Comment down your views.
18.05.2021 - 16:49
Answered yes cause I used to listen to his conference quite a lot I must say, and I'm pretty sure he does some good around him since he basically say to young incels (and there are a lot on the internet, hi tengri) to man the hell up, take responsibility (anti nerd), and be the kind of men they would like to be at their father funeral. He's also quite anti socialist and anti feminism-leftist so I like it. Plus I agree 100% with him on freedom of speech, everyone should be able to say whatever the fuck the want, as long as they don't hide behind anonymity (like so many soyboys) It is sad what happened to him though Great orator and dialectician, I'm less convinced about his book
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18.05.2021 - 19:28
Jordan Peterson is very intelligent. He's one of the best speakers and thinkers of our time... His books are amazing, they lay forth much of the groundwork that is necessary to fully understand the issues that we face today. It is very hard to argue with his philosophy when you actually try to steel man it and attack it from the toughest possible position. It's impossible. This is why a lot of my philosophy is derived from him
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
18.05.2021 - 22:13
Kermit the frog says clean your room
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
19.05.2021 - 05:14
An alt-right guy with populist arguments based on debunked & falsely speculated scientific outcomes. Yea I like him xd.
19.05.2021 - 18:11
I found Jordan Peterson's youtube videos only a few months ago and was very impressed. He's a smart guy and good speaker... worth listening to. There is nothing political in what he says. What he talks about is psychology. He is a psychologist, and human psychology is the same whether you are on the left or on the right. He talks about why we are wired to feel and behave certain ways, and what we can do about it to improve our lives. He speaks clearly and logically, and has an excellent knowledge of scientific studies and facts to back up what he says. The only "problem" is that he's not afraid to tell the truth, and that makes some people uncomfortable. That's where his haters come from. Some people are so resistant to changing the way they were taught to think, they react with hatred rather than risk opening their minds. That's unfortunate, because really there should be nothing controversial about what he says.
19.05.2021 - 18:44
The only video of his I have seen is one where he spoke about Adolf Hitler, he thoughts on it all were quite interesting. I share a similar thought process with him that if somebody does something terrible I try to understand why they would even do it or what their thought process is which in this day and age is a dangerous way to approach things as SJW's will target you and say you're looking upto them or whatever... so for that simple fact that he's willing to share his thoughts and ultimately tell the truth, i quite like him. I definitely need to watch more of his stuff.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
19.05.2021 - 21:13
Kermit the frog wrote a book and just copied marcus aurelius
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
20.05.2021 - 05:36
His general idea of taking responsibility is okay and he can be a motivational figure to some, but his political takes arent special in anyway, its baseline conservatism.
20.05.2021 - 05:45
no it isn't, you haven't heard anything about the lobster
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
20.05.2021 - 06:47
Explain the lobster
20.05.2021 - 07:16
He's been in the spotlight for years, since he confronted students when they blocked his campus. Not a bad guy, silent teacher. That interview on the british tv made him famous after he defended against false accusations. But he got too political, he have right to opinion, but he excell at phychology, he really explains it easy and approachable for layman.
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
20.05.2021 - 14:24
The "lobster" describes one of Jordan Peterson's greatest ideas. He argues that humans are grounded in ancient systems that predate the existence of our own species. These systems, he argues, are over 500 million years old and dictate our behavior on all levels of human interaction. The lobster is an excellent example, because they are an ancient creature that organizes itself into hierarchies. Humans are a hierarchical species based on all available scientific evidence in psychology and evolutionary biology. Communists deny this. Post-modernists deny this. They think everything is a human construct. They're wrong. This finding isn't even a new finding, it's just common sense that Jordan Peterson articulates very well based on the science. He's a scientist, not a political commentator. And he is definitely not conservative. You'll have to give me one example of him ever holding a conservative belief. He doesn't hold one. He's one of the most liberal and creative people I know
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
20.05.2021 - 22:00
He is very meh. he says obvious things that should be obvious and is obvious to 80% of the population. many times, he says things that could be explained in 5 words, but chooses to stuff in as many metaphors as possible for no reason at all. he may have some knowledge on psychology but let's be honest here, psychology is the holy grail of pseudoscience right next to sociology. plus, if i remember correctly, this dude dabbles in some neo-jungian shit which i think is total mumbo jumbo. i really don't understand why anyone would need the 12 rules. isn't everything on there common sense? not only that, the advices aren't anything new. it's the same old shit that turns up in other self help books.
20.05.2021 - 22:26
not funny
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
21.05.2021 - 01:31
He never said that postmodernism is rebranded as Marxism. Instead, he found the alliance between the two very unusual. Postmodernism argues that there is no truth and only collective subjectivities exist. However, since their presupposition is the non-existence of truth, why do postmodernists are Marxist in their approach? They claim that everything in the society is a manifestation of cishet white subjectivity which to a certain point, is true. But, again, this supposition can be again challenged by a classic postmodernist argument claiming that this premise is the collective subjectivity of cishet women, blacks, LGBTQ+ and other 'oppressed' groups (Postmodernists strongly believe in the oppressor-oppressed binary which to me is ludicrous). Since there are only collective truths to begin with, why should any collectivity be put above than others?
21.05.2021 - 04:44
He has described himself as a "classical british liberal" and as a "traditionalist" its fait to asume he is a conservative.
21.05.2021 - 11:15
I saw he was conservative and thats enough proof for me to burn him alive
---- The red flag shall rise and the fascists shall be put to their knees. We shall fight with every last one of us and behead all of the remaining neo nazis and nationalists around the world Communism shall rise when the time comes
21.05.2021 - 11:18
its just like hearin trump say "OBaMna is the FoUndER of IsiS
---- The red flag shall rise and the fascists shall be put to their knees. We shall fight with every last one of us and behead all of the remaining neo nazis and nationalists around the world Communism shall rise when the time comes
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