תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 14   בוקר על ידי: 53 users
31.03.2024 - 13:01
Hello Dave, whats the point of new map if players wont play it.. People hate new things and in orded to apply it, you must delete old one.. FORCE THEM TO PLAY BETTER MAP, DELETE OLD WORLD MAP!!!
31.03.2024 - 17:42
Thats a terrible idea lol
02.04.2024 - 06:10
נכתב על ידי Ghostface, 31.03.2024 at 17:42

Thats a terrible idea lol

U are terrible.. When new feature is added to game, old one is replaced by new, not added side by side..
02.04.2024 - 10:21
נכתב על ידי El Serbio, 02.04.2024 at 06:10

נכתב על ידי Ghostface, 31.03.2024 at 17:42

Thats a terrible idea lol

U are terrible.. When new feature is added to game, old one is replaced by new, not added side by side..

But new map is terrible balance wise and looks too much like rp map , even background looks ugly also even you yourself dont play it xd
dont fix what isnt broken
02.04.2024 - 10:26
נכתב על ידי Ghostface, 02.04.2024 at 10:21

נכתב על ידי El Serbio, 02.04.2024 at 06:10

נכתב על ידי Ghostface, 31.03.2024 at 17:42

Thats a terrible idea lol

U are terrible.. When new feature is added to game, old one is replaced by new, not added side by side..

But new map is terrible balance wise and looks too much like rp map , even background looks ugly also even you yourself dont play it xd
dont fix what isnt broken

I want to play it, i hosted few times world ande eu+ map but nobody joined :/ They rather play current version.. And i dissagree with you.. In current version, South America,Africa,India,Middle east are shitty balanced, there are 0 economy. NK gw can always win in ffa world games or eurasia games against europe.. Thats not balance.. Also, picking in africa and southamerica is pointless cause 2 countries in asia have higher economy that whole SA
02.04.2024 - 11:34
Ins india is unstoppable and africa has same reinf as eu ive never lost a game as africa unless whole world attacked me together lol
but yeah big 3 are eu na and east asia to beat one u need at least the other 2 to be together but id say africa is a good faction as well if played by a good player can act as a big 4 imo
02.04.2024 - 17:31
נכתב על ידי Ghostface, 02.04.2024 at 11:34

Ins india is unstoppable and africa has same reinf as eu ive never lost a game as africa unless whole world attacked me together lol
but yeah big 3 are eu na and east asia to beat one u need at least the other 2 to be together but id say africa is a good faction as well if played by a good player can act as a big 4 imo

i never saw Africa win in 50k or 5k games... Whenever i played 5k world, winner is either eu or asia, never africa or any other continent
02.04.2024 - 19:04
Cus noobs played africa , its really hard to manage the eco even with imp full spam inf from t1 on 50k world and few mils here and there for walls you still are down to like 10-20k by t50 or have no more money at all imagine only 30$ inf spam
and these guys that pick there are lower rank so they maybe dont even have the inf cost upgrade so imagine even with imp 40$ inf they go broke in few turns but they prob spam tanks and ATs and what not
but normally they go some expensive strat like sm and even on 50k world are broke like after 10 turns or if u ally them they beg u for money lol

u can see from this on average from 1 reinf turn africa makes like 30 income which is barely enough to make 1 imp inf with full upgrades and not even counting the upkeep costs
so u have to have all upgrades and very good eco management skills to excell with africa but if u can they have op reinf and u can overrun eu if they are alone or middleast player but not 2 or more ppl together from these factions
but you cant lose vs a whole united asia or even americas only united eu asia can damage u and they need na too to make sure they can kill u in time or else they lose on sp
03.04.2024 - 12:32
I agree with Dog face here.
03.04.2024 - 20:07
נכתב על ידי SHEIKH, 03.04.2024 at 12:32

I agree with Dog face here.

Silence, dodger.
05.04.2024 - 08:03
נכתב על ידי Ghostface, 02.04.2024 at 19:04

Cus noobs played africa , its really hard to manage the eco even with imp full spam inf from t1 on 50k world and few mils here and there for walls you still are down to like 10-20k by t50 or have no more money at all imagine only 30$ inf spam
and these guys that pick there are lower rank so they maybe dont even have the inf cost upgrade so imagine even with imp 40$ inf they go broke in few turns but they prob spam tanks and ATs and what not
but normally they go some expensive strat like sm and even on 50k world are broke like after 10 turns or if u ally them they beg u for money lol

u can see from this on average from 1 reinf turn africa makes like 30 income which is barely enough to make 1 imp inf with full upgrades and not even counting the upkeep costs
so u have to have all upgrades and very good eco management skills to excell with africa but if u can they have op reinf and u can overrun eu if they are alone or middleast player but not 2 or more ppl together from these factions
but you cant lose vs a whole united asia or even americas only united eu asia can damage u and they need na too to make sure they can kill u in time or else they lose on sp

I dont agree at all.. In about t15, i am already full china/india(as NK), going with a lot marines in Saudi(we are talking about playing against 2-3 players in asia) .. You are telling me that 2x richer asia with 2.5x more units will lose against good player in africa?
NA has almost 3x more income than SA and 1.5x more reinfs.. Its not balanced..
Just accept the fact that new map is more balanced and better than the new..
10.04.2024 - 14:17
Here is debunking your claims africa cant win
i fought everyone allying with green and asia and invading americas but then russia invaded me and green started allycapping all the way up to nigeria and declared war so i fought them two in africa as well
and i started wiping the floor with them easily while asia funded them both to send 1000s of bombers and tanks while being my ally but when he saw they were losing he backstabbed me as well and sent 1000s of units to kill me
but as you can see he failed many times to kill me my cap was at 1% pop whole time from 1000s of units suiciding on it and he left russia left only green algeria stayed to the end and usa and then i won on sp t51
but if it was more turns i would probably kill algeria too and ally with usa for ally end cus i was exhausted lol
A lot of guys were watching the game (they can tell u here) cus they wanted me to abandon it and join ww1 cus they thought i couldnt beat them but in the end like i said africa is pretty strong if played by a good player that knows what hes doing

10.04.2024 - 14:38
נכתב על ידי Ghostface, 10.04.2024 at 14:17

Here is debunking your claims africa cant win
i fought everyone allying with green and asia and invading americas but then russia invaded me and green started allycapping all the way up to nigeria and declared war so i fought them two in africa as well
and i started wiping the floor with them easily while asia funded them both to send 1000s of bombers and tanks while being my ally but when he saw they were losing he backstabbed me as well and sent 1000s of units to kill me
but as you can see he failed many times to kill me my cap was at 1% pop whole time from 1000s of units suiciding on it and he left russia left only green algeria stayed to the end and usa and then i won on sp t51
but if it was more turns i would probably kill algeria too and ally with usa for ally end cus i was exhausted lol
A lot of guys were watching the game (they can tell u here) cus they wanted me to abandon it and join ww1 cus they thought i couldnt beat them but in the end like i said africa is pretty strong if played by a good player that knows what hes doing

Poor R5, he really deserved to win (apart from stabbing back part)
10.04.2024 - 14:53
נכתב על ידי Metyu, 10.04.2024 at 14:38

נכתב על ידי Ghostface, 10.04.2024 at 14:17

Poor R5, he really deserved to win (apart from stabbing back part)

Thats kinda why i like playing africa cus even noobs think they can take you on and 2 guys that were allies backstabbed me thinking it was piece of cake but then got attritioned to death xd

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