תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 11   בוקר על ידי: 124 users
15.03.2022 - 13:41

Third Age of Middle Earth

Work in progress


The Third Age, often abbreviated to T.A., began after the first downfall of Sauron, when he was defeated by the Last Alliance of Elves and Men following the downfall of Númenor.

This age was characterized by the rise and decline of the exiled Númenorean kingdoms (Arnor in the North and Gondor in the South), as well as the slow recovery of Sauron's power, his forces awaiting his return in Mordor while his servant the Witch-King wages war on Men from Angmar. In the meantime, Elves did little new : also known as the Fading Years, the Third Age marked the waning of the First Born. As for the Dwarves, they stumbled from one disaster to another.


Third Age of Middle Earth is a 19-players scenario, designed to be played in Casual but it could also be played in a quick game with 5min/turns, though it is unlikely to fill. The winning condition is to hold all enemy cities. Starting money is irrelevant, as each side will get their own amount of money. 3/4 allies max.


General rules:

The usual:

-No wall-fucking, no trespassing T1. In a Casual Game, do not expand turn 1.

-Do not use land units to wall the sea. Similarly, do not sail ships into mountains.

-Don't leave before turn 10, unless you are already absolutly dead before that (but make sure that there are no events which can bring you back...)

-No unconsented ally-capping.

Gondor rules:

Men of Anorian, Lebennin, and Belfalas are part of Gondor. He who owns Osgiliath is the King of Gondor (that would be Men of Anorian, at the beginning of the game). The capital may change if the decision is unanimous among the 3 original Gondor factions.
The King of Gondor may give orders to his vassals. The vassals are not obligated to obey, but if they do not obey they can be considered as rebels by the King.
The King of Gondor needs a reason to attack his vassals : rebellion.
The vassals of Gondor cannot rebel, secede, or claim the Kingship before turn 9.

IMPORTANT : if, by turn 16, Men of Anorian have the highest amount of troops among the Gondor factions AND Minas Ithil and Morannon have not fallen yet to an enemy, then Men of Belfalas and Men of Lebennin MUST declare war on him to seize the kingship for themselves. The civil war can only come to an end after turn 25. (Basically, if things are really going too well for Gondor against Sauron, a civil war is required to restore some balance).

A human faction may be vassalized and become a protectorate of Gondor if the King decides so, as long as the faction in question has less units than the weakest Gondor faction when it joins. That faction is then subjected to Gondor rules.
Gondor factions CANNOT peace the following players unless they have been vassalized into Gondor : Men of Umbar, Men of Harad, Men of Rhun, Men of Dunland, Hillmen of Angmar, Men of Rhovanion.
Men of Rhovanion may become a protectorate of Gondor regardless of unit restrictions once they unlock the Rohan roster (turn 21).

It is forbidden for all Men of Gondor to peace or ally the Orcs of Eriador or Sauron, unless Sauron controls Osgiliath AND Minas Ithil AND Minas Tirith AND has more units than all the Gondor factions combined.

Diplomacy rules:

-Elves (all 4 factions) and Dwarves may under NO circumstance (except ally-end) peace the Orcs of Eriador or Sauron.

-Men of Arthedain and Men of Cardolan cannot peace or ally the Orcs of Eriador or Sauron.

-Men of Rhovanion and Men of Rhûn must fight at least until turn 15.

The spirit of the game is RPish. It does NOT mean that you have to follow the lore-history, you are free to do anything you want as long as you don't break rules, and most factions can choose to align themselves on the "Good" or "Evil" ones, or simply do their own things. However, it's probably best to act in a way that make sense for your faction.

You should offer deals to a defeated opponent and thus allow him to keep playing if he wishes to, rather than annihilate him. But again, that's not a rule. You can also be as ruthless as you want.

Game mechanics:

-Balrog: The Balrog will spawn in Khazad-Dûm turn 7, for Orcs of Eriador. With 100 HP, 20 att/def, Balrog is a very powerful unit, which the Dwarves cannot defeat on their own (the Balrog has powerful bonuses against them), and it is supported by a large number of "Shadows of Moria" and "Moria Snaga". The Balrog is weaker to "Khazad-Dûm Reclaimers", units which the Dwarves can build past T21.

-Dwarven Migration: To resettle quickly following the destruction of Khazad-Dûm by the Balrog, 8 "Dwarven Migration" units will spawn T8 near the Dwarven capital. It is a transport unit, but it is also the only unit which can destroy "Only Dwarven Migration" in neutral cities of Erebor, the Grey Mountains (neutral cities around your northernmost starting lands), Ered Luin (extreme north-west) and Aglarond (below Helm's Deep).

How to use : send 1 Dwarven Migration and a dozen dwarven infantry into the target city. The "Dwarven Migration" will kill the "Only Dwarven Migration" but also be destroyed in the process. DO NOT send more than 1 per city, or you could lose 2 Migrations to a single city.

Given that you receive 8 "Dwarven Migration", and that there are 6 "Only" buildings in Erebor, 6 in the Grey Mountains, 3 in Ered Luin and 7 in Aglarond, your resettlement is limited : Dwarves must choose which settlement they want to migrate to.

Ered Luin are much weaker than the other 3 potential kingdoms. Thorin will spawn t35 and you will be able to capture it anyway, so you should only pick it if you want a really safe location.
Erebor + Ered Mithrin is the "historical" and most efficient choice, but you will be under attack from Cold Drakes and Smaug. Aglarond, despite being relatively weaker (less income and reinf) and having an annoying layout (sorry) is probably safer, and closer to Moria if your plan is to eventually reclaim it.

-Mordor Ruins/Nazgûls: Nazguls, which spawn for Sauron T4-T5 in various places of Rhun and Harad, have a special offense against "Mordor Ruins". Although Mordor Ruins can be destroyed by regular orcish units (but NOT by Gondor units), it is extremely hard to do so ; therefore, Nazguls are key in recolonizing Northern Mordor. Bring the southern Nazguls through the Southern Pass, and have Rhun open Morannon for the Northern Nazguls.

-Helm's Deep, Isengard: On turn 13 and 14, Men of Anorian and Men of Belfalas will have the ability to recruit a special unit : "Build Isengard and Helm's Deep". This special unit can destroy the neutral building in Orthanc and Hornburg, thus allowing Men of Anorian or Belfalas to capture the city. It can only be done on turn 13 or turn 14, so save money for that purpose. Events will spawn in Orthanc and Hornburg T15 : if you have not captured the city by then, it's too late.

Later on (around turn 28), Men of Dunland and Men of Rhovanion will get the possibility to capture these cities, with Keys of Orthanc (Isengard) and Early Eorlingas (Helm's Deep). The event units will repop turn t33.

-Dale: On turn 20, Men of Rhudaur will receive events near Dale that will allow them to capture the cities (it works with both the "capture Dale" naval unit and the regular Dalish units). Immediately take the capital city : the events spawn t21.

-Path of the Dead: Very late-game mechanic. From turn 50 to turn t54, a total of 150 (30 per city, starting in the northern one) Oathbreakers will spawn in the Path of the Dead. Elves of Rivendell must use Aragorn (spawning turn 40 in Rivendell) to capture the cities beforehand.

-Walls/Defensive buildings: Major settlements are protected by "Walls", event units with 100 defense and 20HP.

There are other (very) powerful event buildings in the game : the Fords of Bruinen and Misty Mountains Nest for the Elves of Rivendell, both gates of Khazad-Dûm (DEADLY to the Balrog) and gates of Erebor for Dwarves, Dol Guldur and Barad-Dûr (appears in midgame) for Sauron... These are the most powerful, but there are much more (located in major and strategic settlements of Middle Earth), and the usual pattern is 100-120 defense and 10-15HP.

Also consider "regular" defence buildings, with 5 def and 100 HP, which are weaker individually but provide +1 defence to every unit inside the city.

Fords buildings repop every 5 turns from t5 to t25.

-Units HP patterns: the various statistics of the different units may be confusing, so here is a general pattern :

-"High Elves" (Lindon, Rivendell) have 9 HP units, with 10 HP or higher elites.

-"Silvan Elves" (Lorien, Mirkwood), as well as Dwarves and Numenorrean Men (Anorian, Lebennin, Belfalas, Cardolan, Arthedain, Rhudaur from T1 to T12) have 8HP units with 9HP elites.

- Regular Men (including Arnor and Gondor factions after t13) have 7HP units with 8-9HP elites.

- Evil factions (Orcs and Sauron) have 6-7 HP units, with 10 HP super-elites (Trolls).

-Rivers: one does not simply cross the Anduin. Multiple rivers are blocked off so that land units cannot go through them. Such rivers are easy to spot : there is a darker area on one of their bank. Here is a layout of the river system :

In light blue, navigable rivers. In dark blue, non-navigable rivers. The red circles correspond to crossing points : either a city or an area where riverjump is possible. Some rivers are not represented by blue lines : it means they are not navigable and can be crossed freely.

-Collateral: Mannish and particularly Orcish units have high collateral statistics. If a war wages for too long in an area, it will quickly become ruined, even if you have the upper-hand. If under attack, it is perhaps more wise to meet the enemy in open field, rather than let him approach your most prosperous lands.

-Unit changes: Several factions have their units overhauled during the game. Check in the "Gameplay" section to see if your faction is included among them.

-Generals : There are basically 3 general waves : turn 2, turn 18-28, and turn 35-40. So most factions get at least two generals (Men of Anorien, of Lebennin, of Belfalas, of Umbar, of Harad, of Rhovanion, of Dunland, of Rhudaur, as well as Dwarves, get all three waves). Elves however, do not get more generals than they start with.

-War of the Ring: The Fellowship of the Ring will spawn for Elves of Rivendell on turn t40. Frodo or Sam (ideally both) must reach the Cracks of Doom (neutral city inside Mordor, protected by the Sammath Naur building) on turn t59 (attack on turn 59, the events to destroy Mordor spawn on turn 60, so don't miss that window).


This section will be gradually completed

Major unit changes:

-Men of Anorian, Lebennin, Belfalas: on T13, Numenoreans units can no longer be recruted and are replaced by Gondor units.

- Men of Arthedain: on T13, Numeanoreans units can no longer be recruited and are replaced by Arnor units.

- Men of Cardolan: on T13, Numeanoreans units can no longer be recruited and are replaced by Arnor units. They change again on T21 and become Dunedain units.

- Men of Rhudaur: on T13, Numeanoreans units can no longer be recruited and are replaced by Arnor units. They change again on T21 and become Dale units.

- Men of Umbar: update - Umbar now starts the game with Umbar units.

- Men of Rhovanion: on T21, Northmen units can no longer be recruited and are replaced by Rohan units.

- Elves of Lindon/Elves of Rivendell: on T21, early-game units can no longer be recruited and are replaced by late-game units, which have the same stats but are 50% more expansive.

- Sauron: Gradually unlocks more units (Uruks and Fellbeasts t13 ; Olog Hai t17 ; Barracks t20)

- Men of Dunland: Gradually unlocks more units (Half-Orcs t17 ; Pikes t29 ; Barracks, Uruk Hai and Wargs t33)

Noteworthy Events:

- Men of Rhovanion: from T6 to T18, several dozens Beornings in the Anduin Vale ; on T10, 60ish Northmen units in Anduin Vale ; on T25, 100 Riders of Rohan in Eorslmead, including a general

- Sauron: on T2, 150 Spiders (stealth) near Dol Guldur ; on T10, 60 Snagas in Moria ; on T12, 90 Black Plague all over Middle Earth, 30 spiders in Mirkwood ; on T20, 40 units and a general in Nurn; on T23, 60 spiders in Mirkwood.

- Orcs of Eriador: on T7, Balrog in Moria ; on T8, 300+ in Carn-Dûm, including a general. On T35, Smaug in Forodwaith.

- Hillmen of Angmar: on T2, 40 Druedan in Andrast and 20 in eastern Rohan; on T5, 30 Hunters all over Rhudaur ; on T7, 80 units in eastern Angmar + 65 Hunters all over Rhudaur ; on T10, 25 Druedan in Andrast ; on T13, 80 units in Northern Anduin.

- Men of Umbar: on T20, a general, 100 Umbar Pillagers and 40 Umbar Raiding Ships near Umbar.

- Lebennin : on T13, 75 Gondor units in Lebennin.

- Men of Rhûn : on T2, 50 Chariots in western Rhun ; on T10, 60 Chariots in Rhun, split north and south ; on T15, 40 Chariots ; on T25, 100+ Wainriders units.

- Men of Dunland : on T10, 40 Dunlandings around Dunland ; on T18, 100 Dunlandings near Tâl Methedras ; on T28, Saruman, Keys of Orthanc and 40 Uruk-Hai in Caverns of Isengard.


If you are unsure about how to interprete an achievement, or want more information about some geographic boundaries, message me.
You need to claim your achievement by messaging me.
Important : I will not consider any game which was down to less than 15 players by turn 10. Achievements are only achieved if you are among the winners of the game.

- Men of Arthedain:

Heirlooms of Numenor : End the game with both your Palantiri (20PC)

Break the Siege : Hold Fornost until the end of the game (50PC)

Subjugate Rhudaur and Cardolan : Annex or vassalize all of the Kingdom of Arnor (100PC)

Defeat Angmar : Destroy the Orcs of Eriador (200PC)

- Men of Cardolan:

Last stand of Cardolan : Hold Tyrn Gorthad from turn 1 to 20 (20PC)

Protector of Tharbad : Do not lose Tharbad for the entire game (50PC)

Bitter Victory : Outlive Angmar (100PC)

Restore Arnor : Annex or vassalize all of the Kingdom of Arnor (200PC)

- Men of Rhudaur:

Remnants of Rhudaur : Hold a country in Eriador until turn 20 (20PC)

The Impenetrable : Kill Smaug (50PC)

Celduin Empire : Control the Celduin river from Dale to Dorwinion (100PC)

Master of Rhovanion : Destroy the Wainriders (200PC)

- Elves of Lindon:

Gil-Galad's Realm : Reunite Lindon (20PC)

Southern Colonies : Hold 3 contiguous coastal lands south of Lindon (50PC)

Battle of Fornost : Defeat the Witch-King of Angmar (100PC)

The Shipwright : Face and defeat Umbar or Pelargir or Dol Amroth in a major naval battle (more than 40 ships on each side) (200PC)

- Elves of Rivendell:

The Last Homely House : Do not allow any land-based enemy to step into Imladris (20PC)

Secure the High Pass : Clear Goblintown of the Orcs (50PC)

Battle of Fornost : Defeat the Witch-King of Angmar (100PC)

High-King of the Noldor : resettle all of Eregion and hold it by the end of the game (200PC)

- Men of Forochel :

Resilient Kind : Survive until the end of the game (20PC)

Ice Dwellers : End the game holding every snowy country (50PC)

Lossoth Expansion : Capture Annuminas or Carn-Dûm (100PC)

A Place in the Sun : Capture some land south of Gondor (200PC)

- Men of Dunland :

Enedwaith Supremacy : Conquer all of Dunland and Enedwaith (20PC)

Saruman the White : Hold every city within the ring of Isengard (50PC)

Cross the Greyflood : Capture Tharbad or bring it to 1% population. (100PC)

Ancestral lands : Conquer all of Rohan and end the game with it (200PC)

- Hillmen of Angmar:

Native Resistance : Hold lands in the south until turn 15 (20PC)

Siege of Imladris : Occupy every country around Rivendell (50PC)

Anduin Campaign : Capture Framsburg (100PC)

Dissolve Rhudaur : Kick the Men of Rhudaur out of Eriador (200PC)

- Orcs of Eriador:

Durin's Bane : Conquer Khazad-Dûm (20PC)

Siege of Fornost : Capture Fornost (50PC)

The War of the Dwarves and Dragons : Kick the Dwarves out of the Grey Mountains (100PC)

Arnor's Twilight : Hold Annuminas, Fornost, Weathertop, Tharbad, Ost Gorthad and Fennas Drunning (200PC)

- Dwarves:

Exile in the Ered Luin : Capture Thorin's Halls (20PC)

The Impenetrable : Kill Smaug (50PC)

Northern Strongholds : Conquer and end the game with both Gundabad and Erebor (100PC)

Reclaim Khazad-Dûm : Kill the Balrog and resettle all of Moria (200PC)

- Elves of Lorien:

Southern Haven : Defend Edhellond until the end of the game (20PC)

Greater Lorien : Control the run of the Nimrodel as well as the strip of land between the Celebrant and the Limlight (50PC)

The White Council : Capture Dol Guldur by turn 12 (100PC)

The Hidden Realm : do not allow any land-based Sauron unit to cross the Anduin into Lothlorien (200PC)

- Elves of Mirkwood:

Maintain the Elf-Path : end the game with all of Northern Greenwood (20PC)

Eryn Lasgalen : Reunite Mirkwood/Greenwood (50PC)

Wine supply : Conquer Dorwinion (100PC)

Avenge Doriath : Sack a major Dwarven settlement (Khazad-Dûm, Erebor, or Aglarond) (200PC)

- Men of Rhovanion:

Northmen Dominion : Hold land in Rhovanion until turn 12 (20PC)

The Eotheod : Control the Vale of Anduin from the Greylin to Rhosgobel (50PC)

Face the Wainriders : reclaim the East Bight and Celduin (100PC)

Kingdom of Rohan : Colonize Rohan/Calenardhon (200PC)

- Men of Rhûn :

Rhovanion Empire : Push the Men of Rhovanion west of Mirkwood before turn 10 (20PC)

Disaster of the Morannon : Push into northern Ithilian up to the Crossroads (50PC)

Gondor's Nemesis : Destroy the Men of Anorian (100PC)

Northern Expansion : Destroy the Kingdoms of Dale and Erebor (200PC)

- Sauron:

Rebuild Mordor : Resettle the Plateau of Gorgoroth and capture Morannon as well as Minas Ithil (20PC)

The Necromancer's Lair : Hold Dol Guldur by turn 21 (50PC)

King of Men : Subjugate Gondor : hold Osgiliath, Minas Morgul, Minas Tirith, and have all the remaining Gondor factions as your vassals (100PC)

The Dark Lord : Destroy all Elven and Dwarven factions, subjugate Gondor and dissolve Arnor (200PC)

- Men of Anorian:

The Great Plain : Hold all of Rohan/Calenardhon and build Orthanc or Hornburg (20PC)

Defeat Castamir : Capture a rebellious Gondorian capital (50PC)

The Guarded City : Defend Minas Tirith from any invasion until the end of the game (50PC)

Gondor's Golden Age : Expand Gondor's rule along the coast from Umbar to Ethir Gwathlo and capture the Gates of Rhûn (100PC)

Fourth Age : Destroy Sauron (200PC)

- Men of Lebennin:

Lord of Harondor : Capture the Straits of Harnen and greater Harondor (20PC)

Corsair Wars : Subjugate Umbar (50PC)

The Kinstrife : Rebel against the King and capture Osgiliath (100PC)

The Ship-Kings : end the game as King of Gondor (200PC)

- Men of Belfalas:

Natural Borders : Capture Andrast, Adorn, Angren and Rast Nimrais (20PC)

Pax Belfalas : Annex or vassalize Enedwaith and Dunland (50PC)

Corsair Wars : Subjugate Umbar (100PC)

The Swan-Kings : end the game as King of Gondor (200PC)

- Men of Umbar:

Lord of Harondor : Capture the Straits of Harnen and greater Harondor (20PC)

The Great Raids : Capture or bring to 1% population Tolfalas, Pelargir, Linhir, and Dol Amroth (50PC)

Mare Nostrum : Hold all the coastline from Umbar to Andrast (100PC)

True Heir of Numenor : Become King of Gondor by holding Osgiliath and having the allegiance of the remaining Gondorian factions (200PC)

- Men of Harad:

Lord of Harondor : Capture the Straits of Harnen and greater Harondor (20PC)

The Haradrim Sea : Gain supremacy over the Sea of Harad (50PC)

Cross the Poros : Conquer Ithilien up to the Crossroads (100PC)

Master of the South : Subjugate Umbar (annex or vassalize) and control every land south of the Poros (200PC)
All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0
15.03.2022 - 19:54
Looking forward to playing this more!
15.03.2022 - 22:10
Excellent. looking forward to it!
16.03.2022 - 00:21
Stooooopid cool ok
05.11.2022 - 13:24
Map back online and topic updated
All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0
19.01.2023 - 10:42
By Far my favorite map, thank you!
26.01.2023 - 08:36
Thank you
All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0
19.06.2024 - 03:59
Excellent resource for a great map!
20.06.2024 - 08:22
Great map!
20.06.2024 - 16:54
All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0
20.06.2024 - 16:58
נכתב על ידי nutt, 20.06.2024 at 08:22

Great map!

shut up

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