23.08.2014 - 03:11
The last post on the state of CW was far to toxic for me to go on in that with all the bitching we were doing something we could have avoided but choose not too(I AM REALLY NOT POINTING ANYONE HERE). I tried to retrospect why that is so and what we can do to improve that as a community overall. Here are some of the points that come to my mind but before we get to that there are certain things about us Being Human I would like to point out : 1. WE NEVER CONSIDER OURSELVES WRONG FOR WHATEVER IT IS WE DO This is human nature and true for every single one of us from Obama to Osama bin Laden to you. No matter whatever it is you do you would find a way to objectify it. 2. NOTHING IS GOOD OR BAD BUT ONLY THINKING MAKES IT SO We might like to think we know what is good what is bad but truth is all that is a figment of your imagination. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What you think of something or someone depends on you and not on that something or someone. Having said that lets point some of points that I think are wrong with us(YES YOU AND ME) that we should improve. 1. If a Clan says no to CW RESPECT THAT period. This can't be stated more importantly. This is one of bigger problems we have. " Oh that clans have their best players on but they are not going CW. HAHA they are chickens they only want to farm other narb clans. " <- This kind of attitude needs to stop. If clans says no to CW even if some 2s back they said yes Respect that and move on. Don't keep bitching about. No means No. Just move on. Our lives are far too short for that kind of shit. 2. There are no farming clans. This is important we like to think we are all so OP and some of clans are just to dumb. This is actually not professional of us and not sportsman like either. Clans deserve better than that from us. So what if they are a bit noob. They deserve to play improve and keep getting better than us. They don't deserve that shit. They deserve fair game without any bullshit. So yeah : Optisani isn't a farming clan, Winterfell isn't a farming clan, Stalin Martians isn't a farming clan, <insert your farming clan here> isn't a farming clan. period. 3. No more bitching about other clans This is probably something we can do better but our self egos get the better of it in the end. We like to find some form of cheating in other clans and try justifying that by sometimes doing ourselves sometimes bitching everywhere. This is something we can avoid but our self inflated egos are to just to big for that. We find it easier to bitch about other clan and than keep shut about it, because it makes us feel better. We will find this hard to admit but its true and for Everyone of us as well. These were some of the things I thought we can improve, so if you have something constructive to say you post that will help us make this better. But if you post is even slight defamatory try not to post. This post deserves better(took me 1 hour to write it ![]() At the end of the day we all just want to enjoy playing and wining the game that we obviously love so much.
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23.08.2014 - 09:11
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
23.08.2014 - 09:34
I'm unsure as to why you posted this. But as a response, I think that the "bitching" (personally I wouldn't call it bitching, I'd call it trash talking) makes clan wars more competitive and hence makes them more fun to play.
---- The funny thing about this is by the time you realize that this is completely pointless, it's too late to stop reading. ![]()
23.08.2014 - 09:51
My intentions are to improve the competitiveness of the community in general. Less trolling more play. What ever you got to say say through your play in the cw. As usual its most well intentioned things are considered joke here in this game and people are already trolling here.
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23.08.2014 - 14:51
Someone is trying fo make this community fun and telling people to respect eachother. Most of those who posted here say WHY YOU MADE THIS. You see -7? You cant have a grown up talk wit kids
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23.08.2014 - 15:08
CT wants to keep on farming, i was in your clan, and its all about CPs, thats all. you try to get as many CPs as possible from 50% nub clans, 20% whatever and 30% good clans but only those who have a higher comp than you =80% farming and 20% dammit, we already had our four losses
these rules, your proposition is only defending your way of farming. and to make it clear: this is just criticism about CT and these rules that would benefit those who make the same mistakes as CT
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24.08.2014 - 03:49
If I post some threads from CT forums you would know how high we rate SM. We consider playing SM the same as farming just like Winterfell no disrespect to them. Not just us when I was Syndicate I always accepted cw against Sm so yeah playing you guys are a sort of farming for ( mind you not just us but for illyria as well as most of times you would be beaten) us. You guys use to have 4.0 comp once upon a time like Mk did now you can barely keep it to 1. Do you like that analogy? Do you like your clan being called farming clan ? The whole purpose of this thread was to get the negativity surrounding Clan wars away. But you think I posted this because it favors CT. The only clans we pay a bit more respect when cwing is illyria , MK and maybe Syndicate. But you guys also claim we haven't played them. This is not true. We have infact played Syndicate Mk(they don't actually count for this season so doesn't matter) and illyria in the last 20 cws losing to them, so we are trying to be more carefull playing them. We won't mind playing them when our best players are on. We have no rank 11 in our clan. If you look at the earlier cws as well you would find we have infact played illyria , Mk and syndicate at the start of the season and have beaten them then. Those cws are not part of the last 20 that is all. I dunno how the idea that CT does not play equal comes from. Every clan when going to cw measure if the ranks and the players are equal - this is obvious. Even your clan does the same(even yours). If the competition is deemed unfair clans tend not to participate this is obvious. And as for farming smaller clans we played Winterfell yes but so have you guys and illyria as well. illyria have infact played them 5 times in the last 20 cws we only played 2, our bad. Ok forget this season. Do you agree that Evol were truly better clans to be champions ? I remember Mou himself admiting in forums that when your comp becomes really low every victory will give you more number of point. Yes they made a huge comeback in the end of the season but they had suffered huge number of losses. In comparison MK had far greater win ratio and they manged to increase their comp as well which far better an achievement. Mou himself says MK deserves better and cw system we have is a joke. We need a league so other clans would stop bickering about. The whole point of this thread is all that analogy are the cancer that is destroying cws for better. We should stop treating other clans as noob farming clans immediately. This will improve the cw for the better. Dunno though since you only believe we are only interested farming others.
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24.08.2014 - 05:56
it is your clans methods that needs to change, not the other clans attitudes. and perhaps you should consider the use of a muzzle on commando.
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24.08.2014 - 06:33
So what do expect we should keep bitching each other forever. So what we didn't cw you for sometime. You are not cwing us now so that is all equal. I don't have a single problem with illyria not cwing now. Its your right but if you are not going to cw us how can you blame us for not cwing either. 2 wrongs don't make a right. You call us farmers but you played Winterfell 5 times in last 20 cws we only played them 2 maybe we could have played them 3 more times instead of playing illyria , syndi and other who we lost too right ?See these stupid discussions and arguments can go on endlessly if we really want to. Not all clans have a problem cwing us. SM has maybe and you guys have. Not all clans look at us the same way either. But all that is not the point. The point of the thread is how we can altogether have a better experience both of us. If you don't agree to my points mentioned tell me what specifically you want changed. What is that you didn't like ? Maybe you didn't like we didn't cw you when we have most of our players on ? Maybe some of them had to go. Maybe their were some other reasons. Don't tell we are the only clan that always refuses to cw. You said state of mind have refused you as well. I don't think there is anything wrong in that. It is his right. Take a step back from all this and introspect a little bit more on what exactly needs to be done to have a better experience. I think when some clans are refusing to cw you you are getting offended. This is a problem. Its their right not to cw just like it is your right not to cw now. Think about what you really want. And just ignore some people. Comando really has tendency instigate and insult others when he gets offended.
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24.08.2014 - 11:06
I consider this threat very innecesary. Is totally normal that clans insurt and cheat each others. When I was a beginner officer I tried to be nice. All I got was Illyria playing with overanks ( otherwise, spart and acqui would waste 30 mins discussing and in the end cancel the cw) and SM taking advantage of disconection issues. Even though I went so nice for tie various games with PL and evoL, the only two nice clan that I regonized in that time. Then wallglitch or rewall... and serbian wall too came. Again, evoL and PL only two clans which doesnt use theses tricks. I dont have idea if SM use thems but illyria was a BOOM with it. I tried to make a post and agree to general rules but then SM and illyria, both came and in the end ruined it. I didnt care though because Syndicate, PL and evoL are more that SM and illyria. 3 nice clan > 2 un nice clans > 1 neutral clan. MK stayed neutral on all this but they away play with rank advantage so... SM also complain on forum that there was a hating against the famous UK-GERM and TURK-UKR combo. This again made another fight between clans where nothing got resolved. All my points where blocked by illyria and SM. oh well, We are more clans that them. I did even had problems with my clanmates. I was too soft and gentle with the other people. I ve lost for syndicate very loyal and skillful people because they wanted to be as selfish as the other's clans. Guess they joined somewhere else. Oh and then my own friends comes and tell me to stop ruining syndicate. -_______- Just ignore insurt and move on. This wont charged. I tried and failed not only one but twice, actually, all the times.
24.08.2014 - 12:39
Thing is it is one thing to be professional another thing to be nice. One does not need to be nice being professional will do. Meaning you don't have to agree to everything you can just politely say no. What most people do is keep bitching when there is something they don't like. This attitude can really be avoided. My motives were for a greater betterment of the community. Yet most people here either troll or question my motives. Dunno had I not been CT and remained in Syndicate they would probably have found some other reasons relating to Syndicate. Community can change if each individual just takes the first step to change, first step in this case is to agree to this. For most of them it is "too long didn't read". So it is far easier to troll than do something useful.
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25.08.2014 - 03:52
Disagree with most. 1.agree.A little irrelevant tho. 2.Our way of thinking, our whole reality is subjective.Thats why we have critical thinking.So you are wrong.You are talking about the people who doesnt know how to make valid arguments. 1.No 2.Yes there are 3.disagree
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25.08.2014 - 04:07
Lol dog u try to reason with commando?commando i m curious about something.How can you live and work in the Usa and still dont know english?Alex lives in a jungle by the Amazon and knows better english than you?What line of work doesnt require english?You a janitor/garbage man?is that why you are angry all the time?Its ok dude all work is honorable ![]()
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25.08.2014 - 07:43
I never talked shit about syndicate first of all and khal i learned english when i was 8 years old dude. At least i have a job and i bring home a check, but what do you got?
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25.08.2014 - 08:18
lol why do you think having a job and a mediocre social life is the american dream?thats like, a normal thing.I can assure you most of us over university age, do have a job and a social life.You are not that special ![]() Also being a janitary, while a job that pays, is not something to brag about much!Also hooking up after work with other fat,smelly garbagemen and going for watered-imported from moldavia-beers in a white trash bar, where the only females on a 100 meter radius, are the cockroaches in the piss-stained bathroom, is not a social life worth mentioning also ![]() P.S.damn those new purposes.They always make them with holes nowdays!
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25.08.2014 - 09:35
Well thank you for atleast caring to read. You said what you think of my point but you didn't mention what you think we could do to improve the community instead. That is something I would like to know as well. I would like to point out a few more things. To my "if clans says no to cw respect that" you said NO. Well illyria doesn't want to cw now. So clearly by you that is disrespectful right ? I guess you would want to say a lot of things at this point. Like we are not cwing now because we(CT) didn't cw earlier and many more bla bla stuff. But then since you disagree with me you just can't say it is right that illyria not cwing now. Next you say Yes there are farming clans. Probably there are. And both illyria and CT have faced them. Like playing Winterfell is clearly farming right ? You guys have played them 5 times in last 20 cs we played 2. Yes there are probably other farming clans we probably played more number of times. Would you consider playing SM farming as well ? Most of CT does. I think to consider any clan farming clan is disrespectful to them. Hypothetically if we beat you 5 times in row we would consider playing illyria same as farming. Would you like that ? Whether we can beat you 5 times is another question entirely. To my no more bitching about other clans you also said no. I dunno how. Maybe you enjoy the bitching. That why you and other illyria members were far more interested in continuing bitching with comando than having any meaningful discussion that can improve the community. I kept my out that discussion that went really ugly in the other thread. Dunno maybe you think any discussion with CT is stupid and you want to avoid it. Well if so you take the initiative. Tell us instead what you think will help the community. How we can avoid stupid clans quarrels in clan forums? But you guys are far more interested in what comando has to say.
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25.08.2014 - 10:05
First of all, i dont belive in american dream i think its an illusion. Secondly, you dont even know what job i do xD. There might be only 2-3 people in AW that know that and thats it. But if you want keep going talkin shit thats all you greeks do ![]()
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31.08.2014 - 10:29
Minus, I mainly agree with everything you say... but if i haven't really spoken in this forum is because i find it useless in most times. There's a lot of people here, each one has his own opinion and own wishes. It's imposible to make them all be just the same kind, respectful, polite and nice person we would all love to meet. If you could unite all the "nice" people in this game in just one clan, it would be the smallest of all
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
31.08.2014 - 12:04
Support this one^
31.08.2014 - 14:48
Thanks, it's nice to see that at least somebody does thinks the same. I'd just like to add one little thing: we high ranks should be the perfect example to low ranks, if they see that high ranks are just morons, they'll think it's cool and act just the same. And i've already met more than a... let's just say "not nice" high rank.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
31.08.2014 - 14:58
Dont support this one ^. The actitude of a person comes from his life, not from a game. If he is bad then he will also be bad in-game. This can't be charged on any way. sorry
31.08.2014 - 15:10
Well, if new poeple in the game just see old players being assholes... they wont feel stupid when being assholes, that's my opinion. Peer pressure can be strong
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
02.09.2014 - 07:50
If you have a good actitude in your home and your real life, trust me, you wont charge it for a game. There is nothing to do with people's or clan's acttitude as they come from external source (real life) and we just can't help it. The best way is to either follow MK's neutrality or stay indifferent to whatever happen between clans.
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