18.12.2016 - 12:41 So this guy is claiming liberals have low T. His proof is two unrelated studies regarding altruism and he made up some boggus correlation between being altruistic, being liberal, and having low T.. He claims that because liberals tend to be more altruistic and since altruistic people have lower Testosterone, thus liberals have low T He links this study http://www-news.uchicago.edu/releases/03/altruism.pdf Here is my proof debunking his claim that "Liberals have low testosterone" My claim is Republicans and conservatives if anything have just as much if not more problems with low T than liberals. Here are some biology and facts about Low T taken from WebMD and MayoClinic Low testosterone or Hypogonadism is when someone has less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) of testosterone. Hypogonadism is caused by these factors among others. It is also caused by old age since testosterone production decreases with age. Injury to the testicles Testicular and prostate cancer or treatment for them. Hormonal disorders Infection HIV/AIDS Chronic liver or kidney disease Type 2 diabetes Obesity Symptom of low T are Erectile Dysfunction Low libido I claim that low T is also very prevalent in right wingers (republican) because of these reasons: Statistics show that risks factors for Hypogonadism is very prevalent in republican states. Risk factors include, Testicular cancer, HIV/AIDS, Liver disease, Diabetes and Obesity. Republican and right wing voters tend to be in the older age groups compared to democrats and left wingers. Because of how common these risk factors are in southern states, low T in turn is more prevalent in them. Due to the previous points, the majority of low testosterone treatment centers are located primarily in republican states. ============================================================================================================================================= Lets start with Diabetes and Obesity. This one is clear cut, Southern states and thus right wing states have higher incidence of both. Here is a study linking Diabetes to low T http://press.endocrine.org/doi/abs/10.1210/jc.2004-0804 http://notunlikeresearch.typepad.com/something-not-unlike-rese/2011/07/mapping-us-obesity-diabetes-and-changes-in-life-expectancy.html Next up is HIV/AIDS According to the Centers for Disease control, southern states have more incidence of HIV/AIDS https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/library/reports/hiv-surveillance.html https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pdf/library/reports/surveillance/cdc-hiv-surveillance-report-2015-vol-27.pdf Most of the top 25 US cities with HIV/AIDS are right wing states According to the National Kidney Foundation, kidney diseases are also more prevalent https://www.kidney.org/news/newsroom/nr/KD_StateHardHit According to the American Cancer Society, Prostate cancer is also higher in southern states. https://cancerstatisticscenter.cancer.org/?_ga=1.185353196.470176900.1482085647#/cancer-site/Prostate ================================================================================================================================================ Republican states have higher incidences of risk factors for Hypogonadism which means they have higher cases of low T. In addition to this, outside of Republican states. Right wing and republican voters occupy the older demographics in the USA. Age is also linked to low testosterone because less testosterone is produced as you age. A larger demographic of right wingers are in the older generation which have more cases of low T compared to the younger demographics. The effects of all of this can easily be seen when you simply look up for low testosterone treatment centers in the USA https://lowtcenter.com/locations/ ================================================================================================================================================ So "Lelm" who has more proof. You who is claiming correlation between two studies Study 1: Left wingers are more altruistic Study 2: Altruism may be linked to low testosterone Or me > Risk factors for low T is higher in right wing states > Low T treatment centers are mostly in right wing states In the famous words of Alberto Brandolini I await your rebuttal Lelm.
18.12.2016 - 12:53
I was going to put a trigger warning but sadly my father was killed by a handgun. So triggers trigger me. I hope you bear with me through these tough times
18.12.2016 - 13:14
Tldr after first two paragraphs. The diference is in a culture, it's not biological. It's starts at a young age when you begin to explore and learn how to live life, a liberal chases there child around with a rag and milk making sure no harm comes to them. Conservitives teache life lessons and skills so that child themselves will have the skills and knowledge to do good or bad. Neither way is wrong as kids are unpredictable and will skull fuck you anyways but it plants the roots of how they will begin to make decisions later on. Later comes social engineering in public education where ideas dreams hates fears and enjoyments are shared through public education, this brings me back to the way they where raised before, it dictates a degree of those things and how they interact with other kids. We are pack animals and it is natural to wish to conform for acceptance and later reproduction. It's a one two combo that after upwards of 16 years of education if you go to college it can create entirely diferent human beings with alien ideologies.
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
19.12.2016 - 14:11
Please explain why would you even bother with this
---- Someone Better Than You
19.12.2016 - 15:08
30.01.2017 - 17:19
As usual, the Liberal fails to see the most obvious reason for these stats and the most obvious correlation. What are the demographics of these areas with high obesity, diabetes and AIDS? I give to you: Occams Razor. Checkmate, bub. & yes, Liberals males do have lower T imo. Effeminacy is rampant among liberal males as well as higher levels of transsexualism and homosexuality which are linked to higher rates of estrogen. But in all fairness, this is a growing problem across the West. They are definitely putting something in the water or the combination of processed foods.
30.01.2017 - 18:01
You are only semi-correct, you seem to overlook the fact that the low T treatment center locations actually dodges around the red areas of high black populations. Occams razor is good for when your view of the world is black and white and lacks necessary nuances.
30.01.2017 - 18:14
Which is why I specified obesity, diabetes & aids.
It's also the most obvious answer. Nuances are only required when Occam's razor is eliminated from the equation which in these cases it clearly hasn't. I don't think the location of Low T centers means anything, especially considering the fact that many leftists consider effeminacy to be a positive thing. It could easily be argued that this issue is nationwide and only Republicans are recognizing it. Who knows what some scummy company is dumping in the water? It's a complicated subject but it is very reasonable to suggest that liberal minded politics does lead to a more effeminate society and population. Socially conservative policies don't create places like San Francisco. Liberal politics do. If you squeak like a rodent while demanding all guns are banned and all taxes be raised while living off student loans, it's safe to assume you're a Liberal. Modern Liberalism despises masculinity.
30.01.2017 - 19:59
I bought a farm year ago, cleaning pig shit since then, does my T rise? I'm already used to smell by now, did i became redneck already?
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
30.01.2017 - 22:15
First off, i'm sure you cherry picked your map from the 1990 census to prove your point. Try this one that uses 2010 census data and goes by states https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_African-American_population The highest percentage of black in a state is 37.30% Your map tricks people into thinking some states are literally 86.12% blacks. I'm Sure you cherry picked it just to show that. Considering blacks don't make up the majority of the population like yours seem to show with it's 14.63% to 86.12% and entire states being blacked out by red dots. Your arguments about the obesity and disease being a result of the black population is valid to a much less extent. I also love how you use occam's razor to back your point but ignore the fact that it reinforces some of my point too. You failed miserably to mention the fact that 1) Despite the black population which you stereotypically assume to be almost all democrats, the fact remains that the southern state which has very high black populations ARE RIGHT LEANING STATES. My point is that republicans have the same problem with low T IF NOT MORE than the liberals you like to bash. So if said state is republican and has low T, occams razor states that republicans have low T issues too. Are you going to flip flop on your point about occams razor by trying to add nuance to this? 2) If a state has a large concentration of low T treatment center. Occams razor dictate that it must be because a disproportionate percentage of the state's populous has issues with low T. Funny how you conveniently ignore occams razor here. You only seem to use it when it fits your point.
30.01.2017 - 23:22
I love how the thread is basically arguing about whether liberals are sissies or not In case that's blurry the pic can be seen here
30.01.2017 - 23:43
30.01.2017 - 23:48
You cared enough to reply Also Idgaf about liberals and conservatives. Both of them are crazy hypocrites. I'm calling it like I see it.
31.01.2017 - 05:57
This thread is a mess. You have messed everything up, causations, premises and conclusion and the result is a salad. I know the subject very well since we covered it in detail in my physiology class. In simple terms, the main CAUSES of low-T in males are : - NO EXERCISE - BAD NUTRITION - STRESS The rest, like aids, cancer, testicular damage and etc are irrelevant not only because its a small portion of the population, not only because we cant really change them ( need medication) but because we dont care about them. The sick will be sick, the disabled, disabled and the muslim, a muslim. So in reality it all leads to this : - Wanna be a fat fuck who dont exercise? ( anaerobic exercise promotes T production, general hormone balance and fires up your metabolism) - Wanna be a fat fuck who eat junk and shit all the time? ( nutrition is related directly to low T production and indirectly from blood pressure, insulin resistance and fat cells composition and function. Diabetes and metabolic syndromes in essence are LOW-T) - Wanna be a badass macho tard smoking and drinking beer? (if you want to make sure you destroy your erection start smoking today, as for alchohol its a testicular toxin that has been shown in studies to decrease T levels and dont get me started about beer. Such manly to drink beer. TARDS. Beer's hops and barley are very very potent phytoestrogen, if you drink alot of beer you might as well switch to female hormone therpy and become a trannny) -Stress ---> Unfortunately this can hit anyone. And i mean anyone. I myself have been suffering by this, even though i am a fit god who take good care of myself, not much can be done about it. High stress increase the stress hormone, cortisol, which in turn blocks Testosterone. CONCLUSION: If you put aside aids and injures cause irrelevant and stress as universal then all you have to do is to make the connection of ---> basicly fat fucks and people who dont take care of themselves and heavy drinkers with their political views ---> to reach the conclusion of who has less T, liberals or conservatives.
31.01.2017 - 06:34
You even lasted that long... It was only 2 words for me. Even readed more of khal's posts than the main post xa.
31.01.2017 - 09:43
Fake... muslims are brown, not white. sarcasm for noobs who don't get it and have no knowledge about political divisions and thei stereotypical views
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
31.01.2017 - 09:57
Damn we're a lot alike...
31.01.2017 - 13:26
While there is some meaningful discussion, it is worth noting that the Southern U.S. has a differing culture from the rest of the nation, which includes but is not limited to diet. This being said, there is a correlation between high blood pressure and the occurrence of E.D.
One thing worth noting is that if your statement about liberalism and homosexuality is true, maybe its not because they are more liberal. A more plausible and likely answer is that they are more likely to consider themselves liberal/Democrats, who represent them better, rather than conservative/Republican, who sometimes reject the LGBT community.
---- #UniBoycott
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