Samnang החשבון נמחק |
01.08.2011 - 16:35 Samnang החשבון נמחק
So right now there are over 15000 registered afterwind accounts, but most are inactive. At any given time there is between 50 to 80 players online...most of which are the same usual people every day? How can we spread the word? Just letting you know, Minecraft spread through word of mouth, and eventually sold 3 million units.
01.08.2011 - 17:38
Google ads? maybe post a more fun to watch vid on youtube? thats how a lot of games do it maybe more Actiony
---- "Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword" -Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
Samnang החשבון נמחק |
01.08.2011 - 17:38 Samnang החשבון נמחק
Well, i'd hate to suggest this, but maybe viral marketing
01.08.2011 - 18:01
Well, right now with the developers taking holiday may not be the best time for an ad blitz, but I am glad to see some players that are eager to spread the word. Anything you can think of to help is great.
01.08.2011 - 19:02
A few months ago I emailed 'GameInformer' about Afterwind. They never replied. ![]()
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
Samnang החשבון נמחק |
01.08.2011 - 19:59 Samnang החשבון נמחק
Glad to help. I know the developers have spent alot of time and effort into this game, and it's a shame to see it be ignore by a large audience.
01.08.2011 - 21:31
Gameinformer cares about big games so yeah a small browser game doesnt interst them and Viral Marketing is really ONLY way this game is getting any new players unless the creators got connections with big name webistes no way
---- "Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword" -Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
01.08.2011 - 21:34
Enlighten me what is viral marketing?
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
01.08.2011 - 23:26
Viral Marketing is lets look at Black Ops,its the biggest game of the year a lot of work to make commercials badass and it grows the hype to get the game same with MW3 and BF3 but black ops was shit but sold cause its COD and viral marketing so point is post a vid on youtube thats like i said before more fun to watch like maybe a couple of Marines taking over a city in a real life simulation but point is this game wont get more peaple unless they go ad crazy or post more and better youtube vids
---- "Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword" -Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
02.08.2011 - 01:41
Think Blair Witch Project. Damn, am I dating myself here?
02.08.2011 - 04:06
Viral marketting is making a lot of videos that leave the user a bit confused and wanting to know more.
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
02.08.2011 - 05:19
Well... I play a game called ROBLOX (Yes, I play a kids, game, but the stuff they talk about is NOT kid friendly) Anyways, I could tell users to join.... Theres are about 5 million registered users, and a crapload of users on the forums.
---- ![]()
Samnang החשבון נמחק |
02.08.2011 - 08:56 Samnang החשבון נמחק
Advertising by simply mentioning. If you wrote a facebook post saying "Oh man i love playing Afterwind", that would be viral marketing. Making threads on forums or imageboards (you know the one) has helped alot of games sell. And best of all Afterwind is free so it should be easy to viral market
02.08.2011 - 09:16
So it's basically the word of mouth in electronic form. This must encompass the AW players having multiple connections so the marketing can be viral.
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
02.08.2011 - 10:17
I made an Afterwind thread on 4chan's /int/ aaxaxaxaxax
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
Samnang החשבון נמחק |
02.08.2011 - 10:34 Samnang החשבון נמחק
If you're going to make threads, make them on /tg/ or /v/
Samnang החשבון נמחק |
02.08.2011 - 12:00 Samnang החשבון נמחק ![]() This game really needs more players
03.08.2011 - 10:05
I agree that we need more players. @Some players: Avoid turning threads into personnal chats please, use PM's instead.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
03.08.2011 - 10:40
Viral advertising on 4chan may not be the best option, since a lot of the people I try to get to come here are put off by the fact there is such a massive community from it for whatever reason. Spam your FB statuses with 'i love afterwind it's better than sex' and open any IM convos with 15 links to the website. Your friends will hate you, but a few of them will probably click on it (for extra points, throw in a random link to something really disturbing).
---- Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
06.08.2011 - 10:28
You actually do all this stuff? XD
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
08.11.2011 - 11:51
Most users here are from *chans... /int/, /v/, /pol/, and /tg/ will probably like it. I, myself, came from /v/.
---- yer a dong
06.12.2011 - 01:50
I was doing some casual browsing on youtube when I came across this. After reading the description, I imeediately thought of Afterwind and the discussion about creating a viral video. This video has over 14 MILLION hits and it is pure crap. Underhanded? Maybe. Effective? Quite. Read the description. At the moment, we have 2 promotional videos on youtube with an accumulated 33,000+ hits. Just some food for thought (or your video making expertise ![]()
---- ~
Viralmarketeer החשבון נמחק |
06.12.2011 - 05:28 Viralmarketeer החשבון נמחק
I can do it.
06.12.2011 - 18:35
I have gotten 10 people in my school to join, 8 of them regularly play. The word is continuously spreading.
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