13.01.2022 - 18:36
Can you create create a mobile system that would work if they shut down the internet? Would you be able to come up with another way to transfer information from one person to another without the use of the internet? If not what could you create that's secure to transfer data from one person to another without using the internet? I'd prefer something that could be utilized in data and information transfer if they shut down the cellphones and internet. Could you possibly come up with some sort of backup system without needing the internet or cellphones use, like a private application that can run without the internet possibly?
14.01.2022 - 06:29
Yes I recently founded a startup that will address this very issue. My business provides lending options for luddites. This approach should encourage disruptive innovation in the digital space and I am optimistic that this could address internet problems
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
15.01.2022 - 07:46
would be interested in joining my organization?
15.01.2022 - 10:20
This thread feels like a conversation between two AIs programmed to act like humans.
15.01.2022 - 16:57
Yes. I would like to join your organization.
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
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