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הודעות: 10   בוקר על ידי: 55 users
10.04.2012 - 22:30
Would it be possible to create "amphibious" units that could traverse water and land?

Not just simply adding in another unit that acts like an air unit, but giving it special properties, such as

  • Must end the turn on a land section or else suffers a large DEF penalty
  • Cannot engage naval units at sea
  • Has a movement penalty in water (I think this might be a little too awkward to code in, as it would change the shape of the movement circle)

It would add a nice element to have amphibious vehicles sprucing up a water-bordering-country's opening. These units would probably cost more, perhaps the same as marines or even higher, but perhaps a strat could be implemented (similar to MoS) which would be based around amphibious units. Imagine a Sweden "Amphibious" opening, perhaps able to take poland, finland, latvia, lithuania, or estonia without buying a transport.
Qui non proficit, deficit. UCR 5/5/11-2/14/12. 6/17/12 - Coniunctum, sumus invicta.
10.04.2012 - 22:47
This sounds quite interesting, as it would add a whole new dynamic and area of strategy for the game. If the admins or someone else can find an appropriate unit to fit the title, i'm all for this.
10.04.2012 - 22:54
Qui non proficit, deficit. UCR 5/5/11-2/14/12. 6/17/12 - Coniunctum, sumus invicta.
11.04.2012 - 09:16
Sort of like hover craft transports? Transport on land or sea but the attack and defense suck... That could work.
~My plump juicy breasts are none of your god damn business~
11.04.2012 - 09:59
This idea is awesome. It should be able to capture cities too, of course, or it would be just like bombers if you think about it (can go over any territory whether sea or land and cannot take cities), with the exception of the inability to engage naval units.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
12.04.2012 - 01:33
I think you should make it very effective against infantry,but ineffective against tanks,as it holds a grenade launcher and a machine gun (altough M16's can somehow break tons of armour)
12.04.2012 - 23:03

13.04.2012 - 22:27
Or Marines, units specifically designed for amphibious assaults, could be one of these units?

That sounds like a viable option...
14.04.2012 - 14:42
נכתב על ידי goodnames679, 13.04.2012 at 22:27

Or Marines, units specifically designed for amphibious assaults, could be one of these units?

That sounds like a viable option...

Marines already have a usage in this game, plus amphibious vehicles can travel further.
Qui non proficit, deficit. UCR 5/5/11-2/14/12. 6/17/12 - Coniunctum, sumus invicta.
14.04.2012 - 15:29
I actually rethought this and I don't like the idea. It would be acceptable as a rare unit for me, but that's about it. I really don't think a amphibious unit would be a major change to the game, and neither do I think I would use it that much any ways...
~My plump juicy breasts are none of your god damn business~

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