תשיג מנוי כדי להסתיר את כל מודעות הפרסום
הודעות: 28   בוקר על ידי: 90 users
31.05.2016 - 19:08
Since Darkmace accuses ENIGMA (?!) because of CW between Croatian Legion and Tunders Hegemony, I want to clear some things he obviously don't understand.

As you know, ENIGMA has it's CWing rules, as every atWar clan has.
No one from ENIGMA ever played on alt account or ghosted for another player, neither took a ghost to play on any of ENIGMA's accounts, so it's members, including me, don't want similiar things to happen from their opponents. It's clear as water and there is nothing to discuss more about it.

As you also may know, I made a begginer coalition - Croatian Legion with one and only target - to introduce begginers in CWs and raise level of CW activity between newbies from various coalitions. Same did Tunder with his Tunder Hegemony.

1 day ago I recieved message from Tunder (he can confirm every mine word) would I mind to make a CW with my coalition to play against his newbs, including the fact they will probably lose, since it is the end of season and he wants (as I do) to introduce them how the real CWs work. I had 1 man online in my coalition and we agreed I would play too against them, just to teach them base things for CWs (as respecting opponent, saying 'gl hf', how to wall, how Elo thing works with clans and etc..).
Also I got a message from Tunder he will explain to everyone if someone attacks me (or anything I am connected with), as Darkmace did, because that CW was his wish. You can check that only CW mine and Tunder's begginer coalitions did is that one CW from yesterday, season ends in few hours and no one won anything from it, neither anyone lost anything from it. We just shown those guys the way how the competitive scene works.

But, well, hell yeah, there problems started. Now ENIGMA is biased because I did that CW with Tunder's coalition through my alt (Tunder knew it, as I said we made a deal just to take that practicing CW for them), but on the other side ENIGMA don't CW another coalitions who use alternative accounts.
Also, the most silly thing is that he doesn't understand that Croat 2 is NOT member of Enigma, neither it CWs against ENIGMA or any other high ranked competitive coalition, but The Underdogs, Tunders Hegemony or similiar clans with lower rank newb players.

For conclusion, I may sound too direct, but I want these enforcers of nonexistent justice who played 0 (yes, 0) to stop their unbased accusations against ENIGMA, because nothing wrong was done, neither it has any single connection with ENIGMA.
I don't search you to love ENIGMA, but I won't let you to shit talk around something you don't and seems you can't understand.

31.05.2016 - 19:33
"But, well, hell yeah, there problems started. Now ENIGMA is biased because I did that CW with Tunder's coalition through my alt (Tunder knew it, as I said we made a deal just to take that practicing CW for them), but on the other side ENIGMA don't CW another coalitions who use alternative accounts.
Also, the most silly thing is that he doesn't understand that Croat 2 is NOT member of Enigma, neither it CWs against ENIGMA or any other high ranked competitive coalition, but The Underdogs, Tunders Hegemony or similiar clans with lower rank newb players."

So you admit in this rant that ENIMGA is biased but yet you made the rant to prove that they are not? I really do not care that you did it to, "help the competitive scene" or "train noobs". The point is you did it and you are allowed to do so by ENIGMA but when Aqollo (a player form another clan) attempts to do the same exact things you did except the players were simply more skilled he is not allowed? Where is the logic in that?

Now we have two confirmations of ENIGMA having a bias:
1) Croat (in this thread)
2) GoW (me speaking to GoW a few hours ago when I took that image that Croat has posted)

- Third message from the bottom -
Feel free to add more "proof" ENGIMA. What you did to Aqollo was semi-justified/okay since it was a "clan rule". That all changed the moment you began showing your own members an "okay" around the rule that they can use their alts to do the same thing (against another clan). The very same thing that they do not condone them selves is when this became an issue for me.

This is not an attack on ENIGMA players, but the ENIMGA's rules + bias.
Be Humble
31.05.2016 - 19:57
נכתב על ידי Darkmace, 31.05.2016 at 19:33

When I know I'm right I will take as much heat as I need to in order to prove my point. What you did to Apollo was semi-justified/okay since it was a "clan rule". That all changed the moment you began showing your own members an "okay" around the rule that they can use their alts to do the same thing (against another clan). The very same thing that they do not condone them selves is when this became an issue for me.

Thinking you are right when you don't know you are wrong is bad thing.
Croat 2 is not part of ENIGMA. Croat 2 is part of Croatian Legion.
Tunders Hegemoney has its rules. Tunder is their leader who agreed (and asked) for a CW against Croatian Legion with Croat 2 playing for them.

Croat 2 would never be able to play Enigma because of Enigma's rules.
Croat 2 is able to play against Tunders Hegemony because of Tunders Hegemony's rules.

Do I need to draw this to you so you finally get how much 2+2 is?

More clear now or I miss some flowers?

31.05.2016 - 20:00
Agreed Darkmace...
31.05.2016 - 20:03
 Witch-Doctor (מנהל)
נכתב על ידי Croat, 31.05.2016 at 19:57

נכתב על ידי Darkmace, 31.05.2016 at 19:33

When I know I'm right I will take as much heat as I need to in order to prove my point. What you did to Apollo was semi-justified/okay since it was a "clan rule". That all changed the moment you began showing your own members an "okay" around the rule that they can use their alts to do the same thing (against another clan). The very same thing that they do not condone them selves is when this became an issue for me.

Do I need to draw this to you so you finally get how much 2+2 is?

More clear now or I miss some flowers?

31.05.2016 - 20:05
נכתב על ידי Witch-Doctor, 31.05.2016 at 20:03


y, right. Croat is not my main, but r3 Ace

31.05.2016 - 20:07
נכתב על ידי Croat, 31.05.2016 at 19:57

I will not argue with you, you are more stubborn than I am. Then you will not understand that everything you argue for the "Croat 2" account applied to Aqollo's case too. So when Aqollo was in Epic Clan - does that mean that it's okay to hold the "no alt rule" against him, but when A MEMBER OF ENIGMA themselves does it, "oh its okay, as long as it wasn't versing ENIGMA".

"Be the change you want to see in the world".
If you want others to accept that ENIGMA will not duel "alts", than they can not go ahead and make alts to farm lower ranks.

Stop trying to use silly childish humor (that flower image) to make this seem like "its all cool I'm right". You are not right you are wrong. ENIMGA is infact bias because you admit it your self (refer to my first post), and so did GoW (again, refer to my first post).

Now until you have something new and thoughtful to add why it was okay for you to use an alt vs another clan, but when Aqollo does it to you it's not okay. Feel free to quote me.
Be Humble
31.05.2016 - 20:08
נכתב על ידי Witch-Doctor, 31.05.2016 at 20:03

Royal is not my main

Been playing in Royal for nearly a year. You forgot completely about Aqollo until yesterday. No one knows you by the name of Aqollo. You've played as many games in Royal as you had in Aqollo.

Fuck sake, no wonder we consider Aqollo your alt. You are not in the skill level of a rank 8, for crying out loud!

Why can't I state that my main is a rank 5 then?? I started on it and then went full active on this one but who cares right? I started on the rank 5 thus I am rank 5. Therefore I should be partnered against another rank 5 in a cw. Yes or no?
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

31.05.2016 - 20:08
 Witch-Doctor (מנהל)
נכתב על ידי Croat, 31.05.2016 at 20:05

נכתב על ידי Witch-Doctor, 31.05.2016 at 20:03


y, right. Croat is not my main, but r3 Ace

WOah there. Big difference.

1a. R3 versus r10 for Croat.
1b. R8 vs r10 for Aqollo

2a. I played Aqollo first since I began atwar and only recently switched over for ROYAL. I've been royal for less than a year. I've been aqollo for idk 3 years?
2b. Croat2 was created after croat attained r9 after years of playing.

נכתב על ידי RaulPB, 31.05.2016 at 20:08

נכתב על ידי Witch-Doctor, 31.05.2016 at 20:03

Royal is not my main

Been playing in Royal for nearly a year. You forgot completely about Aqollo until yesterday. No one knows you by the name of Aqollo. You've played as many games in Royal as you had in Aqollo.

Fuck sake, no wonder we consider Aqollo your alt. You are not in the skill level of a rank 8, for crying out loud!

Why can't I state that my main is a rank 5 then?? I started on it and then went full active on this one but who cares right? I started on the rank 5 thus I am rank 5. Therefore I should be partnered against another rank 5 in a cw. Yes or no?

1a R5 versus r10 for Raul
1b R8 vs r10 for Aqollo
31.05.2016 - 20:15
 Witch-Doctor (מנהל)
נכתב על ידי RaulPB, 31.05.2016 at 20:13

נכתב על ידי Darkmace, 31.05.2016 at 20:10



Calm down, it doesn't matter what account I play with versus enigma, you lose both ways. Why not play the r8 since you OBVIOUSLY know who i'm at this point since you stand a better chance.
31.05.2016 - 20:15
Too much to read. How about we all just get along.
31.05.2016 - 20:20
 Witch-Doctor (מנהל)
נכתב על ידי RaulPB, 31.05.2016 at 20:17

נכתב על ידי Witch-Doctor, 31.05.2016 at 20:15

Calm down, it doesn't matter what account I play with versus enigma, you lose both ways. Why not play the r8 since you OBVIOUSLY know who i'm at this point since you stand a better chance.

Then do you mind telling me why didnt you fucking say something before going in public against an entire clan and all its people for not having warned us about it? Pls, tell me why and I might consider keep answering you.

Based on prior experiences with ENIGMA, I feel unsatisfied with your "customer service".
When I tried to get you people to play critical, I offered the following
1. Tie for any dc or weird shit (No exceptions).
2. Crit will not post anything inflammatory in chat towards you.

I thought I was being incredibly reasonable at the time with my proposal but ENIGMA still declined.

You honestly expect me to get down on my knees and beg ENIGMA to let somebody play again?
31.05.2016 - 20:21
נכתב על ידי Darkmace, 31.05.2016 at 20:17

you know what? FU. Be all the stubborn you want. I don't give a fuck anymore. If you cant understand a simple sentence like "Aqollo is not enigma" then I don't have faith in you anymore.

Nothing against Aqollo (or Royal, I respect him), but you dumbass, Aqollo gone to play against Enigma, Croat 2 not, he played Tunders Hegemony.
You mixed stories so hard, think twice before you go into discussion about something you never ever were part of

31.05.2016 - 20:24
 Witch-Doctor (מנהל)
נכתב על ידי RaulPB, 31.05.2016 at 20:22

נכתב על ידי Witch-Doctor, 31.05.2016 at 20:20

You honestly expect me to get down on my knees and beg ENIGMA to let somebody play again?

Are you kidding me? Is this the answer to my question? Did you actually read my simple question? If you're gonna be so proud and not even bother to read it nor answer it (cause I'm sure you don't have an excuse), why begging us for cw? Didn't you just say you weren't going to beg us? Get lost, I'm done here.

Simply put
1st time I interacted with ENIGMA I went out of my way to be reasonable by offering ties for DC with no exception and keeping critical from flaming you in the chat.
I got declined.

I rather not go through the same again and find out I need to give an arm and a leg to ENIGMA in order for you to play me.
31.05.2016 - 20:29
נכתב על ידי Darkmace, 31.05.2016 at 20:26

CROAT 2 = CROAT... Why do I have to spell everything out for you? Just because I have an R4 alt, does not mean I'm not the same player on the alt does it? Use logic before you speak.



Rename yourself to Dumbmace, please, it suits you more

31.05.2016 - 20:33
 Witch-Doctor (מנהל)
נכתב על ידי RaulPB, 31.05.2016 at 20:28

נכתב על ידי Witch-Doctor, 31.05.2016 at 20:24

I rather not go through the same again and find out I need to give an arm and a leg to ENIGMA in order for you to play me.

So instead of asking, since you so eagerly claim not be on an alt, you simply insulted a whole clan to try and get away with it? Was is that hard to simply say that "No, I am not an alt, I quit Royal a couple hours ago"?

Since your answer is obviously yes, I repeat, get lost. You offended me and probably and entire clan for such bullshit.

Why is ENIGMA so special that it is immune to criticism?

Ive seen plenty of threads directed at other clans.

Note how I said against clans. My threads are towards a clan, not a specific person like you Raul, no need to take it so personally.
31.05.2016 - 20:37
נכתב על ידי Witch-Doctor, 31.05.2016 at 20:33

Why is ENIGMA so special that it is immune to criticism?

Ive seen plenty of threads directed at other clans.

Note how I said against clans. My threads are towards a clan, not a specific person like you Raul, no need to take it so personally.

Omg, Aqollo, you haven't answered a single question of mine. Yet, you still try to defend your public bashing on us when you had no reason whatsoever (yet you still keep bashing on us)... really dissapointed. You clearly stated to me with your answers that you rather bash on us instead of asking privately. I'm out.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

31.05.2016 - 20:46
נכתב על ידי Darkmace, 31.05.2016 at 20:35

We both know who's arguments made sense

So much sense, so sensitive arguments. Strong as rock, dumb as fuck

31.05.2016 - 20:50
נכתב על ידי Darkmace, 31.05.2016 at 20:35


Keep editing after you're already quoted to make your sense arguments even more sense arguments. Too much sense from you for today, I'm gonna call you Sensation.

31.05.2016 - 21:01
Croat is 100% right
31.05.2016 - 21:04
But in fact, Aqollo is a shared account. Just today when we were playing a 3v3 i asked Aqollo if he knew me because i always talked with ROYAL when we played scenarios, Aqollo told me he didn't knew who ROYAL was, and when confronted about his forum complain, he didn't knew anything about it. So obviously Aqollo is a shared account and the person playing that 3v3 was not the same person that made the complain.
31.05.2016 - 21:38
 Witch-Doctor (מנהל)
נכתב על ידי Tundy, 31.05.2016 at 21:04

But in fact, Aqollo is a shared account. Just today when we were playing a 3v3 i asked Aqollo if he knew me because i always talked with ROYAL when we played scenarios, Aqollo told me he didn't knew who ROYAL was, and when confronted about his forum complain, he didn't knew anything about it. So obviously Aqollo is a shared account and the person playing that 3v3 was not the same person that made the complain.

I was clearly being sarcastic during that 3v1 you had against me
31.05.2016 - 22:30
I'm sorry for the way I got "crazy" with a few of my comments. I have already apologized to Raul via PM, and now I will apologies to you guys on behalf of Raul and I for spamming this chat with unnecessary rude words. This apology does not change my opinion on this discussion, I simply got worked up.

As for Croat. It's not a coincidence that its always Croat vs ______ (mod/supporter/reg players). In this case it was me, and before me countless others (Lao, CE, Andertes, ect). I will leave it at that - if you make a thread directed to someone (me) try to have a real discussion like I initially attempted to do before you started to get off track with flowers, and constant rude statements towards me. Do you see how you kept saying it was rude of Aqollo to call out ENIGMA but you ended up doing the same to me?

- Darkmace
Be Humble
01.06.2016 - 01:09
החשבון נמחק
נכתב על ידי Tundy, 31.05.2016 at 21:04

But in fact, Aqollo is a shared account. Just today when we were playing a 3v3 i asked Aqollo if he knew me because i always talked with ROYAL when we played scenarios, Aqollo told me he didn't knew who ROYAL was, and when confronted about his forum complain, he didn't knew anything about it. So obviously Aqollo is a shared account and the person playing that 3v3 was not the same person that made the complain.

Dude stop using those Mexican drugs, you're going too high
01.06.2016 - 01:12
החשבון נמחק
The only thing I am wondering about is how Croat is still supporter and probably their leader, when he is spamming global with nazi stuff on non-English language and even made a neo nazi coalition, has nazi avatar... please. Who even lets this guy be there? When I write "k make duel" or some mistype on global or tell Chess dirty stuff, I get muted for 24h, let's not even talk about being supporter

Now back to the topic, how will R2s and R3s learn how to play CWs? By playing against R7s and R8s? Sure.
01.06.2016 - 05:19
נכתב על ידי Darkmace, 31.05.2016 at 22:30

I'm sorry for the way I got "crazy" with a few of my comments. I have already apologized to Raul via PM, and now I will apologies to you guys on behalf of Raul and I for spamming this chat with unnecessary rude words. This apology does not change my opinion on this discussion, I simply got worked up.

if you make a thread directed to someone (me) try to have a real discussion like I initially attempted to do before you started to get off track with flowers, and constant rude statements towards me. Do you see how you kept saying it was rude of Aqollo to call out ENIGMA but you ended up doing the same to me?

Just stop it. This is no apologies, this is a reiteration of the same you have been saying but with "prettier" words. It still is offensive and obnoxious.

You called out us first (just look at the ss of the cw), thus don't expect us to remain silent at your illogical accusations. There is no discussion to be done here, you have no idea what you're talking about yet you claim that Croat2 (an account in a different clan that has nothing to do with enigma) should follow the same rules as Croat (an account in our clan). This is retarded.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

01.06.2016 - 06:03
החשבון נמחק
Just stop with the threads. It only make things worse. You guys are all bunch of 20's years old right ? why act like a kid ? Just discuss this problem privately. Or some of you guys are really attention seeker that everything must be published on forum.There's nothing to prove here , just move on.
01.06.2016 - 07:04
נכתב על ידי Darkmace, 31.05.2016 at 22:30

As for Croat. It's not a coincidence that its always Croat vs ______ (mod/supporter/reg players). In this case it was me, and before me countless others (Lao, CE, Andertes, ect). I will leave it at that - if you make a thread directed to someone (me) try to have a real discussion like I initially attempted to do before you started to get off track with flowers, and constant rude statements towards me. Do you see how you kept saying it was rude of Aqollo to call out ENIGMA but you ended up doing the same to me?

Oh, you didn't... Wait, you really did.....
You really mentioned my discussion with Lao about Blitz nerf as my problem with him. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?
Also, why you even mentioned CE or Pavle, I have better relations with them, even while we were poking each other, than you have with anyone here. I know you like to put your nose everywhere, but that's not your business and don't judge what you see that easily.

Btw, is this what you call your sense arguments?
Searching for irrelevant and non-existing problems from another person to cover yourself, who had more hanging with other players than anyone on AW in last 5 months. Including Skype too. You will stay forever one irrelevant narb from shadow, whatever you do here and whoever you attack or denounce with your crap attention seeking arguments. Go crawl back to your cave, I don't want to see your name connected with mine ever again. We are done here. Bye


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